Juan Williams Accuses GOP Of Massive Glitch Problems On Special Report ,Fox News.

I support a favorable environment for businesses.

The tea party wants to destroy the Economy of this country isn't good for this country. I hope the rich business ceo take back their party!
What can you say of Statists as Williams? Statist/Democrat playbook...to the letter...

Blame, minimize, deny, obfuscate. He follows his mentor Obama very well.
PBS kicked Juan Williams off the show for being too moderate and Fox picked him up. What does that tell you about the PBS agenda? How many left wing media shows have a conservative as a regular member?
Did anyone catch Special Report Tonight?(Fri.Oct.18),,Did you watch the 6:35 panel with the regular commentators? God! When Juan claimed that all of the glitch related problems were due to a lack of GOP funding for setting up the health-care exchange sight, the other 2/3 commentators were stunned!
Even Bret was surprised. 600 million invested in the websight and all of a sudden it's the Republicans fault that those who created the sight screwed up big time?
You wanted to scream back at the TV,,,,WHAT THE {F****K are U Talking About Jaun!!!!!}
It still amazes their millions of regular viewers that FOX is paying Juan Williams to just sit there and make stuff up about Republicans whenever he is proven wrong!

Saw that....juan was doing his best to be all 3 monkeys...hear no evil, say no evil see no evil when it comes to Obabble.
Juan is in manlove with Obama.
PBS kicked Juan Williams off the show for being too moderate and Fox picked him up. What does that tell you about the PBS agenda? How many left wing media shows have a conservative as a regular member?

That's not why PBS fired him.
PBS kicked Juan Williams off the show for being too moderate and Fox picked him up. What does that tell you about the PBS agenda? How many left wing media shows have a conservative as a regular member?
Pee Bee Ess is just this side of Soviet Television...and on target with Pravda.

State TV.

Maybe Juan is trying to get in their good graces again and prefers to be there?
does anyone recall when Jaun was trying to convince us all that the reason the sight was crashing was because millions and millions were anxious to log on and sign up during the first week?
Did anyone catch Special Report Tonight?(Fri.Oct.18),,Did you watch the 6:35 panel with the regular commentators? God! When Juan claimed that all of the glitch related problems were due to a lack of GOP funding for setting up the health-care exchange sight, the other 2/3 commentators were stunned!
Even Bret was surprised. 600 million invested in the websight and all of a sudden it's the Republicans fault that those who created the sight screwed up big time?
You wanted to scream back at the TV,,,,WHAT THE {F****K are U Talking About Jaun!!!!!}
It still amazes their millions of regular viewers that FOX is paying Juan Williams to just sit there and make stuff up about Republicans whenever he is proven wrong!
Hummmmmm..... So Juan got it wrong. In other words, the republicans actually did everything in their power to make sure the ACA roll-out was a success! Who knew that the republicans were for ACA all the time. Thy sure kept their real feelings well hidden.
does anyone recall when Jaun was trying to convince us all that the reason the sight was crashing was because millions and millions were anxious to log on and sign up during the first week?

Yes and it was nothing of the sort. NO ONE could navigate the piece of shit site.

Obama does it again...pisses away millions...to the lowest bidder...A Canadian firm I belive? Think they need more time to make it work? 3 years plus wasn't enough?
oh yes! 7 Million young adults just cant wait to pay up to 1200 a month for health-care, despite the fact that most of them are living with mommy/daddy with 25K in college debt.
I hope they can figure out the problems fast. You'd think they'd have unlimited resources to fix it?


Yeah, who knew the government could screw something up so much?
Only anyone who ever dealt with government before.

So why are you surprised? Weird.
As if the truth of what he says would matter on the Pub Propaganda Machine...lol- or with the hater dupes...
oh yes! 7 Million young adults just cant wait to pay up to 1200 a month for health-care, despite the fact that most of them are living with mommy/daddy with 25K in college debt.

And ON mummie/daddy's plan until age 26...

What a nation of whimps we've become...
Did anyone catch Special Report Tonight?(Fri.Oct.18),,Did you watch the 6:35 panel with the regular commentators? God! When Juan claimed that all of the glitch related problems were due to a lack of GOP funding for setting up the health-care exchange sight, the other 2/3 commentators were stunned!
Even Bret was surprised. 600 million invested in the websight and all of a sudden it's the Republicans fault that those who created the sight screwed up big time?
You wanted to scream back at the TV,,,,WHAT THE {F****K are U Talking About Jaun!!!!!}
It still amazes their millions of regular viewers that FOX is paying Juan Williams to just sit there and make stuff up about Republicans whenever he is proven wrong!
Hummmmmm..... So Juan got it wrong. In other words, the republicans actually did everything in their power to make sure the ACA roll-out was a success! Who knew that the republicans were for ACA all the time. Thy sure kept their real feelings well hidden.

There was more than enough money allotted by orders of magnitude. Republicans were irrelevant to the success or failure of the rollout. It's all on government incompetence ably illustrated by the Obama administration.

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