Journalist Shot By Israeli Sniper -- Did She Have It Coming??

"Shereen Abu Akleh, an al Jazeera reporter killed on Wednesday while covering an Israeli military raid in Jenin, was an American citizen, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides said. "Very sad to learn of the death of American and Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh," Nides tweeted. "I encourage a thorough investigation into the circumstances of her death and the injury of at least one other journalist today in Jenin." A U.S. embassy spokesperson in Jerusalem said Abu Akleh had covered issues in the Middle East and internationally for more than two decades and was "deeply respected by many Palestinians and others around the world".

Israeli forces were operating in the Jenin refugee camp and several other areas of the West Bank to apprehend "terror suspects," the military said. The Palestinian Health Ministry said Abu Akleh, 51, was hit in the head by live fire. A second reporter, Ali Samodi, sustained a gunshot wound to the back -- The Israeli military said in a statement that it was looking into "a possibility, now being looked into, that reporters were hit – possibly by shots fired by Palestinian gunmen."

From the footage, it is impossible to tell if she was killed by a sniper as witnesses have alleged...but it is safe to say that this woman got what she was she allowed to even become a US citizen if she is siding with Palestinians?? ..Lots of terrorist sympathizers try to help their terrorist friends by posing as a journalist....Apparently she has been doing this for 20 yrs and it has finally caught up with her.....Was she killed by her own terrorist friends or was she taken out by an Israeli sniper?? If she was taken out by Israelis, it is obviously justified...if she was killed by terrorists, that is just karma.

I wouldn't say she "had it coming" - but sadly being an investigative journalist, and putting yourself in the middle of a raid has certain risk.
Bro, IDF soldiers would never do something like just hate Jesus obviously
Chicken-shit Jews hate Christians, Cuz:auiqs.jpg:

"Shireen was a Palestinian Christian from Jerusalem.

She was very brave.

"She was a kind reporter.

"She had an infectious laugh.

"She gave voice to the struggles of Palestinians over a career spanning nearly three decades.

"During the height of the Intifada, she became a mainstay in every Palestinian home, to the extent that I recall Israeli soldiers going around Ramallah and mimicking her, shouting from their bullhorn her famous closing line, 'Shireen Abu Akleh, Al Jazeera, Ramallah.'"

"My understanding is that she was on assignment in Jenin, like you mentioned.

"I just watched an extended video of the incident, wherein Shireen was wearing a vest that was clearly marked 'press,' and she was wearing a helmet.

"I saw that the shot came through the back of her neck and out of her face.

"And she didn’t stand a chance"
Well, I can tell you that thanks to the good work of B’Tselem Israel has had to go back on its assertion that it was the Palestinians who killed this woman.

Israel’s military chief has walked back assertions made earlier that Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh may have been killed by stray bullets fired by Palestinian fighters.

Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi said it was now unclear who fired the shot that killed Abu Akleh on Wednesday in the occupied West Bank town of Jenin.
Releasing a video earlier on Wednesday showing Palestinians firing in an alley at the Jenin camp, the Israeli army said the video was meant to bolster its contention that armed Palestinians were firing in the area at the time

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett also shared a tweet with a video clip appearing to show armed Palestinian fighters who he said had claimed to have shot a soldier. Because no Israeli forces were hurt on Wednesday, he said that suggested the gunmen had shot a journalist instead.
However, the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem conducted its own research into the claims and released a video on Wednesday that cast doubt on the Israeli army’s narrative of the killing of the journalist.

B’Tselem wrote in a series of tweets that its field researcher in Jenin documented the exact locations in which the Palestinian fighter, depicted in a video distributed by the Israeli army, had fired the shots. The researcher also identified the exact location in which Abu Akleh was shot and killed.

“Documentation of Palestinian gunfire distributed by Israeli military cannot be the gunfire that killed Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh,” the organisation wrote in a tweet.

The organisation provided coordinates for the two locations, which appeared to be about 300 metres (330 yards) apart and separated by walls and buildings.
This lady works for a huge terrorist propaganda network
Palestinians killed her
Palestinians refused to work with Israel and immediately buried her

"Shereen Abu Akleh, an al Jazeera reporter killed on Wednesday while covering an Israeli military raid in Jenin, was an American citizen, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides said. "Very sad to learn of the death of American and Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh," Nides tweeted. "I encourage a thorough investigation into the circumstances of her death and the injury of at least one other journalist today in Jenin." A U.S. embassy spokesperson in Jerusalem said Abu Akleh had covered issues in the Middle East and internationally for more than two decades and was "deeply respected by many Palestinians and others around the world".

Israeli forces were operating in the Jenin refugee camp and several other areas of the West Bank to apprehend "terror suspects," the military said. The Palestinian Health Ministry said Abu Akleh, 51, was hit in the head by live fire. A second reporter, Ali Samodi, sustained a gunshot wound to the back -- The Israeli military said in a statement that it was looking into "a possibility, now being looked into, that reporters were hit – possibly by shots fired by Palestinian gunmen."

From the footage, it is impossible to tell if she was killed by a sniper as witnesses have alleged...but it is safe to say that this woman got what she was she allowed to even become a US citizen if she is siding with Palestinians?? ..Lots of terrorist sympathizers try to help their terrorist friends by posing as a journalist....Apparently she has been doing this for 20 yrs and it has finally caught up with her.....Was she killed by her own terrorist friends or was she taken out by an Israeli sniper?? If she was taken out by Israelis, it is obviously justified...if she was killed by terrorists, that is just karma.

She's Ameri
Still sad none the less.....

Also sad is the fact that without brave journalists like her -- all we would have to rely on is
government propaganda.....

And last I checked, that is bad....

Only when RW misinformation...She is American, Al-Jazeera is pro-American, racist boob. Israeli military suqs and so do Sharon and Netanyahu RW types...AJ has more foreign offices and reporters than US Media total.
Well, I can tell you that thanks to the good work of B’Tselem Israel has had to go back on its assertion that it was the Palestinians who killed this woman.

not clear because the muslims BURIED THE EVIDENCE.
When writing one should TRY to express the WHOLE
TRUTH . Your statement 'suggests' there is evidence that the IDF shot the reporter. ( C minus )
who? was it the girl's family or the .... uhm "PA" ?
proof ain't hard------PULL THE BULLET

Under the ground - in barely an hour.

I'm sure they've also notified the family that
it was a proper Muslim funeral and she was respected...

Under the ground - in barely an hour.

I'm sure they've also notified the family that
it was a proper Muslim funeral and she was respected...

it is OUTRAGEOUS. The body should not have been
USA------IT'S A CORONOR'S case
not clear because the muslims BURIED THE EVIDENCE.
When writing one should TRY to express the WHOLE
TRUTH . Your statement 'suggests' there is evidence that the IDF shot the reporter. ( C minus )
OMG We know now that what Israel said was not true. To do that is always suspicious. That is a beginning. Now thy need to do their best to get at the truth.
it is OUTRAGEOUS. The body should not have been
USA------IT'S A CORONOR'S case
Maybe not. Are you suggesting she was killed by something other than a gun. Obviously Muslims like the burial asap. Something which is often delayed for a very long time as Israel keeps bodies to punish Palestinian's relatives of the dead.
not clear because the muslims BURIED THE EVIDENCE.
When writing one should TRY to express the WHOLE
TRUTH . Your statement 'suggests' there is evidence that the IDF shot the reporter. ( C minus )
What evidence? No one is denying she was killed by being shot. Israel said they knew the Palestinians had killed her. There was no if or buts about it. Now we know that was not true,

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