Joy Bahar jokes about wanting to see Romneys house burn.

Not surprising considering that modern American Progressives come from a long line of Fascists like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel and the Jong Il's

Don't drink Beck's bongwater. If you think Nazis and Communists are from the same camp, you should spend five minutes talking to a Nazi and tell him he's the same as a Commie. Then you better have a gun within reach.

Nazis are extreme right wing. Don't allow your ignorance to be exploited by Beck like that.

Absolute Garbage.
As usual, the left are proving even more and more that they are the people of intolerance.
TV host Behar jokes that she wants to see Romney's 'house burn' | Fox News

Behar is borderline human, on her BEST day. Her talk show got cancelled. Her new talk show is going to be on "Current TV" (I'm sure all 17 viewers of Current TV are thrilled) this fall. So in the meantime she has slithered back to "The View".

Can any decent man imagine hopping in the sack with Joy Behar? That mental image makes me want to toss my lunch. :eek:

I heard she was into beastiality.

I think anyone dating her is into beastiality.
So Romney is against hiring more police. That sure sounds like a conservative position to me!

That law and order stuff is for those left-wing Nazis.
when you advocate against hiring firemen some people hope that your house is the one that burrns down instead of the people house who advocated for the fireman.

You see if you dont have the right amount of staff to cover all fires some house is going to not get protected.

Someones house will burn down its just a mttter of whos house.

If you are not willing to pay the cost of staying safe its should nbe only fair that you are the one who pays the price of not paying to stay safe.

Is it fair the postmans house burns down even though he advocated for enough fire staff?

she is a comedian...she has the right to wish death, destruction and tragedy on those she disagrees with.
Not surprising considering that modern American Progressives come from a long line of Fascists like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel and the Jong Il's

Don't drink Beck's bongwater. If you think Nazis and Communists are from the same camp, you should spend five minutes talking to a Nazi and tell him he's the same as a Commie. Then you better have a gun within reach.

Nazis are extreme right wing. Don't allow your ignorance to be exploited by Beck like that.

Tensions are usually more violent between members of the same family who feel betrayed than with complete strangers.
Not surprising considering that modern American Progressives come from a long line of Fascists like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel and the Jong Il's

Don't drink Beck's bongwater. If you think Nazis and Communists are from the same camp, you should spend five minutes talking to a Nazi and tell him he's the same as a Commie. Then you better have a gun within reach.

Nazis are extreme right wing. Don't allow your ignorance to be exploited by Beck like that.

Absolute Garbage.

All of you need to spend a month or two on Stormfront. I am not kidding. You need to have your ignorance cleansed. If they have not called you a "cultural marxist" within a week, then you are not trying hard enough.

Now go on. Git.
when you advocate against hiring firemen some people hope that your house is the one that burrns down instead of the people house who advocated for the fireman.

You see if you dont have the right amount of staff to cover all fires some house is going to not get protected.

Someones house will burn down its just a mttter of whos house.

If you are not willing to pay the cost of staying safe its should nbe only fair that you are the one who pays the price of not paying to stay safe.

Is it fair the postmans house burns down even though he advocated for enough fire staff?
let me know when you see a federal employee driving a firetruck.
Until then, stck to your crap about fixed elections.
“He says we need more firemen, more policemen, more teachers. Did he not get the message of Wisconsin? The American people did. It's time for us to cut back on government and help the American people.”

That's from the OP link. A quote from Romney, speaking about Obama.

If that is not a clear message that Romney wants to cut back on cops, then what is it?
So Romney is against hiring more police. That sure sounds like a conservative position to me!

That law and order stuff is for those left-wing Nazis.

The Feds don't hire policemen - assbrain.

That's up to local officials.

Better now?
It's OK. Rmoney has lots of dough. If his mansion burns down, he can easily scrape a few million together to buy another one. He probably has several anyway.
So Romney is against hiring more police. That sure sounds like a conservative position to me!

That law and order stuff is for those left-wing Nazis.

The Feds don't hire policemen - assbrain.

That's up to local officials.

Better now?

Romney said it, not me. He clearly stated government needed to cut the number of cops.

Better now?
So what does all this Nazi talk have to do with that red headed bitch saying something stupid?

Someone parrotted Glenn Beck's lunacy, saying Nazis and Commies are the same.

Ignore the fact that they both want full government control, that they both promote their version of socialism, that they are identical on countless issues. Ignore the fact that they have no problem working together for common goals throughout history. Or the fact that members of one group can interchange with the other without much problem.

Nope. They are totally different.
So what does all this Nazi talk have to do with that red headed bitch saying something stupid?

Someone parrotted Glenn Beck's lunacy, saying Nazis and Commies are the same.

Nazi's = Socialists = Democrats.

Need it dumbed down further?

No, I think you have shown us how dumb you can be. No need to keep it up.

Wow. I am so glad I quoted that post so you can't say you never equated Nazis to Democrats.

So what does all this Nazi talk have to do with that red headed bitch saying something stupid?

Someone parrotted Glenn Beck's lunacy, saying Nazis and Commies are the same.

Ignore the fact that they both want full government control, that they both promote their version of socialism, that they are identical on countless issues. Ignore the fact that they have no problem working together for common goals throughout history. Or the fact that members of one group can interchange with the other without much problem.

Nope. They are totally different.

Go to Stormfront. Have your eyes slammed open. Git.

You idiots are completely ignoring the racialist aspect. HUGE FUCKING DIFFERENCE.

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