Judge allows fraud suit against Trump, family

The lawsuit also accuses the Trumps of having profited off the poor and vulnerable, as people looking "to enrich themselves by systematically defrauding economically marginalized people looking to invest in their educations, start their own small business, and pursue the American dream."
Of course they are going to fight it. The 3 offspring of tramp can be investigated, but Barr is so tight with the Potus he won't allow him to be investigated.

Of course, it's the enemies of the Potus who filed this lawsuit. LOL , he plays the Victim card all the time.
Fake news.
Hmm, you sure about that...she has a LINK

Where is your link, huh...we need a link


I have a decent link from a reputable source, and I quoted it when I made this thread. Its too bad you are unable to read.
You know we are a polarized nation. We do not care anymore if there are tragedies and disasters in different areas of the country unless there is a political common thread. Decades of the media/entertainers sure helped this along. Still are by golly.
The lawsuit also accuses the Trumps of having profited off the poor and vulnerable, as people looking "to enrich themselves by systematically defrauding economically marginalized people looking to invest in their educations, start their own small business, and pursue the American dream."
Of course they are going to fight it. The 3 offspring of tramp can be investigated, but Barr is so tight with the Potus he won't allow him to be investigated.

Of course, it's the enemies of the Potus who filed this lawsuit. LOL , he plays the Victim card all the time.
Fake news.
Hmm, you sure about that...she has a LINK

Where is your link, huh...we need a link


I have a decent link from a reputable source, and I quoted it when I made this thread. Its too bad you are unable to read.
You know we are a polarized nation. We do not care anymore if there are tragedies and disasters in different areas of the country unless there is a political common thread. Decades of the media/entertainers sure helped this along. Still are by golly.

Yeah, but fortunately, the Innert00bz reality.
The Trump family is nothing more than a family of grifters. Since Donald squandered his father’s fortune he has been reliant on schemes, tainted money and fraud to make his money. If it wasn’t for Mark Burnett and the Apprentice, Trump would be hawking souvenirs in Times Square. Too bad Trumpers were so desperate they latched on to this charlatan as their prophet.
Yep.....Communists hate people that us the free market and capitalism to earn money rather than using government to steal from the taxpayers and getting kick-backs from money laundering schemes.

So, using the free market and capitalism to be a corrupt piece of shit is somehow better than using the government to be a corrupt piece of shit? How so? Please expound.
First of all, you need to show me how Trump was a corrupt Capitalist.....and spare the crapola about his tax returns.

Well then tell me, asshole, where the fuck are they? He promised to present them to the public as well as his jizz-slurping Cult45 following before we all discovered he's forever a useless lying sack of shit. He's also a rapist and a misogynist that has obstructed justice countless times in his term. He lied about bowing out of his private business entities when taking office which concurrently allows them to benefit from taxpayer funds, flagrantly ignoring the emoluments clause of the constitution. His appointees are garbage-tier CEO acolytes appointed to destroy the foundations of the very government agencies they were appointed to represent. Devos is married to the CEO if the biggest fucking multi-level marketing scheme in the world, Amway. He's currently being sued for running an MLM himself (they couldn't get RICO charges to stick, unfortunately), which shows he's more a grifter than a capitalist.

Do I go on, or are you just going to run on being a fucking useless complacent Cult45 fuck wad?
No....keep going you fucking human skid-mark.

Clearly most of the lawsuits that are being leveled at him have no legal standing because he keeps winning them in court.
The Trump family is nothing more than a family of grifters. Since Donald squandered his father’s fortune he has been reliant on schemes, tainted money and fraud to make his money. If it wasn’t for Mark Burnett and the Apprentice, Trump would be hawking souvenirs in Times Square. Too bad Trumpers were so desperate they latched on to this charlatan as their prophet.
Yep.....Communists hate people that us the free market and capitalism to earn money rather than using government to steal from the taxpayers and getting kick-backs from money laundering schemes.

