Judge allows fraud suit against Trump, family

Clearly most of the lawsuits that are being leveled at him have no legal standing because he keeps winning them in court.

So now you're a cheerleader for our sham judicial system. How fucking convenient for you. When the orange wolf gets to appoint his fellow wolves to guard the hen house, the hens begin to magically disappear. What has been happening with this shit head for three years is not justice. It's political theatre. Justice will be served only when we appropriate funds to build a supermax prison just to bury him underneath it. He's lost a ton of lawsuits, BTW.
Really? List them!

List of lawsuits involving Donald Trump
Fucking idiot.
Really? How many of those suits, which deal almost entirely with his duties as President, has he lost? You sort of left that out.

I should sue you for failure to answer my question. Think I could win?

Is this little rant supposed to make me think you are any less an idiot? Is this the hill you die on?

Noticed no answers to his questions (which you call a rant), leftie.

You gotta know your playbook makes you look even more stupid than you really are.
Clearly most of the lawsuits that are being leveled at him have no legal standing because he keeps winning them in court.

So now you're a cheerleader for our sham judicial system. How fucking convenient for you. When the orange wolf gets to appoint his fellow wolves to guard the hen house, the hens begin to magically disappear. What has been happening with this shit head for three years is not justice. It's political theatre. Justice will be served only when we appropriate funds to build a supermax prison just to bury him underneath it. He's lost a ton of lawsuits, BTW.
Really? List them!

List of lawsuits involving Donald Trump
Fucking idiot.
Really? How many of those suits, which deal almost entirely with his duties as President, has he lost? You sort of left that out.

I should sue you for failure to answer my question. Think I could win?

Is this little rant supposed to make me think you are any less an idiot? Is this the hill you die on?

Still refuse to answer the question? Pathetic!
China is not banned from selling in the US. Trump put on tariffs & China reciprocated hurting farmers & US manufacturing.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion to artificially pump up the economy but that fell in 2019.

Our military has always been great. Trump trashed the service of certain veterans, trashed a gold star familiy, called the widow of a fallen soldier a liar whren she was in the car on the way back from meeting her husband's coffin at the airport. He mocked our general saying he knew more about ISIS than they did. He stole billions from the military to build his stupid wall. Trump also paid off a doctor to get a fake excuse for not going to Vietnam.

Scores of illegals? What 40? of them?

As for Muslims I see you are as big a bigoted POS as Trump is.

Trump did not have record unemployment.
Wages go up.
When Trump cut the corporate tax rate, he pumped up the stock market. You're too stupid to figure that out?

ISIS is still alive.

Trump grossly mismanagedf our virus response. 92.000 deasd Americans. Not bsad for a low risk virus thart he hsd under complete control

Trump: 14.5 percent unemploytment rate.

Trump 20.5 million jibs lost is a single month

Trump More than double the deficit in three years. What will it be thgis year 8 trillion? more?

Trump has pulled us out of world leasdership & gave it to China
1. I didn't say China was banned from selling in the US. Can you read ?

2. Economy was soaring in 2019, with record highs in all 3 indicators (Dow Jones, S & P, and NASDAQ). Quit watching CNN.

3. NO, our military was badly depleted under Obama. The gold star (family if they were that at all) were phony paid off Muslim liars. Khizr Kahn is a conflict of interest immigration lawyer who ripped down his website as soon as he was discovered. He also was a Muslim Brotherhood activist, and connected to the thieving Clinton Foundation. It didn't take long to expose that jerk. Trump probably DID know mor about ISIS than Obama's generals. that's becasue Obama was a jihadist himself, and an ISIS supporter, who pretended to attack ISIS convoys, with token pinprick "attacks", and withdrew US troops from Iraq in 2011, opening the door and vacuum for ISIS to move in. The wall is national defense, same as the military. Not going to Vietnam was not any disgrace. The war was the disgrace.

4. Trump deported In fiscal 2018 – the most recent year for which complete data is available – CBP and ICE together carried out 337,287 removals of illegal aliens, a 17% increase from the previous year, according to the Department of Homeland Security

5. I see you know nothing about Islam.

6. Trump achieved RECORD unemployment for backs, Hispanics, and the disabled.
Lowest rates in US history. Lowest for women in 70 years.

8. Trump did not mismanage the coronavirus pandemic. He briefed the Congress on the virus on Jan. 22, and only 24 of them showed up.He order a travel ban from China in January, when there had not been a single virus death in the US, and you liberal idiots called him a racist for doing that. He got 2 Navy hospital ships to help New York city, organized the Task Force, and is still working on cure and vaccine. Good job.

9. 14.7 unemployment rate is due to the shutdown from the virus . that's not Trump's fault. same thing is happening in dozens of countries all over the world. Nice try.

10. Again, Jobs lost are virus connected. Another nice (but stupid) try.

11. Wanna complain about deficits ? Talk to Obama.

12. Correction: Trump pulled us out of world submission. Doesn't go around bowing to foreign leaders like Obama did.

13. ISIS is still live ? Yeah ? So is the New Black panther Party. so what. And Baghdadi and Suleimani aren't still alive. And ISIS is a pimple, compared to when Obama was president and supporting them.
You said Trump took away China's access to our markets.

Economic growth is measured by the GDP. What are the 2019 numbers

Now even a piece of shit like you is trashing a gold star family. At least that family sent a son to serve our country,.. Where are the Trump brats????

You said "Scores". I was mocking your immense stupidity in thinkig scores is more than 40-.

You said unemployment.

