There Is No Question As To Who The Fascists Are.

True, when you're not bitching, you're complaining. That is multitasking.

Annnnnnd ?
Let's say that's true.....
At least I don't support Fascism and oppression as you do on a daily basis.

Your hemorrhoids are flared because fascists no longer control Twitter so EVERYONE is allowed a voice. Oh the PAIN!
The irony of CandyCorn is she is happily digging her own special hole in the ground as fast as she can, and totally oblivious to it.
Those feeding her propaganda have dialed her appetite for deception in to a science and can manipulate her at will, in any way they like.

She is so convinced that the collective Right is her sworn enemy that she will never see that it is the Corporate Establishment that is the real enemy and it controls not only the political Left AND the political Right, but the propaganda media as well.

Her hatred and indoctrination is her blinder and keeps her well under control and in perpetual useful idiot status.
If you want to see the real 'Walking Dead"....just see CandyCorn or those just like her.

But my question remains....'What are WE (collectively) going to do about these walking dead?
Last edited:
Who care what you copy and paste?. Gas prices are now down below $3. I just paid $2.91. Thanks Biden!!!!
/----/ Has anyone else notiiced the sharp increase in Twitter reposts on USMB since Elon took over?
View attachment 734059
Anyone notice that nobody ever gives a fuck about what is posted on Gab, Parler, Truth Social, Etc??

It's almost like when rightwingers pledge to build their own platform, it fails....thank God Elon purchased Twitter......might as well be what you hate
Anyone notice that nobody ever gives a fuck about what is posted on Gab, Parler, Truth Social, Etc??

It's almost like when rightwingers pledge to build their own platform, it fails....thank God Elon purchased Twitter......might as well be what you hate
/-----/ "Anyone notice that nobody ever gives a fuck about what is posted on Gab, Parler, Truth Social, Etc??"
Says the guy posting on social media.
So now we find out that twitter was just a big liberal propaganda site that censored and banned the opposition. Its still filth even with musk taking over.
/-----/ "Anyone notice that nobody ever gives a fuck about what is posted on Gab, Parler, Truth Social, Etc??"
Says the guy posting on social media.
I don't hate Twitter.....nor social media in general....

Now back to the reason Gab and Parler was created.....remember?

Right wingers were gonna all leave Twitter because their platform was going to put Twitter out of business? How that work out?

You needed an insecure billionaire to buy Twitter just so incels like you will lick his balls enough to make him feel better about his hair plugs

Whether you love it or hate it, you probably associate candy corn with Halloween. Initially, however, it was more linked with chickens than the spooky holiday. When the Goelitz Confectionery Company (now Jelly Belly) began manufacturing candy corn, it was named "Chicken Feed." The tri-colored confection was designed to look like chicken feed and came out at a time when almost half of all Americans worked on farms. The packaging of the candy was decorated with a colorful rooster logo with a tagline that read, "Something worth crowing for." Which word did Merriam-Webster select as its 2022 word of the year?
Emails, Benghazi, Laptop oh my! The Daily Mail is the Brits version of National Enquirer. Like FOX news and Trump, they target stupid people. That`s a target that`s too big to miss.

Here, you scummy low-life liar, is a list of the lies and hoaxes you swallowed and advanced.


