There Is No Question As To Who The Fascists Are.

Joe was doing government work which was his job. If it was something sleazy like trump`s failed extortion attempt, we wouldn`t be able to watch it. How dumb are you? Never mind, the pedo Joe remark tells us all we need to know.
Joe extorted the firing of a prosecutor for money! All you need to know is Joe likes to shower inappropriately with his daughter and touch little kids!
About the same amount of copies Putin printed up for Obama, Clinton, Biden, FISA and The FBI of the Lying Dirty Dossier.
Only difference is, Hunter Biden's Laptop is real and contains evidence of MASSIVE INTERNAL Corruption and infiltration by Communist-Marxist-Fascist Moles and thousands of political crimes by Biden, Obama, Clinton and their cronies and Russian Collusion was a KGB lie used as a reason by those Anti-American Moles to overthrow our Democracy and overturn our elections. in a COUP called Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.
Sure pal, Just like the Obamagate investigation you said was going to expose everyone involved and put them all in jail......Same Old Shit. The Neo-GOP flock has the memory of a Goldfish. Same Cookie Cutter Recipe, one more time.
Poor Frankie. Obama demanded the prosecutor be removed or no loan guarantees from the US, the EU or the IMF to the Ukraine. Trumps buddies made up the rest about Joe's son.
Too much hairy man ass has clouded your mind. Everything about what Hunter and Joe Biden did in their Graft, Bribery and Extortion Enterprise, and Influence Selling Inc. is true.
Too much hairy man ass has clouded your mind. Everything about what Hunter and Joe Biden did in their Graft, Bribery and Extortion Enterprise, and Influence Selling Inc. is true.
You have a thing for hairy ass men, don't you? I mean you sure talk a lot about those men on here, a awful lot. You talk more about men and their hairy asses than anyone I've ever known. Is there something in your past that you want to come out with?
1.Fascism is a political/economic program that folds big business into the aims and agenda of the government.

“If there are fascists in America these days, they are apt to be found among the tribes of the left. They are Mr. Biden and his people (including the lion’s share of the media),
The evolution of their overprivileged emotions—their sentimentality gone fanatic—has led them, in 2022, to embrace Mussolini’s formula: “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” Or against the party. (People forget, if they ever knew it, that both Hitler and Mussolini began as socialists).

The state and the Democratic Party must speak and act as one, suppressing all dissent.

Brit Hume highlights WSJ piece arguing that Donald Trump and his followers are essentially antifascists

The whole "fascist" dig is pure projection from the Left.

2. “Fascism is therefore inherently opposed to free-speech (that is, any speech critical of the fascists) because it is the first line of defense against the implementation of it's political agenda, and so it becomes the first casualty at their hands. Under fascism free-speech was seen as an evil or immoral tool of liberalism and democracy which serves to manipulate the minds of the masses toward what they felt were somehow immoral or harmful political views and actions which detracted from their superior goals; it is summarily moral from the perspective of a fascist to silence the speech of political detractors.” On Fascism and Free Speech

3. "Elon Musk reveals Democrats lawmakers blasted Twitter for failing to censor MORE content after New York Post Hunter Biden laptop scandal - with lawmakers claiming 'free speech isn't absolute'​

  • Journalist Matt Taibbi Friday began publishing the internal Twitter documents
  • They showed the shocking political influence on content moderation at the site
  • Taibbi conducted his probe with the cooperation of new Twitter chief Elon Musk
  • Emails showed staffers censoring tweets at the behest of the Joe Biden's team
  • His campaign made requests for tweets to be taken down - and Twitter complied"
You are so fucking FULL OF SHIT! Trump crucifies anyone who disagrees with him, how more fascist is that? You name me one person that criticized Trump and he didn't go off! Just one you fuckin' bitch!
Fascism is shooting up power stations to shut down a drag show.

Normalization of violence for political purposes is a fascist trait.
Fascism is shooting up power stations to shut down a drag show.

Normalization of violence for political purposes is a fascist trait.

I wholly agree.





It was really cool to see our Fascist Government in action censoring and banning people for daring to speak the truth and exerting all of their power to rig the 2020 election for Joe Biden.
Wow, could you imagine if any of that happened?

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