So, using the free market and capitalism to be a corrupt piece of shit is somehow better than using the government to be a corrupt piece of shit? How so? Please expound.
First of all, you need to show me how Trump was a corrupt Capitalist.....and spare the crapola about his tax returns.
Also, anyone who gets rich as a public servant is corrupt.....plain and simple. Nobody with two homes, one in DC and other in their home state, can get rich on a salary of $175,000/year.
Obama's new vacation home in Martha's Vinyard alone has a yearly property tax bill of over $50,000.00. His home in Chicago is almost that much. His home in DC is roughly $40,000.00/yr in taxes. So, he's been essentially unemployed for over 3 years and owns a minimum of three huge properties totalling $20 million. Where did he get all of that money from? He declared $700k in income his last year in office. That wouldn't even be a down payment for his property in Martha's Vinyard. $16.5 million.

"You know,.....there comes a time when you've made enough money...." - Barack H. Obama
There are thesec things that are made with paper & have a cover & they are bound. They have words in them.
Yeah.....like Obama is actually selling $20 million dollars worth of books.
What is he writing about now?
"How I became president and made out like a raped Ape"
Maybe he could be like O.J. and write a tell-all book about how he set up the Trump Administration and ran an espionage ring inside the FBI.
He has to be releasing new books because that POS "Dreams of My Father" isn't selling anymore.
The lawsuit also accuses the Trumps of having profited off the poor and vulnerable, as people looking "to enrich themselves by systematically defrauding economically marginalized people looking to invest in their educations, start their own small business, and pursue the American dream."
Of course they are going to fight it. The 3 offspring of tramp can be investigated, but Barr is so tight with the Potus he won't allow him to be investigated.

Of course, it's the enemies of the Potus who filed this lawsuit. LOL , he plays the Victim card all the time.
Fake news.
Hmm, you sure about that...she has a LINK

Where is your link, huh...we need a link

Remember the rule: If they don't like it, it's fake news.

That's what they're taught, that's what they know.
Remember, all they listen to is fake news... orange man bad is all they need to rememver ...
The Trump family is nothing more than a family of grifters. Since Donald squandered his father’s fortune he has been reliant on schemes, tainted money and fraud to make his money. If it wasn’t for Mark Burnett and the Apprentice, Trump would be hawking souvenirs in Times Square. Too bad Trumpers were so desperate they latched on to this charlatan as their prophet.
Yep.....Communists hate people that us the free market and capitalism to earn money rather than using government to steal from the taxpayers and getting kick-backs from money laundering schemes.

So, using the free market and capitalism to be a corrupt piece of shit is somehow better than using the government to be a corrupt piece of shit? How so? Please expound.
First of all, you need to show me how Trump was a corrupt Capitalist.....and spare the crapola about his tax returns.
Also, anyone who gets rich as a public servant is corrupt.....plain and simple. Nobody with two homes, one in DC and other in their home state, can get rich on a salary of $175,000/year.
Obama's new vacation home in Martha's Vinyard alone has a yearly property tax bill of over $50,000.00. His home in Chicago is almost that much. His home in DC is roughly $40,000.00/yr in taxes. So, he's been essentially unemployed for over 3 years and owns a minimum of three huge properties totalling $20 million. Where did he get all of that money from? He declared $700k in income his last year in office. That wouldn't even be a down payment for his property in Martha's Vinyard. $16.5 million.

"You know,.....there comes a time when you've made enough money...." - Barack H. Obama
There are thesec things that are made with paper & have a cover & they are bound. They have words in them.
Yeah.....like Obama is actually selling $20 million dollars worth of books.
What is he writing about now?
"How I became president and made out like a raped Ape"
Maybe he could be like O.J. and write a tell-all book about how he set up the Trump Administration and ran an espionage ring inside the FBI.
He has to be releasing new books because that POS "Dreams of My Father" isn't selling anymore.