Dear Liberals, How Many Of These MSM Hoaxes Did You Fall For?​

Tyler Durden's Photo

FRIDAY, NOV 04, 2022 - 10:00 PM
How many recent mainstream media hoaxes did you fall for? ... and/or still believe?
  • Russian collusion
  • Trump called neo-nazis "fine people"
  • Jussie Smollett
  • Bubba Wallace garage pull
  • Covington kids
  • Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot
  • Kavanaugh rape
  • Trump pee tape
  • COVID lab leak was a conspiracy theory
  • Border agents whipped migrants
  • Trump saved nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago
  • Steele Dossier
  • Russian bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan
  • Trump said drinking bleach would fight COVID
  • Muslim travel ban
  • Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation
  • Andrew Cuomo best COVID leadership
  • Trump built cages for migrant kids
  • "Austere religious scholar"
  • Trump overfed Koi fish in Japan
  • Build Back Better will pay for itself
  • Trump tax cuts benefited only the rich
  • Cloth masks prevent COVID
  • If you get vaccinated you won't catch COVID
  • SUV killed parade marchers
  • Trump used teargas to clear a crowd for a bible photo
  • "Don't Say Gay" was in a bill
  • Putin price hike
  • Ivermectin is a horse dewormer and not for humans
  • "Mostly peaceful" protests
  • Trump overpowered secret service for wheel of "The Beast"
  • Officer Sicknick was murdered by protesters
  • January 6th was an insurrection
  • BYU students hurled racist insults at Duke volleyball player
  • And don't forget "democracy is under threat..."
  • Dear Liberals, How Many Of These MSM Hoaxes Did You Fall For? | ZeroHedge

Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation???????????
Last edited:
1.Fascism is a political/economic program that folds big business into the aims and agenda of the government.

“If there are fascists in America these days, they are apt to be found among the tribes of the left. They are Mr. Biden and his people (including the lion’s share of the media),
The evolution of their overprivileged emotions—their sentimentality gone fanatic—has led them, in 2022, to embrace Mussolini’s formula: “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” Or against the party. (People forget, if they ever knew it, that both Hitler and Mussolini began as socialists).

The state and the Democratic Party must speak and act as one, suppressing all dissent.

Brit Hume highlights WSJ piece arguing that Donald Trump and his followers are essentially antifascists

The whole "fascist" dig is pure projection from the Left.

2. “Fascism is therefore inherently opposed to free-speech (that is, any speech critical of the fascists) because it is the first line of defense against the implementation of it's political agenda, and so it becomes the first casualty at their hands. Under fascism free-speech was seen as an evil or immoral tool of liberalism and democracy which serves to manipulate the minds of the masses toward what they felt were somehow immoral or harmful political views and actions which detracted from their superior goals; it is summarily moral from the perspective of a fascist to silence the speech of political detractors.” On Fascism and Free Speech

3. "Elon Musk reveals Democrats lawmakers blasted Twitter for failing to censor MORE content after New York Post Hunter Biden laptop scandal - with lawmakers claiming 'free speech isn't absolute'​

  • Journalist Matt Taibbi Friday began publishing the internal Twitter documents
  • They showed the shocking political influence on content moderation at the site
  • Taibbi conducted his probe with the cooperation of new Twitter chief Elon Musk
  • Emails showed staffers censoring tweets at the behest of the Joe Biden's team
  • His campaign made requests for tweets to be taken down - and Twitter complied"

The fascists are on the right. This includes you. The Republicans are the ones who do not tolerate any dissent. This includes free speech. The only projection that is going on is on your side.

Elon Musk is a political hack. Twitter has become a purveyor of right wing hate speech. Businesses are leaving in droves because they do not want their ads seen next to the virulent hate speech that now dominates the site. He will have to remove the hate or go bankrupt. Free speech is not absolute. There are many exceptions. You cannot yell fire in a crowded theater is the best example. You cannot threaten a public official. In terms of private property, there are NO FREE SPEECH RIGHTS.

Matt Taibbi is hardly a honest broker. He started out with Rolling Stones and was a liberal but he has moved to the right. Others have the right of free speech and they have every right to voice their concerns about what Twitter is doing.

Republicans are the ones attempting to ban free speech. Several laws in Florida have been struck down by federal judges on First Amendment concerns. The spat between Disney and DeSantis is the right's assault on Disney's right to free speech. Disney released a memo to employees criticizing Florida's draconian anti-gay laws. DeSantis attempted to get even. Apparently DeSantis is backing down.
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln

4. Anne Applebaum, who observes about Soviet-era suppression: “Actual censors were not always needed. Instead, a form of pervasive peer pressure convinced writers, journalists and everyone else to toe the party line; if they did not, they knew they risked being ejected from their jobs and shunned by their friends.”

