Judge Asks Attorney To Remove BLM Pin (video)

A BLM pin worn by a white private criminal attorney (I know, I know, I know that in this case it was a black public defender) is a good advertising gimmick to get future black clients. Most white private criminal attorneys' here in Vegas supported this PD for that reason, and ONLY that reason.....so they could troll for future black clients who can pay. In the spirit of full disclosure, I worked the Las Vegas courts for only 20+ years. Wearing a BLM pin is cheaper than advertising in the phone book...........
What point were you trying to make since the attorney is Black?

That alot of white private criminal attorneys wear BLM pins to drum up business. Modern-day carpetbaggers?
A BLM pin worn by a white private criminal attorney (I know, I know, I know that in this case it was a black public defender) is a good advertising gimmick to get future black clients. Most white private criminal attorneys' here in Vegas supported this PD for that reason, and ONLY that reason.....so they could troll for future black clients who can pay. In the spirit of full disclosure, I worked the Las Vegas courts for only 20+ years. Wearing a BLM pin is cheaper than advertising in the phone book...........
What point were you trying to make since the attorney is Black?

That alot of white private criminal attorneys wear BLM pins to drum up business. Modern-day carpetbaggers?
I know whites will sacrifice anything for the dollar including their principles but what did that have to do with the thread subject?
OK FOLKS: Obviously people on this thread are nitpicking to assert thier own version of racial superiority. How childish. Grow up. Visit amixed race person and get a hug. Race is highly protected by civil rights law. Police being idiots can be compounded by hate and racism. Policing never existed in some not too (NOTICE THE 2 OOs) distant past. Once upon a fairyland time people were assholes just because they had tribal warfare. Now its all very complicated. LIFE is a balance between individual striving and social striving. Someone making a typo is maybe tired hands at akeyboard, not arace indicator of stupidity. NAZI cops need to be prosecuted. Good cops, and there are some, need to be encouraged. In the recent past there have been awful genocides of peoples and in the case of Bosnia it was white vs. white. go figure.
what is interesting about this situation is that freedom of speech is highly protected. this will probably become a lawsuit. I side with the right to wear the pin as freedom of expression. Sorry for prior typos. tired hands, not stupidity. And you dont know my race so and stupid comments would be based on assumptions.
I live on the Southwest side of Chicago,
and find it totally irritating that black lives only matter,
when a black person is killed at the hands of the police,
but not when their shooting up each other and innocent bystanders,
out in the streets, acting like animals, every freaking day!
You can't be an officer of the court and support lawlessness and terrorism.

A courtroom is supposed to be impartial and unbiased (no, seriously) so a pin expressing support for BLM or any other political cause by an attorney probably isn't appropriate
This is another one of those authority issues. The judge is master of his court room. Period. End of story. Not up for discussion.

You can have all the freedom of speech you want, until you step on my yard, then you and me will have a discussion, and you will either do as I say, or you'll leave.

Similarly, in the court of law, the judge is in charge of his court room. You either do as he says, or you are not in his court room anymore.

really? do you have a link to that "law" I have some----second hand experience in court-----being witness a few times
and "expert witness" a few dozen times. People I have known
who are lawyers or expert witness remove signs of their
religion. ---ie the boys take their little yarmulkes off.
I never use religious insignia -----but a lapel PIN in support
of this or that -----fad? Would the little pink breast awareness pins be disallowed too? BLM is not exactly a terrorist
organization----is it?. I have known a doctor who was
sent home for showing up in a white lab coat-----but that one is
really rare. Good I was never criticized for dress-----I BLUSH---------what else which is LEGAL can judges contravene?

Whatever the judge says you should not wear, and asks you to remove, you had better remove.

If they demand you remove a star of David, or a crucifix, doesn't matter.

You don't seem to grasp this. Just because it's not 'illegal' doesn't mean diddly jack to how you address the court. In the court of law, the judge is the absolute authority over his court room. You can read about this anywhere.

I punch in courtroom etiquette and the first cite I checked out said this:
Courtroom Etiquette: How to Behave in Court

Etiquette Rule No. 1: The judge not only represents the ultimate authority in the court, but also the law.​

Now I don't know how to explain this in any simpler, or clearer terms. The judge represents the ultimate authority in the court.... period.... end of story... not up for discussion.

