Journalist Shot By Israeli Sniper -- Did She Have It Coming??

OMG We know now that what Israel said was not true. To do that is always suspicious. That is a beginning. Now thy need to do their best to get at the truth.
who is "WE" and what is it that your "WE KNOW"?
Maybe not. Are you suggesting she was killed by something other than a gun. Obviously Muslims like the burial asap. Something which is often delayed for a very long time as Israel keeps bodies to punish Palestinian's relatives of the dead.
how long have you been living under a rock?
The key to ID of the shooter is the BULLET. Guess
what.........muzzies started the islamic custom of
HOLDING ONTO BODIES. There was no reason to
release the body BEFORE the death was investigated
I am the only true independent poster on this entire forum
What evidence? No one is denying she was killed by being shot. Israel said they knew the Palestinians had killed her. There was no if or buts about it. Now we know that was not true,
try again----two opinions were put forward as to
who shot the lady
WE (normal persons) still don't know. In the USA
the hospital would not be able to release the body
pending investigation by a coroner
Israel is the only nation on earth that does everything possible to protect its citizens
how long have you been living under a rock?
The key to ID of the shooter is the BULLET.
Why then did Israel say who killed her before this had been determined?

what.........muzzies started the islamic custom of
HOLDING ONTO BODIES. There was no reason to
release the body BEFORE the death was investigated
Israel holding on to Palestinian bodies for years

More than a year after his son was killed by Israeli forces under disputed circumstances in the occupied West Bank, Mustafa Erekat is still seeking his remains.

It is one of the dozens of cases in which Israel is holding the remains of Palestinians killed in the fighting, citing the need to deter attacks and potentially exchange them for the remains of two Israeli soldiers held by the Palestinian group Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinians and human rights groups view the practice of holding bodies as a form of collective punishment that inflicts further suffering on bereaved families.

The Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Centre, a Palestinian rights group, says Israel is holding the bodies of at least 82 Palestinians since the policy was established in 2015. It says many are buried in secret cemeteries where the plots are only marked by plaques of numbers. Hamas holds the remains of the two Israeli soldiers killed during the 2014 Gaza conflict in an undisclosed location.

The Palestinians relatives no doubt will have lost their homes. A collective punishment first carried out by the British but done now by the Israelis to the Palestinians even though it is known it does not act as a deterrent.

"Shereen Abu Akleh, an al Jazeera reporter killed on Wednesday while covering an Israeli military raid in Jenin, was an American citizen, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides said. "Very sad to learn of the death of American and Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh," Nides tweeted. "I encourage a thorough investigation into the circumstances of her death and the injury of at least one other journalist today in Jenin." A U.S. embassy spokesperson in Jerusalem said Abu Akleh had covered issues in the Middle East and internationally for more than two decades and was "deeply respected by many Palestinians and others around the world".

Israeli forces were operating in the Jenin refugee camp and several other areas of the West Bank to apprehend "terror suspects," the military said. The Palestinian Health Ministry said Abu Akleh, 51, was hit in the head by live fire. A second reporter, Ali Samodi, sustained a gunshot wound to the back -- The Israeli military said in a statement that it was looking into "a possibility, now being looked into, that reporters were hit – possibly by shots fired by Palestinian gunmen."

From the footage, it is impossible to tell if she was killed by a sniper as witnesses have alleged...but it is safe to say that this woman got what she was she allowed to even become a US citizen if she is siding with Palestinians?? ..Lots of terrorist sympathizers try to help their terrorist friends by posing as a journalist....Apparently she has been doing this for 20 yrs and it has finally caught up with her.....Was she killed by her own terrorist friends or was she taken out by an Israeli sniper?? If she was taken out by Israelis, it is obviously justified...if she was killed by terrorists, that is just karma.

I actually like Al Jazeera ...
Sometimes they do good stuff

To bad they didn't plug someone from CNN or msnbc or fox
how long have you been living under a rock?
The key to ID of the shooter is the BULLET.
Why then did Israel say who killed her before this had been determined?

why did pali pigs do so? HOWEVER, so far I have
no definitive statement regarding WHO DONE IT
from Israel-----do you? Why did ANYONE refuse
an investigation and so QUICKLY bury the lady---NOT A CHRISTIAN CUSTOM

I have already put that up. It has been shown that what Israel said was not true so unless you cannot believe that, we know.
Palestinians refused to do a joint investigation and autopsy !!!
You’re a hateful man
Why then did Israel say who killed her before this had been determined?

why did pali pigs do so? HOWEVER, so far I have
no definitive statement regarding WHO DONE IT
from Israel-----do you? Why did ANYONE refuse
an investigation and so QUICKLY bury the lady---NOT A CHRISTIAN CUSTOM
Pales were firing wildly and hit her
. No Israeli fire in the area

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