There Is No Question As To Who The Fascists Are.


How to avoid accidentally supping with a Nazi.

  1. Are any of your dinner guests old enough to have an SS, SA, or Wermacht service record or to have been members of the Nazi party? If the answer to this question is yes, you will want to verify nationality. If the dinner guest in question is German, a full background check is definitely required. If the dinner guest is from a country occupied by Germany during the war, verifying that the guest was not part of any collaborationist force is best practice.

  2. Have any of your dinner guests recently become famous for having given antisemitic speeches or public statements or for public advocacy of a hierarchy of the races? Have any of them used nuclear warfare metaphors to describe what they are going to do to Jews? If yes, formal membership in a Nazi organization may not be required for infamy to ensue. Proceed with extreme caution, particularly with respect to Question 5.
  3. Are any of your guests known to have endorsed the Führerprinzip, referred to any leader unironically as “Il Duce,” or used terms like “lebensraum” to refer to sovereign nations in Eastern Europe? If so, consider canceling the dinner.
  4. Have any of your guests discussed head measurements with you at any time? Do any of them carry a calipers?
  5. Are your guests bringing guests of their own? This is a particularly tricky area. One doesn’t want to be rude, after all. But many accidental Nazi dining incidents seem to happen not as a result of the primary dinner invitations but because of the secondary invitations, the guests bringing surprise guests of their own. You will want to verify that all of your guests have applied this checklist to each of their own guests. If they have not, you will want to do so yourself.
  6. Have any members of Congress been stripped of their committee assignments for associating with your guest? If yes, you will want to verify that this unfortunate legislative de-platforming took place for some reason other than that your guest is a Nazi.
  7. Does your guest do any of the following things with respect to the Holocaust: (1) deny that it took place? (2) endorse it? (3) acknowledge that something took place but argue about how many people were really killed? (4) argue about the means by which those people were really killed? (5) All of the above?
  8. Has your guest ever broached the subject of a “white homeland” or “white genocide” with you?
  9. Does your guest refer to individual non-Jews as “goyim” betraying no understanding that the term is a plural—and, specifically, a plural noun? In particular, does your guest use the word “goyim” as evidence of some insider awareness of Jewish racism? This is not necessarily evidence of Naziism, but it is almost always evidence of gross antisemitism. Consider the yellow light flashing on dinner.
  10. And finally, let’s not forget the obvious: Has your guest given a speech praising Adolph Hitler or Nazism? If so, you will want to check the text of the speech, of course to make sure that the praise is not a Big Lebowski-style back-handed drive-by, but it will likely be disqualifying.
No.......a fascist is a socialist, and the democrat party is the home of socialism in the U.S......

A socialist is not necessarily a fascist. A fascist is a authoritarian who takes away the rights of people. Republicans try to take away the rights of people such as free speech rights and voting rights or they make the right to vote useless. Women have already lost rights.
Trump was the target of censorship, and you Fascists.

  • Under Trump gasoline was about $1.80 a gallon….but you voted against that
  • Under Trump we were energy independent….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump 80% of illegal alien were kept in Mexico….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump inflation was 1.4%….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump crime was far lower, as were homicides….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump Iran was kept in a box….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump America had an airbase near both China and Iran….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump our President wasn’t on China’s payroll….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump cartels weren’t free to operate….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump government didn’t favor racism, CRT, gender mutilation….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have confiscatory tax policy….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have a government working with big tech to end free speech….but you voted against that.

  • You have proven to be one of the America-hating 5th columnists. Proud?

Congratulations. You got nothing right. You are the queen of treasonous traitors.
Why? You vote in opposition to the Constitution all the time, you Fascist.

. Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors 2of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

The 1954 federal Johnson Amendment prohibits a pastor from talking about candidates from the pulpit in light of Scripture. Thus, based on what a pastor says about an election from the pulpit, the tax code allows the government to tax a church. Consider that in light of the Internal Revenue Service's increasingly vague regulations, and you have a recipe for the censorship of religion. The IRS, through those vague regulations, reserves for itself tremendous discretion and power to decide which churches to punish for violations of the Johnson Amendment and which not to punish.”
Why don't churches pay taxes?

Any reading of the first amendment will prove this to be unconstitutional.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

"My Administration is also defending religious liberty, and that includes the Constitutional right to pray in public schools. In America, we do not punish prayer. We do not tear down crosses. We do not ban symbols of faith. We do not muzzle preachers and pastors. In America, we celebrate faith. We cherish religion. We lift our voices in prayer, and we raise our sights to the Glory of God!"

Trump, SOTU 2020

You are the one who ignores the Constitution. There is nothing unconstitutional about it. If you do not want to pay taxes then the government can set conditions. You do not have a constitutional right to pray in school during class time.
It was really cool to see our Fascist Government in action censoring and banning people for daring to speak the truth and exerting all of their power to rig the 2020 election for Joe Biden.

Trump supporters do not speak the truth. No one was banned. You can tell anyone you want on your phone and in person. You do not have the right to use social media.
About the same amount of copies Putin printed up for Obama, Clinton, Biden, FISA and The FBI of the Lying Dirty Dossier.
Only difference is, Hunter Biden's Laptop is real and contains evidence of MASSIVE INTERNAL Corruption and infiltration by Communist-Marxist-Fascist Moles and thousands of political crimes by Biden, Obama, Clinton and their cronies and Russian Collusion was a KGB lie used as a reason by those Anti-American Moles to overthrow our Democracy and overturn our elections. in a COUP called Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

Asa usual you are lying. The Russians supported Republicans in 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022. You are the ones who are trying to stage a coup and remove legally elected public officials with fake claims.
(People forget, if they ever knew it, that both Hitler and Mussolini began as socialists).

That is true, but obviously to both Hitler and Mussolini, that was only early populism in order to gain some notoriety.
Once they look popular enough, they both sold out and got bought off by the capitalists.
Neither Hitler nor Mussolini ever did a single socialist thing once they had any power at all.
They never nationalized a single industry, destroyed unions instead of helping them, provided no social services, etc.
Trump supporters do not speak the truth. No one was banned. You can tell anyone you want on your phone and in person. You do not have the right to use social media.

You do have an equal right to use any social media because the Internet was created and is run by the government, so then all social media provided have to abide by the fair use rules of the FCC.
The fact the FCC is overwhelmed, does not change what is legal.
Asa usual you are lying. The Russians supported Republicans in 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022. You are the ones who are trying to stage a coup and remove legally elected public officials with fake claims.
So Trump and Putin created Russian Collusion so Democrats could use it to get rid of Trump and Putin?

Please go see a psychologist.
A socialist is not necessarily a fascist. A fascist is a authoritarian who takes away the rights of people. Republicans try to take away the rights of people such as free speech rights and voting rights or they make the right to vote useless. Women have already lost rights.

No....fascism is socialism. The democrats are the ones who want to federalize elections, pack the supreme court, get rid of the electoral college, get rid of the Senate fillibuster....they have taken over the FBI, the DOJ, and they are colluding with the biggest tech companies to ban speech, and they illegally changed voting laws in various states to win in 2018.....the legislatures, not the governors were supposed to be in control of the voting rules.....the democrats ignored those rules in several states and the democrat party judges let them do it.....

You have no case.

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