You are asking me all these different possibilities as if it matters. When you walk into the judge's court room... it's like you are walking into someone's home. If you walk into an Asians home and they tell you to take off your shoes, you either do it... or you are not in their home anymore.

That's exactly what it is like to walk into a court of law. If the judge says take off that button, you have two options... you take off the button, or you leave his court room.

If the judge wants to, he can ban you from his court room, and whoever your dumb butt was representing will simply have to hire another lawyer.

Just for giggles, I hunted around, and found yet another cite saying it more clearly, and it was posted by lawyers themselves.

Can a judge kick a person out of the courtroom - Q&A - Avvo

"The judge has the authority to maintain proper decorum in his/her courtroom."
"A judge can set the rules in the courtroom"
"The judge does have authority to exclude / ban any person from his/her courtroom"

Pretty clear. A judge can set the rules... can exclude or ban any person from his/her courtroom.

At this point, you have to decide whether you accept reality, or are going to continue arguing about it. The facts are on my side. So which side of the facts are you on?
Another by-product of the division and the disunity created by the Obama presidency.
The standards of white civilization are to high for blacks

Why do you illiterate whites always embarrass the smart whites? You cant even use the proper "too" in your sentence. Further proof that white standards are a pipe dream.

Thank you, they are a horrible embrassment.

There is no way you are white. No white person would gleefully jump on board with a racist who is clearly making racist statements against white people. Lying makes you weak. Quit pretending to be something you arent.
The standards of white civilization are to high for blacks

Why do you illiterate whites always embarrass the smart whites? You cant even use the proper "too" in your sentence. Further proof that white standards are a pipe dream.

Thank you, they are a horrible embrassment.

There is no way you are white. No white person would gleefully jump on board with a racist who is clearly making racist statements against white people. Lying makes you weak. Quit pretending to be something you arent.

Son, you're on an anonymous chat board, you know nothing at all. And why would I want to admit having anything in common with the likes of you?
The standards of white civilization are to high for blacks

Why do you illiterate whites always embarrass the smart whites? You cant even use the proper "too" in your sentence. Further proof that white standards are a pipe dream.

Thank you, they are a horrible embrassment.

There is no way you are white. No white person would gleefully jump on board with a racist who is clearly making racist statements against white people. Lying makes you weak. Quit pretending to be something you arent.

Son, you're on an anonymous chat board, you know nothing at all. And why would I want to admit having anything in common with the likes of you?

Youre lying dude. Everyone knows how racist Asslips is. He says incredibly racist things constantly, and for some reason you always happily agree with those racist statements. What the fuck is wrong with you? Quit trying to convince people you are white. It's absurd.
Newly released tax records from the George Soros organisation Open Society reveals that Soros gave over $33 million dollars in funding to the Ferguson riots in order to encourage civil unrest.

The funding allowed rioters to continue its civil disobedience campaign as well as push forward what some are calling a “socialist plan” for the United States.

Dailyheadlines.net reports:

Kenneth Zimmerman, director of the Soros owned Open Society explains why they funded the Ferguson riots:

“Our DNA includes a belief that having people participate in government is indispensable to living in a more just, inclusive, democratic society. Helping groups combine policy, research [and] data collection with community organizing feels very much the way our society becomes more accountable.”
Imagine the reaction if a white attorney wore a KKK button into the courtroom. Would the judge have a right to ask him/her to remove it?

Imagine that the KKK and BLM were in any way similar.
Reverse the colors and there is no difference (except that the KKK is no longer violent).

Yeah, I don't see that, sorry.
The KKK used to burn crosses. BLM burn cities

Oh I know you want to to equate the two, I just said I don't.
Of course you don't. Because then you lose the argument but everyone else equates the two, so you still lose.
WONDER why the bitch didn't wear that button for years and years before this "movement", if black lives mattered- killing of blacks by blacks by the thousands every year.
Youre a dumb inbred chimp arent you? BLM wasnt started years and years ago and has nothing to do with the Black on Black murder rate.

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