Jesus, your envy is showing. Might wanna tuck that back.
Clearly most of the lawsuits that are being leveled at him have no legal standing because he keeps winning them in court.

So now you're a cheerleader for our sham judicial system. How fucking convenient for you. When the orange wolf gets to appoint his fellow wolves to guard the hen house, the hens begin to magically disappear. What has been happening with this shit head for three years is not justice. It's political theatre. Justice will be served only when we appropriate funds to build a supermax prison just to bury him underneath it. He's lost a ton of lawsuits, BTW.
The Trump family is nothing more than a family of grifters. Since Donald squandered his father’s fortune he has been reliant on schemes, tainted money and fraud to make his money. If it wasn’t for Mark Burnett and the Apprentice, Trump would be hawking souvenirs in Times Square. Too bad Trumpers were so desperate they latched on to this charlatan as their prophet.
Yep.....Communists hate people that us the free market and capitalism to earn money rather than using government to steal from the taxpayers and getting kick-backs from money laundering schemes.

So, using the free market and capitalism to be a corrupt piece of shit is somehow better than using the government to be a corrupt piece of shit? How so? Please expound.
First of all, you need to show me how Trump was a corrupt Capitalist.....and spare the crapola about his tax returns.
Also, anyone who gets rich as a public servant is corrupt.....plain and simple. Nobody with two homes, one in DC and other in their home state, can get rich on a salary of $175,000/year.
Obama's new vacation home in Martha's Vinyard alone has a yearly property tax bill of over $50,000.00. His home in Chicago is almost that much. His home in DC is roughly $40,000.00/yr in taxes. So, he's been essentially unemployed for over 3 years and owns a minimum of three huge properties totalling $20 million. Where did he get all of that money from? He declared $700k in income his last year in office. That wouldn't even be a down payment for his property in Martha's Vinyard. $16.5 million.

"You know,.....there comes a time when you've made enough money...." - Barack H. Obama
There are thesec things that are made with paper & have a cover & they are bound. They have words in them.
Yeah.....like Obama is actually selling $20 million dollars worth of books.
What is he writing about now?
"How I became president and made out like a raped Ape"
Maybe he could be like O.J. and write a tell-all book about how he set up the Trump Administration and ran an espionage ring inside the FBI.
He has to be releasing new books because that POS "Dreams of My Father" isn't selling anymore.

Jesus, your envy is showing. Might wanna tuck that back.
Spoken like a true Transsexual.
At least I have something to tuck back.
The Trump family is nothing more than a family of grifters. Since Donald squandered his father’s fortune he has been reliant on schemes, tainted money and fraud to make his money. If it wasn’t for Mark Burnett and the Apprentice, Trump would be hawking souvenirs in Times Square. Too bad Trumpers were so desperate they latched on to this charlatan as their prophet.
Yep.....Communists hate people that us the free market and capitalism to earn money rather than using government to steal from the taxpayers and getting kick-backs from money laundering schemes.

So, using the free market and capitalism to be a corrupt piece of shit is somehow better than using the government to be a corrupt piece of shit? How so? Please expound.
First of all, you need to show me how Trump was a corrupt Capitalist.....and spare the crapola about his tax returns.
Also, anyone who gets rich as a public servant is corrupt.....plain and simple. Nobody with two homes, one in DC and other in their home state, can get rich on a salary of $175,000/year.
Obama's new vacation home in Martha's Vinyard alone has a yearly property tax bill of over $50,000.00. His home in Chicago is almost that much. His home in DC is roughly $40,000.00/yr in taxes. So, he's been essentially unemployed for over 3 years and owns a minimum of three huge properties totalling $20 million. Where did he get all of that money from? He declared $700k in income his last year in office. That wouldn't even be a down payment for his property in Martha's Vinyard. $16.5 million.

