Judge Asks Attorney To Remove BLM Pin (video)

OK FOLKS: Obviously people on this thread are nitpicking to assert thier own version of racial superiority. How childish. Grow up. Visit amixed race person and get a hug. Race is highly protected by civil rights law. Police being idiots can be compounded by hate and racism. Policing never existed in some not too (NOTICE THE 2 OOs) distant past. Once upon a fairyland time people were assholes just because they had tribal warfare. Now its all very complicated. LIFE is a balance between individual striving and social striving. Someone making a typo is maybe tired hands at akeyboard, not arace indicator of stupidity. NAZI cops need to be prosecuted. Good cops, and there are some, need to be encouraged. In the recent past there have been awful genocides of peoples and in the case of Bosnia it was white vs. white. go figure.

But see, that's part of the problem. When you have a group of people that has any special protection because "Race is highly protected by civil rights law.", you inherently are going to create hatred by everyone else, for those protected people.

This is why Blacks were actually better off, and had attained higher levels in government, and economically, before the civil rights movement, than after.

Worse yet, you created the perception of phony achievement. How would you like to be known as the guy who only has a job, because the pigment in your skin is different? How would you like to know that all your co-workers believed you were only there to meet some arbitrary quota, rather than any ability on your part?

Well, I've met those people. I've worked with them. It's horrible to have a job, knowing everyone thinks you aren't worth a penny, but have a job because you have a permanent sun-tan.

You remove their dignity. Removed their self-respect. By creating this protected class of people, you have done some almost non-repairable harm. You practically put these people in the cage of affirmative action, because now no matter what they do, how good, or bad they work, or what merit they may or may not have... people always see the 'token black guy'... the "racism lawsuit avoidance guy". And management knows it. That's why they rarely get promoted. They know the reason that guy is here, is so they don't get a lawsuit. If they promote the token black guy, then they'll have to find another token black guy to take his place.

Having protected classes of people, is the best way to harm those people. Why do you think we have all the problems in the 'protected class' of people, 50+ years after they were enshrined as protected? If the civil rights movement was such a brilliant success, they sure are hiding all the utopian results.
what is interesting about this situation is that freedom of speech is highly protected. this will probably become a lawsuit. I side with the right to wear the pin as freedom of expression. Sorry for prior typos. tired hands, not stupidity. And you dont know my race so and stupid comments would be based on assumptions.
Do you support a judge wearing a Whire Pride button and hearing a case of a black looter on trial?

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