5. JONATHAN TURLEY: I want to emphasize that a lot of people on the left that have said if it's not prohibited on the First Amendment, it's not a free speech issue. That's not true. The First Amendment is not the exclusive domain of free speech. What they are doing is shutting down free speech. The left has come on to a winning strategy. …. they've discovered that if they use corporations to control speech, it falls outside the First Amendment. But it's not true that what they're doing is not a free speech attack. It is. They're trying to stop people from speaking on these platforms….

6. "5th Circuit upholds Texas law forbidding social media ‘censorship’ — again

The ruling is a win for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in their efforts to combat what they call censorship of conservative viewpoints by social media companies.

bans social media companies from censoring users’ viewpoints is constitutionally allowed, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Friday, in a blow to Facebook, Twitter and Google.

The ruling is a win for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in their efforts to combat what they call censorship of conservative viewpoints by social media companies."

Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and it is ironic that Republicans are trying to end our freedoms.

Anne Applebaum is totally irrelevant. Just a red herring you throw out.

Jonathan Hurley is a Trump supporter.
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln

4. Anne Applebaum, who observes about Soviet-era suppression: “Actual censors were not always needed. Instead, a form of pervasive peer pressure convinced writers, journalists and everyone else to toe the party line; if they did not, they knew they risked being ejected from their jobs and shunned by their friends.”

5. JONATHAN TURLEY: I want to emphasize that a lot of people on the left that have said if it's not prohibited on the First Amendment, it's not a free speech issue. That's not true. The First Amendment is not the exclusive domain of free speech. What they are doing is shutting down free speech. The left has come on to a winning strategy. …. they've discovered that if they use corporations to control speech, it falls outside the First Amendment. But it's not true that what they're doing is not a free speech attack. It is. They're trying to stop people from speaking on these platforms….

6. "5th Circuit upholds Texas law forbidding social media ‘censorship’ — again

The ruling is a win for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in their efforts to combat what they call censorship of conservative viewpoints by social media companies.

bans social media companies from censoring users’ viewpoints is constitutionally allowed, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Friday, in a blow to Facebook, Twitter and Google.

The ruling is a win for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in their efforts to combat what they call censorship of conservative viewpoints by social media companies."

Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and it is ironic that Republicans are trying to end our freedoms.

Anne Applebaum is totally irrelevant. Just a red herring you throw out.

Jonathan Hurley is a Trump supporter. Hardly a credible source.

"The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday temporarily blocked a Texas law that prohibits large social media companies, such as Facebook or Twitter, from banning or removing users’ posts based on political viewpoints."

The Fifth Circuit is the crookedest circuit in the land. They function as Republican judges and Republicans know they can get what they want from this court.
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln

4. Anne Applebaum, who observes about Soviet-era suppression: “Actual censors were not always needed. Instead, a form of pervasive peer pressure convinced writers, journalists and everyone else to toe the party line; if they did not, they knew they risked being ejected from their jobs and shunned by their friends.”

5. JONATHAN TURLEY: I want to emphasize that a lot of people on the left that have said if it's not prohibited on the First Amendment, it's not a free speech issue. That's not true. The First Amendment is not the exclusive domain of free speech. What they are doing is shutting down free speech. The left has come on to a winning strategy. …. they've discovered that if they use corporations to control speech, it falls outside the First Amendment. But it's not true that what they're doing is not a free speech attack. It is. They're trying to stop people from speaking on these platforms….

6. "5th Circuit upholds Texas law forbidding social media ‘censorship’ — again

The ruling is a win for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in their efforts to combat what they call censorship of conservative viewpoints by social media companies.

bans social media companies from censoring users’ viewpoints is constitutionally allowed, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Friday, in a blow to Facebook, Twitter and Google.

The ruling is a win for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in their efforts to combat what they call censorship of conservative viewpoints by social media companies."

Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and it is ironic that Republicans are trying to end our freedoms.

Anne Applebaum is totally irrelevant. Just a red herring you throw out.

Jonathan Hurley is a Trump supporter.
Here, you scummy low-life liar, is a list of the lies and hoaxes you swallowed and advanced.