"You know,.....there comes a time when you've made enough money...." - Barack H. Obama
There are thesec things that are made with paper & have a cover & they are bound. They have words in them.
Yeah.....like Obama is actually selling $20 million dollars worth of books.
What is he writing about now?
"How I became president and made out like a raped Ape"
Maybe he could be like O.J. and write a tell-all book about how he set up the Trump Administration and ran an espionage ring inside the FBI.
He has to be releasing new books because that POS "Dreams of My Father" isn't selling anymore.

Jesus, your envy is showing. Might wanna tuck that back.
Spoken like a true Transsexual.
At least I have something to tuck back.

Is it back fat? It's back fat, isn't it?
The Trump family is nothing more than a family of grifters. Since Donald squandered his father’s fortune he has been reliant on schemes, tainted money and fraud to make his money. If it wasn’t for Mark Burnett and the Apprentice, Trump would be hawking souvenirs in Times Square. Too bad Trumpers were so desperate they latched on to this charlatan as their prophet.
Trump is a brilliant businessman. You wish you had even one percent of the money he made at his DC hotel.
China is not banned from selling in the US. Trump put on tariffs & China reciprocated hurting farmers & US manufacturing.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion to artificially pump up the economy but that fell in 2019.

Our military has always been great. Trump trashed the service of certain veterans, trashed a gold star familiy, called the widow of a fallen soldier a liar whren she was in the car on the way back from meeting her husband's coffin at the airport. He mocked our general saying he knew more about ISIS than they did. He stole billions from the military to build his stupid wall. Trump also paid off a doctor to get a fake excuse for not going to Vietnam.

Scores of illegals? What 40? of them?

As for Muslims I see you are as big a bigoted POS as Trump is.

Trump did not have record unemployment.
Wages go up.
When Trump cut the corporate tax rate, he pumped up the stock market. You're too stupid to figure that out?

ISIS is still alive.

Trump grossly mismanagedf our virus response. 92.000 deasd Americans. Not bsad for a low risk virus thart he hsd under complete control

Trump: 14.5 percent unemploytment rate.

Trump 20.5 million jibs lost is a single month

Trump More than double the deficit in three years. What will it be thgis year 8 trillion? more?

Trump has pulled us out of world leasdership & gave it to China
1. I didn't say China was banned from selling in the US. Can you read ?

2. Economy was soaring in 2019, with record highs in all 3 indicators (Dow Jones, S & P, and NASDAQ). Quit watching CNN.

3. NO, our military was badly depleted under Obama. The gold star (family if they were that at all) were phony paid off Muslim liars. Khizr Kahn is a conflict of interest immigration lawyer who ripped down his website as soon as he was discovered. He also was a Muslim Brotherhood activist, and connected to the thieving Clinton Foundation. It didn't take long to expose that jerk. Trump probably DID know mor about ISIS than Obama's generals. that's becasue Obama was a jihadist himself, and an ISIS supporter, who pretended to attack ISIS convoys, with token pinprick "attacks", and withdrew US troops from Iraq in 2011, opening the door and vacuum for ISIS to move in. The wall is national defense, same as the military. Not going to Vietnam was not any disgrace. The war was the disgrace.

4. Trump deported In fiscal 2018 – the most recent year for which complete data is available – CBP and ICE together carried out 337,287 removals of illegal aliens, a 17% increase from the previous year, according to the Department of Homeland Security

5. I see you know nothing about Islam.

6. Trump achieved RECORD unemployment for backs, Hispanics, and the disabled.
Lowest rates in US history. Lowest for women in 70 years.

8. Trump did not mismanage the coronavirus pandemic. He briefed the Congress on the virus on Jan. 22, and only 24 of them showed up.He order a travel ban from China in January, when there had not been a single virus death in the US, and you liberal idiots called him a racist for doing that. He got 2 Navy hospital ships to help New York city, organized the Task Force, and is still working on cure and vaccine. Good job.

9. 14.7 unemployment rate is due to the shutdown from the virus . that's not Trump's fault. same thing is happening in dozens of countries all over the world. Nice try.

