Judaica And 911 Part II


Feb 6, 2010
I have never said all Jews are either evil or insane. Nor am I at war with all Jewish people. But it is clear that the Jewish leaders have declared war on me and all Goyim. 911 was done by Israel and by Jewish leaders in America. But more importantly it was covered up by the Jewish controlled press worldwide. They were aided by every Jew who either intimidated co-workers or fired employees who talked about 911 being an Inside Job. They did nor want the truth of 911 to be an issue knowing that it would trace back to Israel. But 911 Truth is coming out and all the Jewish social capital has already been expended. What will they do next to stifle dissent? Start a war, declare martial law and throw millions of Americans into concentration camps?

I told her that Jewish people also need to distance themselves from Wall Street which stole 30 trillion dollars from her fellow Americans. The Jewish leadership partially covered it up by inflating the currency which will lead to hyperinflation and a 50% pay cut for her neighbors. In the last Depression only 3 million Americans died from starvation. I expect 9 million to die in the next one. Americans have over 300 million guns and 10 billion bullets. In less than two years I expect hyperinflation and a 30% unemployment rate. What do you think will happen when 48 million Americans on Food Stamps and 68 million other poor people have no way to buy food because Jewish leaders insisted on their right to steal every last penny from the Goyim? Even if the Goyim are willing to go without food for three days to prove they are not anti-Semitic, what is your plan as a Jewish person for surviving on the fourth day?

A sizable number of the 20 million plus Jewish people in America need to distance themselves from their self-appointed leaders. They need to stand up and tell the truth that 911 was done by Israel and by traitors inside the American government.

Jewish and Goyim bankers need to be arrested for fraud. The Federal Reserve is designed to transfer wealth from those who work for a living to the bankers who won the right to create our dollars when they passed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The Israelis and American Jewish leaders joined forces to kill President Kennedy on the 53rd anniversary of the secret meeting that created the Federal Reserve. JFK was also murdered because Israel wanted nuclear weapons so nobody could stop them whenever they feel the need to commit genocide. There are 300 million Arabs living in the area from the Nile to the Euphrates. The land the Zionists all claim as Greater Israel. Israel’s goal is to dispossess or kill most of those people.

I need to mention the assassination of Martin Luther King who was murdered because he opposed the war in Vietnam and was going to organize an effective opposition. Martin was a Goy so he wanted an effective movement that would change things as opposed to all the phony Jewish anti-war socialist types who took over after his assassination. Like Kennedy King was assassinated on an important anniversary which was a message to you. MLK was killed one year to the day of his April 4th anti-war speech at the Riverside church in New York. The messages of the JFK and MLK assassinations are that you are not allowed to say No either to senseless wars or to the looting of your nation. In case you have not guessed it. This country for the time being is theirs and not yours. That was the third message of the assassinations of JFK. RFK and MLK.

Jewish people know how their self-appointed leaders rise to the top. The Goyim need to know how it works too. The Jewish bankers compete for the trade in laundering trillion dollars a year in drug money. They also launder 400 billion dollars a year in illegal weapons. And don’t forget the 500 billion dollars a year in political bribes. The banker who hires the most assassins wins. The rest of the Jews must obey the dictates of this network of psychopaths. Because the 20th century was a Jewish century the Goyim had to accept whatever the dictates of the Zionist Criminal Family. If the Jewish leaders say Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction, then we must believe the lie and go to war spending a trillion dollars we don’t have and killing lots of people we will never get to know.

Please remember all the famines, Depressions, Inflations, revolutions, Gulags and wars of the last century were done when the Jews were in charge. The 21st century is shaping up to be even worse. The next Depression will give us worldwide famine, food riots, hyperinflation, wars and – I think – killer plagues.

I can categorically state that the Jews will not be in charge of anything by the end of the 21st century. There might not be a planet left. But whatever is here will not be run by Jews. Jews know the majority of their people are unfit to run a government because they cannot see a non-Jew as a real human being.
Judaica And 911 Part II | Video Rebel's Blog
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