Judge: Detroit bankruptcy dishonors Obama

Thanks for ruining the non rich, then a depression, and now mindless obstruction, GOP and silly dupes. Well, done Reaganists- kiss your azz goodbye in 2014-16...

Wow that's more mindless than your usual mindless rants especially given the fact the Democrats have been in charge in Detroit for most of my life.

'Since 2008' has been attached to EVERY municipal bankruptcy in the last five years.
A puney county judge has no say in a federal case. She may as well be pissing in the wind, maybe she's bucking for an appointment from her dear leader.
Thanks for ruining the non rich, then a depression, and now mindless obstruction, GOP and silly dupes. Well, done Reaganists- kiss your azz goodbye in 2014-16...

This is about Detroit. And last I checked it has been exclusively run by Democrats for over 50 years. Further this judge should be brought up on charges for her ignorant rant.
Thanks for ruining the non rich, then a depression, and now mindless obstruction, GOP and silly dupes. Well, done Reaganists- kiss your azz goodbye in 2014-16...

This is about Detroit. And last I checked it has been exclusively run by Democrats for over 50 years. Further this judge should be brought up on charges for her ignorant rant.
If not removed and disbarred.
Thanks for ruining the non rich, then a depression, and now mindless obstruction, GOP and silly dupes. Well, done Reaganists- kiss your azz goodbye in 2014-16...

Wow that's more mindless than your usual mindless rants especially given the fact the Democrats have been in charge in Detroit for most of my life.

'Since 2008' has been attached to EVERY municipal bankruptcy in the last five years.

Wouldn't that be every municipal bankruptcy since 2008?


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She's appealing to obama in the same way a minor noble would appeal to the king.

A county judge does not get to tell a federal bankruptcy court what to do. She will have to be sanctioned.

But will she? For some reason im skeptical.
So the Judge is against screwing middle class workers and the Republicans are for screwing middle class workers. Sounds about right!
This is going to travel like wildfire, it is America's Greece.
We're seeing the same bullshit here in Barfalo:

State orders Buffalo to send students from 2 failing schools to BOCES - City & Region - The Buffalo News

To top it off, the Buffalo Fire Department's firefighters just got a new contract after twelve fucking years!! But the kicker is there's a new "dynamic staffing" program in place. Here's how it works. If five or more firefighters call of in one shift, one company closes (usually an Engine or Truck ).
This is going to travel like wildfire, it is America's Greece.
We're seeing the same bullshit here in Barfalo:

State orders Buffalo to send students from 2 failing schools to BOCES - City & Region - The Buffalo News

To top it off, the Buffalo Fire Department's firefighters just got a new contract after twelve fucking years!! But the kicker is there's a new "dynamic staffing" program in place. Here's how it works. If five or more firefighters call of in one shift, one company closes (usually an Engine or Truck ).

After the Republicans and wall street crashed the economy in 2008, there's less money to provide fire protection.
This is going to travel like wildfire, it is America's Greece.
We're seeing the same bullshit here in Barfalo:

State orders Buffalo to send students from 2 failing schools to BOCES - City & Region - The Buffalo News

To top it off, the Buffalo Fire Department's firefighters just got a new contract after twelve fucking years!! But the kicker is there's a new "dynamic staffing" program in place. Here's how it works. If five or more firefighters call of in one shift, one company closes (usually an Engine or Truck ).

After the Republicans and wall street crashed the economy in 2008, there's less money to provide fire protection.
Hey asswipe. Buffalo had not had one single Republican mayor since Chester P. Kowal in the early 1960s. The ONLY time Buffalo was ever solvent was when we had a CONSERVATIVE mayor in James D. Griffin!!!

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