10. Again, Jobs lost are virus connected. Another nice (but stupid) try.

11. Wanna complain about deficits ? Talk to Obama.

12. Correction: Trump pulled us out of world submission. Doesn't go around bowing to foreign leaders like Obama did.

13. ISIS is still live ? Yeah ? So is the New Black panther Party. so what. And Baghdadi and Suleimani aren't still alive. And ISIS is a pimple, compared to when Obama was president and supporting them.
Clearly most of the lawsuits that are being leveled at him have no legal standing because he keeps winning them in court.

So now you're a cheerleader for our sham judicial system. How fucking convenient for you. When the orange wolf gets to appoint his fellow wolves to guard the hen house, the hens begin to magically disappear. What has been happening with this shit head for three years is not justice. It's political theatre. Justice will be served only when we appropriate funds to build a supermax prison just to bury him underneath it. He's lost a ton of lawsuits, BTW.
Really? List them!
Trump is pitching a no-hitter into the 7th.... but you're gonna hit a 15 run homer with this one! And then kick the extra point! How exciting!!

Feckless, fucking idiots.
Clearly most of the lawsuits that are being leveled at him have no legal standing because he keeps winning them in court.

So now you're a cheerleader for our sham judicial system. How fucking convenient for you. When the orange wolf gets to appoint his fellow wolves to guard the hen house, the hens begin to magically disappear. What has been happening with this shit head for three years is not justice. It's political theatre. Justice will be served only when we appropriate funds to build a supermax prison just to bury him underneath it. He's lost a ton of lawsuits, BTW.
Really? List them!

List of lawsuits involving Donald Trump
Fucking idiot.
Clearly most of the lawsuits that are being leveled at him have no legal standing because he keeps winning them in court.

So now you're a cheerleader for our sham judicial system. How fucking convenient for you. When the orange wolf gets to appoint his fellow wolves to guard the hen house, the hens begin to magically disappear. What has been happening with this shit head for three years is not justice. It's political theatre. Justice will be served only when we appropriate funds to build a supermax prison just to bury him underneath it. He's lost a ton of lawsuits, BTW.
Really? List them!

List of lawsuits involving Donald Trump
Fucking idiot.
Really? How many of those suits, which deal almost entirely with his duties as President, has he lost? You sort of left that out.

I should sue you for failure to answer my question. Think I could win?
Clearly most of the lawsuits that are being leveled at him have no legal standing because he keeps winning them in court.

So now you're a cheerleader for our sham judicial system. How fucking convenient for you. When the orange wolf gets to appoint his fellow wolves to guard the hen house, the hens begin to magically disappear. What has been happening with this shit head for three years is not justice. It's political theatre. Justice will be served only when we appropriate funds to build a supermax prison just to bury him underneath it. He's lost a ton of lawsuits, BTW.
Really? List them!

List of lawsuits involving Donald Trump
Fucking idiot.
Really? How many of those suits, which deal almost entirely with his duties as President, has he lost? You sort of left that out.

I should sue you for failure to answer my question. Think I could win?

Is this little rant supposed to make me think you are any less an idiot? Is this the hill you die on?
The lawsuit also accuses the Trumps of having profited off the poor and vulnerable, as people looking "to enrich themselves by systematically defrauding economically marginalized people looking to invest in their educations, start their own small business, and pursue the American dream."
Of course they are going to fight it. The 3 offspring of tramp can be investigated, but Barr is so tight with the Potus he won't allow him to be investigated.

Of course, it's the enemies of the Potus who filed this lawsuit. LOL , he plays the Victim card all the time.
The suit is being funded by the nonprofit Tesseract Research Center, which has ties to Democratic candidates, even CNN admits. Ho hum. Yawn*****

I'll think about it after Trump's lawyers have their say. In the meantime, big deal.. Anybody can sue anybody. Doesn't mean a thing until the case is finished.

I don't care, the 4 tramps are crooked.

Sure you don't care.

You are an asshole.

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