Dear Liberals, How Many Of These MSM Hoaxes Did You Fall For?​

Tyler Durden's Photo's Photo

FRIDAY, NOV 04, 2022 - 10:00 PM
How many recent mainstream media hoaxes did you fall for? ... and/or still believe?
  • Russian collusion
  • Trump called neo-nazis "fine people"
  • Jussie Smollett
  • Bubba Wallace garage pull
  • Covington kids
  • Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot
  • Kavanaugh rape
  • Trump pee tape
  • COVID lab leak was a conspiracy theory
  • Border agents whipped migrants
  • Trump saved nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago
  • Steele Dossier
  • Russian bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan
  • Trump said drinking bleach would fight COVID
  • Muslim travel ban
  • Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation
  • Andrew Cuomo best COVID leadership
  • Trump built cages for migrant kids
  • "Austere religious scholar"
  • Trump overfed Koi fish in Japan
  • Build Back Better will pay for itself
  • Trump tax cuts benefited only the rich
  • Cloth masks prevent COVID
  • If you get vaccinated you won't catch COVID
  • SUV killed parade marchers
  • Trump used teargas to clear a crowd for a bible photo
  • "Don't Say Gay" was in a bill
  • Putin price hike
  • Ivermectin is a horse dewormer and not for humans
  • "Mostly peaceful" protests
  • Trump overpowered secret service for wheel of "The Beast"
  • Officer Sicknick was murdered by protesters
  • January 6th was an insurrection
  • BYU students hurled racist insults at Duke volleyball player
  • And don't forget "democracy is under threat..."
  • Dear Liberals, How Many Of These MSM Hoaxes Did You Fall For? | ZeroHedge

Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation???????????

Most of that is true. You are the ones who spread Russian disinformation.
1.Fascism is a political/economic program that folds big business into the aims and agenda of the government.

“If there are fascists in America these days, they are apt to be found among the tribes of the left. They are Mr. Biden and his people (including the lion’s share of the media),
The evolution of their overprivileged emotions—their sentimentality gone fanatic—has led them, in 2022, to embrace Mussolini’s formula: “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” Or against the party. (People forget, if they ever knew it, that both Hitler and Mussolini began as socialists).

The state and the Democratic Party must speak and act as one, suppressing all dissent.

Brit Hume highlights WSJ piece arguing that Donald Trump and his followers are essentially antifascists

The whole "fascist" dig is pure projection from the Left.

2. “Fascism is therefore inherently opposed to free-speech (that is, any speech critical of the fascists) because it is the first line of defense against the implementation of it's political agenda, and so it becomes the first casualty at their hands. Under fascism free-speech was seen as an evil or immoral tool of liberalism and democracy which serves to manipulate the minds of the masses toward what they felt were somehow immoral or harmful political views and actions which detracted from their superior goals; it is summarily moral from the perspective of a fascist to silence the speech of political detractors.” On Fascism and Free Speech

3. "Elon Musk reveals Democrats lawmakers blasted Twitter for failing to censor MORE content after New York Post Hunter Biden laptop scandal - with lawmakers claiming 'free speech isn't absolute'​

  • Journalist Matt Taibbi Friday began publishing the internal Twitter documents
  • They showed the shocking political influence on content moderation at the site
  • Taibbi conducted his probe with the cooperation of new Twitter chief Elon Musk
  • Emails showed staffers censoring tweets at the behest of the Joe Biden's team
  • His campaign made requests for tweets to be taken down - and Twitter complied"


Bravo....well done.....
It doesn't matter. A while back they were stung by being called fascists, so today they use they word to describe anyone who disagrees with them. They did precisely the same thing in response to the Left's over-use of the word "racist". Then they just warp reality to fit their usage of the term.

Over and over and over.

So now, everyone's a big ol' fascist, and everyone's a big ol' racist, and those terribly important words have been diluted into meaning essentially nothing.

No.......a fascist is a socialist, and the democrat party is the home of socialism in the U.S......

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