You & Trump blamed Obama for the effects of the Bush recession. Trumnop gets blamed for the effects of the Trump virus. As proven by you blaming Obama for the deficts created by the Bush recession. He inherited an economy predicted to have a trillion dollar deficit. Obama lowered that deficit. Trump came in & doubled it, all by himself before the virus.
You said Trump took away China's access to our markets.

Economic growth is measured by the GDP. What are the 2019 numbers

Now even a piece of shit like you is trashing a gold star family. At least that family sent a son to serve our country,.. Where are the Trump brats????

You said "Scores". I was mocking your immense stupidity in thinkig scores is more than 40-.

You said unemployment.

You & Trump blamed Obama for the effects of the Bush recession. Trumnop gets blamed for the effects of the Trump virus. As proven by you blaming Obama for the deficts created by the Bush recession. He inherited an economy predicted to have a trillion dollar deficit. Obama lowered that deficit. Trump came in & doubled it, all by himself before the virus.
He has taken away SOME of it, of course, with the tariffs. And that will progress further as time goes by. You don't know ?

GDP ? I used to get them from the BEA, until I discovered they had Obama lovers who were changing the numbers, to make Obama look good, and Trump look bad. They couldn't cook the books on the stock market indicators though. Record highs. :biggrin:

Ha ha. You either try to con me with the gold star ploy (I've already exposed that) or you're really that stupid, bed wetter. Maybe you can get Khzizr Khan to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.

What about unemployment ?

Obama lowered the deficit by slashing the military to sawdust, Trump came in & rebuilt the military. Would you rather have the Chinese walk in here and take over ? Or the Iranians ? I know Obama wouldn't mind. He's not an American. He's a globalist, and owes his allegience to the Uhmma.
You said Trump took away China's access to our markets.

Economic growth is measured by the GDP. What are the 2019 numbers

Now even a piece of shit like you is trashing a gold star family. At least that family sent a son to serve our country,.. Where are the Trump brats????

You said "Scores". I was mocking your immense stupidity in thinkig scores is more than 40-.

You said unemployment.

You & Trump blamed Obama for the effects of the Bush recession. Trumnop gets blamed for the effects of the Trump virus. As proven by you blaming Obama for the deficts created by the Bush recession. He inherited an economy predicted to have a trillion dollar deficit. Obama lowered that deficit. Trump came in & doubled it, all by himself before the virus.
He has taken away SOME of it, of course, with the tariffs. And that will progress further as time goes by. You don't know ?

GDP ? I used to get them from the BEA, until I discovered they had Obama lovers who were changing the numbers, to make Obama look good, and Trump look bad. They couldn't cook the books on the stock market indicators though. Record highs. :biggrin:

Ha ha. You either try to con me with the gold star ploy (I've already exposed that) or you're really that stupid, bed wetter. Maybe you can get Khzizr Khan to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.

What about unemployment ?

Obama lowered the deficit by slashing the military to sawdust, Trump came in & rebuilt the military. Would you rather have the Chinese walk in here and take over ? Or the Iranians ? I know Obama wouldn't mind. He's not an American. He's a globalist, and owes his allegience to the Uhmma.
Putting on tariffs is still access. And China took away China markets for our farmers bankrupting a lot of them. Talk about stupid foreign poilicy.

So you opt to run screaming "Fake news!!! Fake News" insterad of admitting Trump's 2019 GDOP numbers basically sucked & were sliding downwards?

Its 3 1/2 years into the Trump Administration and you stioll Ob ama for skewing the numbers.

Kkan's son fought for this country. Why should he remain silent when Trump trashes him>? Why do you put up with Trump trashing our veterans? What kind of assfuck are you? Trumpm lied to dodge the draft, none of his kids were in the military & yet yopu asre OK with this.

The last 4 quarters, Trump's ave GDP is 1/2%.
Putting on tariffs is still access. And China took away China markets for our farmers bankrupting a lot of them. Talk about stupid foreign poilicy.

So you opt to run screaming "Fake news!!! Fake News" insterad of admitting Trump's 2019 GDOP numbers basically sucked & were sliding downwards?

Its 3 1/2 years into the Trump Administration and you stioll Ob ama for skewing the numbers.

Kkan's son fought for this country. Why should he remain silent when Trump trashes him>? Why do you put up with Trump trashing our veterans? What kind of assfuck are you? Trumpm lied to dodge the draft, none of his kids were in the military & yet yopu asre OK with this.

The last 4 quarters, Trump's ave GDP is 1/2%.
No, enacting tariffs is NOT access. At least not full access. I said the previous president had given China UNRESTRICTED access. The tariffs are restrictions, and in some cases, they make export of a product too uneconomical to continue to export it.

I doubt that you have any idea what Trump's GDP numbers are. If your source is BEA, all I can say is >> :laugh: :puhleeze:

I haven't seen a shred of evidence about Khan's son, and even if he did fight for this country that is a great thing for HIM, but it isn't any praise for his father, Khizr Khan. And it doesn't make Khizr Khan any less of a $50K DNC paid-off, Obama hand-picked, conflict of interest immigration lawyer, Clinton foundation connected, Muslim Brotherhood seditious swine.

I don't see Trump trashing any veterans. Quite the contrary, from day 1, Trump has been very supportive of veterans, and has taken steps to reform the VA in OUR favor.

Yes, I am 100% OK with dodging the draft during the Vietnam War. It was that immoral war (killing people who never attacked or threatened us), that I'm not OK with. I served in the military in the 60s, during that time, but I hold no grudge against anybody who didn't, including those who dodged the draft. Good for them.

So your news fakers tell you Trump's last 4 quarters GDP is 1/2%, (during a time when all 3 stock market indicators set record highs), and you fall for it. Why am I not surprised ?

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