Judaism's obsession with confiscating guns from non-Jewish Americans

Once again, when confronted with TRUTH, the CHOSEN resort to insults, drive-bys, and attempts to censor....

You may ask, wasn't Pan Am 103 done by LIBYA??


HOW is that the fault of ISRAEL/Judaism???

Answer - type Gaddafi Jewish into any search engine, and find out what the ISRAELI media has to say....

Gaddafi killed anyone who discovered his mother was Jewish, aide claims

Gaddafi’s mother was born Jewish, his protocol chief says

Libya’s Gaddafi had a history of reaching out to Israel

Gaddafi is my Cousin says Elderly Jewish Woman

'Qaddafi is Jewish and I'm His Cousin'

and then it makes very clear sense how "islamic" Gaddafi became an "ally" in a "war on islamic terror...."

George Tenet, Netanyahu, Gaddafi, Col Ossman, Simon Elliot, Dianne Feinstein....

EINSTEIN WAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pan Am.

The trail leads to Arafat.

With lala, everything leads back to Jews.
I call your posting style, 'Pollock Posting'.

Pollock called this piece, Mural on Indian Red Ground. Like you, only Jackson knew WTF this is.
Always more insults, never an attempt to actually post a rebuttal of the truth of the topic....
I call your posting style, 'Pollock Posting'.
View attachment 178165
Pollock called this piece, Mural on Indian Red Ground. Like you, only Jackson knew WTF this is.

long ago----I heard an "art critic" state that every splash and drip that Pollock
"placed" on the canvas was planned and deliberate and HIGHLY MEANINGFUL.
------turns out the description is----somewhat misleading-----Jack Da-Dripper------
merely dribbled and splashed and to add Pizzaz to his image, he regularly urinated
into the fireplaces situated in the mansions of the jerks who invited him to upscale
he regularly urinated
into the fireplaces situated in the mansions of the jerks who invited him to upscale

How could he NOT see them as anything but rubes? I would have pissed on their carpet. The silly bastards would have probably cut the section out and framed it.
getting back to the OP-----of interest is SHARIAH LAW----according to which---
non-muslims in shariah adherent lands are COMPLTELY DISARMED------
that means Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Mushroom eaters, etc etc.
COMPLETELY DISARMED includes ---knives ---probably BB guns and
tasers. Spitting is proscribed for dhimmis but not for muslims
Gaddafi = Jewish

Pan Am 103 = yet another act of JEWISH TERROR against America, joining...

the USS Liberty
the Marines in Lebanon 1983

Jewish response to that truth.... see post above....

Should I call a doctor?
Gaddafi = Jewish

Pan Am 103 = yet another act of JEWISH TERROR against America, joining...

the USS Liberty
the Marines in Lebanon 1983

Jewish response to that truth.... see post above....

Should I call a doctor?

there is no hope------in doc lingo----PROGNOSIS NEGATIVE

Get a stretcher then. And a straight jacket.

does he have insurance?

I doubt it.
Gaddafi = Jewish

Pan Am 103 = yet another act of JEWISH TERROR against America, joining...

the USS Liberty
the Marines in Lebanon 1983

Jewish response to that truth.... see post above....

Should I call a doctor?

there is no hope------in doc lingo----PROGNOSIS NEGATIVE

A padded cell. That settles the matter.

that would be fine in some sort of state owned storehouse institution for indigent nuts----
but in a real hospital the costs for keeping a nut in a padded room are astronomical.
There you go...

When an American notices truth that Israel wants censored, claim they have mental problems.....

You get a free kosher pickle for that one.... but try to remember all your Israeli talking points, not just one....
Dayamn folks, ya can't make this stupid shit up.......... :lmao:

I wonder how a yamaka would look with my war paint?

Every one of these treasonous loudmouth brats participating in this school shooting hoax is Jewish, including the shooter.

Jews in America, now that Heston is dead, are almost universally obsessed with confiscating the guns of non-Jewish Americans.

Exhibit A is Zionist Traitor Dianne Feinstein, who has her own carry permit and does carry... but has sponsored and/or supported every single effort in the past 25 years to help Big Government confiscate guns from those who dare think the US does not exist to serve Israel.

Feinstein is introducing new fascist gun legislation yet again.

WHY are THE CHOSEN so obsessed with taking our guns away?

Is it because THE CHOSEN have a lot to fear about the TRUTH of the following issues.....

1. JFK
2. the USS Liberty
3. the Marines in Lebanon 1983
4. Pan Am 103
5. 911

Give this topic 6 minutes and some CHOSEN TRAITORS here will demand it get CENSORED/MOVED....

because THE CHOSEN FEAR THE TRUTH.... and an armed America once it understands THE TRUTH.

Go back to your alt-white pride butt pirate forums.

You bigot ass clown.
Even the most brilliant scientific mind known can still be entitled to fun.

Thank you, Albert Einstein, for being a brilliant scientist and....


and a life-long ARDENT ZIONIST (he did not like Menachem Begin----neither did I )

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