Journalists Dumbfounded As There Were No Previous Signs Of Biden Declining Whatsoever

These guys have good days and bad days. Trump clearly had a good day. And he was fighting for his life. So I suspect Trump was on something that day. He is at all his rallies. Just like Hitler was secretly on drugs.

A week ago you guys said Biden was going to show up all hyped up. What happened? He had a bad day. Like the day Trump said Saudi Arabia and Russia ARUPIDO. Or when he thanked his IQ doctor but called him the wrong name. How embarrassing.

Would you tell us if Trump was in mental decline? Would you believe anyone if they told you he was losing it?
Most important right now is that Trump is blessed by the competition.

And Magas are shooting their own toes off by trying to move the situation along in July.

This is the clusterfk that the Dems need to fix in october!

And still, Gretchen is going to come down like a ton of bricks on Trump's ass.

I just hope that she doesn't like America's wars?
5-1 Biden isn't there at that time.

Well, he really hasn't "been there" since about 2018. :rolleyes-41:

I hope people realize what a liar Trump is. Biden is doing better than he did if you look at the numbers. Energy independent, low unemployment, monthly jobs numbers, inflation coming down, lowering the price of things, etc.

I hope America doesn't vote for the felon who appointed the most obviously corrupt Supreme Court EVER. So obvious. Drain the swamp? HA! So you can fill it with your own creatures sure.
I hope people realize what a liar Trump is. Biden is doing better than he did if you look at the numbers. Energy independent, low unemployment, monthly jobs numbers, inflation coming down, lowering the price of things, etc.

I hope America doesn't vote for the felon who appointed the most obviously corrupt Supreme Court EVER. So obvious. Drain the swamp? HA! So you can fill it with your own creatures sure.
Silly Booboo: Please FOAD as humanity would be better off for that happening.
This thread just goes to show that the Bee can make leftists as uncomfortable as Hitler's generals in the bunker.

I hope people realize what a liar Trump is. Biden is doing better than he did if you look at the numbers. Energy independent, low unemployment, monthly jobs numbers, inflation coming down, lowering the price of things, etc.

I hope America doesn't vote for the felon who appointed the most obviously corrupt Supreme Court EVER. So obvious. Drain the swamp? HA! So you can fill it with your own creatures sure.
Dude, the guy is in no shape to lead a country anywhere, no matter how often your stomp your feet and point at TRUJMP!.
Dude, the guy is in no shape to lead a country anywhere, no matter how often your stomp your feet and point at TRUJMP!.
He's doing just fine.

Trump is in no shape morally.

Let me give you a choice. A really old decent man or a sharp slick lying Hitler. Who would you pick?
His lies are primarily exaggerations. That has always been his Showman attitude.

Deal with facts. When Trump was in power there were no wars or terror attacks in the M.E. When Trump was in power the border was secure. When Trump was in power inflation was very low and that was after he dealt with Covid. When Trump was in power energy was flowing, gas was far cheaper as was housing and cost of living.

Don't blame those who like Trumps policies for having to support a guy who has personality issues. Blame the elite Establishment who have stolen and watched America go from sole super power to lawless nation in 30 years. THEIR policies are responsible for this decline. Haley or Romney wouldn't have changed course, Trump does.
All lies and spin and half truth. Shut up Canook. No one gives a fuck.

Hey dummy, Trump is the elite establishment. They aren't all in it together don't you get that? When Bush/Cheney were in charge, they weren't in cohoots with Obama.

Look at Joe Lieberman. A Democrat. But when Bush was President and he lied us into Iraq, suddenly Liebermann was sucking his cock like Ted Cruz sucks Donald Duck.

Whoever is in power is in charge of the swamp. And Trump was the most corrupt swamp creature. I can't believe he's back. Biden needs to drop out and we need to put Gretchen in.
And that one, being so close to election day, will tank Biden for good. His ineptitude will be fresh in everyone's mind when they go to vote.
I wonder seriously why Quid Pro would ever agree to another debate so close to the election, especially if TRUMP! manages to keep him in public. Is his ego really so big that he thinks he can pull it off?
And that one, being so close to election day, will tank Biden for good. His ineptitude will be fresh in everyone's mind when they go to vote.

Biden will be far better prepared and more energetic though and the left wing media will say "see, Biden is as sharp as a 50 year old!"

No one cares that WWIII could start within a couple of years and you might have a Commander in Chief who has cerebral issues. It's all about "win for the swamp Joe!"
Biden will be far better prepared and more energetic though and the left wing media will say "see, Biden is as sharp as a 50 year old!"

No one cares that WWIII could start within a couple of years and you might have a Commander in Chief who has cerebral issues. It's all about "win for the swamp Joe!"
To the left, it was just one debate they couldn't ignore. To the rest of the world, it's a long series of incidents showing a man in cognitive decline. Sure, he can have a few lucid moments, but do we really want a president who's sharp only a few times a month? The last I checked, our enemies don't agree to hostilities only between 10 am and 4 pm every third Tuesday.
To the left, it was just one debate they couldn't ignore. To the rest of the world, it's a long series of incidents showing a man in cognitive decline. Sure, he can have a few lucid moments, but do we really want a president who's sharp only a few times a month? The last I checked, our enemies don't agree to hostilities only between 10 am and 4 pm every third Tuesday.
Well said.

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