Joyce, are you ready to have your racial views changed?


Baller Deluxe
Jul 2, 2006
If you are open to hearing why the races do not exist, then please let me know and I will make my case. I don't want to waste my time if you're going to be closed minded and not want to hear another side of the race debate.
I'll try. I want to actually be civil this time, because I have a full proof argument that will at least eliminate his notion that there are distinguishable difference between the races to the point that they deserve different treatments.
Even if he doesn't join you in this, you should show it anyways.

I'm thinking about it, but the problem is I need someone with his beliefs to display the errors in them. It will be much harder if he doesn't join in because then I'd have to project beliefs I assume a racist holds, and then challenge those beliefs that I'm assuming to exist.
If you are open to hearing why the races do not exist, then please let me know and I will make my case. I don't want to waste my time if you're going to be closed minded and not want to hear another side of the race debate.

"Race debate"? The mere fact you are even bringing up a "race debate" and wanting to cause division, argument, and probably more hatred, is horrible enough.
"Race debate"? The mere fact you are even bringing up a "race debate" and wanting to cause division, argument, and probably more hatred, is horrible enough.

How is him wanting to discuss the issue from a positive persepctive worse than the anti-semitic, racist garbage that WJ likes posting? The only issue I have with it is that it's pointless because people like WJ don't care about facts, they just enjoy wallowoing in their own fear and hatred. So it's kind of wasted energy.
"Race debate"? The mere fact you are even bringing up a "race debate" and wanting to cause division, argument, and probably more hatred, is horrible enough.

I'm posting in a category called "Race Relations/Racism".
For something that doesn't exist, we sure do expend a lot of energy over it. But let me ask you this, Charleston Chad. If race doesn't exist, would you agree to the following?

* Elimination of affirmative action. We can't have race preferences if there are no races.

* Elimination of civil rights laws. There can't be discrimination if there's nothing to discriminate against.

* Elimination of discrimination lawsuits. Ditto.

* Tell Jesse, Al, etc. to go home. What are they so excited over if race does not exist?

* NAACP, ADL, etc., all gone. Buh bye.

* Israel, gone. If Jews don't exist, no reason for that little experiment, eh?

Trust me. Liberals want race to exist a thousand times more badly that I do!
people like WJ don't care about facts

Uh, would the "facts" in question go as follows?

1. Race does not exist.

2. Whites are evil Nazis who should be killed.

3. Jews are super-special people we should all love.

4. Men are beasts.

5. Women are all morally superior.

6. Republicans are the spawn of Satan.

7. Democrats are angels from Heaven.

Oh, right! THOSE "facts"...
Where you at, CC?

I'm ready to have my mind changed on race. url]

Is that why you gave me a rep telling me that you've already changed your mind from non-racist to being a racist? Why would I even waste my time with you. You're type will die out over the generations. The amount of racism is going down, and it is because future generations are learning from the mistakes of the past. Change does not occur in present generations, it happens with future generations.
For something that doesn't exist, we sure do expend a lot of energy over it. But let me ask you this, Charleston Chad. If race doesn't exist, would you agree to the following?

* Elimination of affirmative action. We can't have race preferences if there are no races.

* Elimination of civil rights laws. There can't be discrimination if there's nothing to discriminate against.

* Elimination of discrimination lawsuits. Ditto.

* Tell Jesse, Al, etc. to go home. What are they so excited over if race does not exist?

* NAACP, ADL, etc., all gone. Buh bye.

* Israel, gone. If Jews don't exist, no reason for that little experiment, eh?

Trust me. Liberals want race to exist a thousand times more badly that I do!

Races exist but today there is no reason to keep harping on supposed differences or to make distinctions.
That certainly begs another question...

Why did you start this thread to begin with, then?

I said if he was open to hearing a logical argument against the existence of races. He said he was not open minded enough to hear this, probably for fear that it might change his mind.
How do you define a "jew"?

The same way the Jews define a Jew: a person whose mother is a Jew. This is according to the Law of Return. Under it, it does not matter whether you are religious or secular, so long as your mother was Jewish, you are. More narrowly speaking, a Jew is a person who is both ethnically Jewish and identifies with the same, including Jewish culture, religion, etc. If you wonder whether genetics can identify a Jew, they can, to some extent. For instance, Jews are genetically predisposed to suffer from Tay Sach's Disease. Nobody else is.
The same way the Jews define a Jew: a person whose mother is a Jew. This is according to the Law of Return. Under it, it does not matter whether you are religious or secular, so long as your mother was Jewish, you are. More narrowly speaking, a Jew is a person who is both ethnically Jewish and identifies with the same, including Jewish culture, religion, etc. If you wonder whether genetics can identify a Jew, they can, to some extent. For instance, Jews are genetically predisposed to suffer from Tay Sach's Disease. Nobody else is.

I don’t know where this thread is going but who the heck cares what defines a Jew. As far as I’m concerned, if someone identifies himself as a Jew, then he is a Jew for all practical purposes.
The same way the Jews define a Jew: a person whose mother is a Jew. This is according to the Law of Return. Under it, it does not matter whether you are religious or secular, so long as your mother was Jewish, you are. More narrowly speaking, a Jew is a person who is both ethnically Jewish and identifies with the same, including Jewish culture, religion, etc. If you wonder whether genetics can identify a Jew, they can, to some extent. For instance, Jews are genetically predisposed to suffer from Tay Sach's Disease. Nobody else is.

You are basing your definition of race on someone's mother's religion. Do you consider someone who has a Jewish father and secular mother to be Jewish? By your previously expressed standards, Jews have different physical differences that distinguish them as a race. Which means that they are inheriting those genes from their father and their mother.

Tay Sach's is present in Ashkenazi Jews AND Cajuns of Louisiana.

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