Judge Asks Attorney To Remove BLM Pin (video)

This is where the blacks belong, look how happy they are.

I know this is somehow a insult to you but its true. Black people are most happy away from whites in a warm environment.
Imagine the reaction if a white attorney wore a KKK button into the courtroom. Would the judge have a right to ask him/her to remove it?
chances are the judge would probably be a member of the KKK too.

The only things I've seen the KKK burn are their own crosses.
Makes sense. Todays KKK would get their asses beat if they tried burning more than just their crosses.
This is where the blacks belong, look how happy they are.

I know this is somehow a insult to you but its true. Black people are most happy away from whites in a warm environment.
They are still wearing cloths from the civilized world
Thats right. Lots of places in Africa are civilized. Dont you remember Blacks taught you white boys civilization?
There are lots of good videos of black tribes who live far from White people
This is another one of those authority issues. The judge is master of his court room. Period. End of story. Not up for discussion.

You can have all the freedom of speech you want, until you step on my yard, then you and me will have a discussion, and you will either do as I say, or you'll leave.

Similarly, in the court of law, the judge is in charge of his court room. You either do as he says, or you are not in his court room anymore.

really? do you have a link to that "law" I have some----second hand experience in court-----being witness a few times
and "expert witness" a few dozen times. People I have known
who are lawyers or expert witness remove signs of their
religion. ---ie the boys take their little yarmulkes off.
I never use religious insignia -----but a lapel PIN in support
of this or that -----fad? Would the little pink breast awareness pins be disallowed too? BLM is not exactly a terrorist
organization----is it?. I have known a doctor who was
sent home for showing up in a white lab coat-----but that one is
really rare. Good I was never criticized for dress-----I BLUSH---------what else which is LEGAL can judges contravene?
Imagine the reaction if a white attorney wore a KKK button into the courtroom. Would the judge have a right to ask him/her to remove it?

Imagine that the KKK and BLM were in any way similar.
Reverse the colors and there is no difference (except that the KKK is no longer violent).

Yeah, I don't see that, sorry.
The KKK used to burn crosses. BLM burn cities

Oh I know you want to to equate the two, I just said I don't.
A BLM pin worn by a white private criminal attorney (I know, I know, I know that in this case it was a black public defender) is a good advertising gimmick to get future black clients. Most white private criminal attorneys' here in Vegas supported this PD for that reason, and ONLY that reason.....so they could troll for future black clients who can pay. In the spirit of full disclosure, I worked the Las Vegas courts for only 20+ years. Wearing a BLM pin is cheaper than advertising in the phone book...........
A BLM pin worn by a white private criminal attorney (I know, I know, I know that in this case it was a black public defender) is a good advertising gimmick to get future black clients. Most white private criminal attorneys' here in Vegas supported this PD for that reason, and ONLY that reason.....so they could troll for future black clients who can pay. In the spirit of full disclosure, I worked the Las Vegas courts for only 20+ years. Wearing a BLM pin is cheaper than advertising in the phone book...........
What point were you trying to make since the attorney is Black?

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