Judge Engeron should be disbarred for judicial misconduct.

They said that because they were not defrauded. They loaned money to Trump because he was a good credit risk, and a "whale" investor, who offered "high-yield" opportunities.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Deutsche bank will no longer loan money to Trump, because they now realize they got defrauded by Trump.

Tue January 12, 2021
Deutsche Bank won’t do any more business with Trump
CNN Business

Deutsche Bank will no longer do business with President Donald Trump, a move that will cut off his business from a major source of loans that once helped fund his golf courses and hotels.
Read the judgement award. It gives both a figure and an explanation.
You don't know do you? Answer: Loan paid in full, no harm to any party in the transaction, no crime. The judgement is flawed and you don't seem to be able to think for yourself.
It depends on the PAC

There are no PAC's listed on the Complaint.

The money in the Save America PAC does not belong to Trump, it belongs to the PAC, which is it's own legal entity.

It's a "Leadership PAC", same as what every member of Congress sets up for themselves. Since they are politician's PAC's, they have very loose spending rules and can be used for just about anything.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Deutsche bank will no longer loan money to Trump, because they now realize they got defrauded by Trump.

Tue January 12, 2021
Deutsche Bank won’t do any more business with Trump
CNN Business

Deutsche Bank will no longer do business with President Donald Trump, a move that will cut off his business from a major source of loans that once helped fund his golf courses and hotels.
CNN.... :rolleyes: Fucking Democrat propaganda outlet.
Please just stop. The court has the discretion to do whatever they think is reasonable.

They also cannot just seize any old bank account that they think Trump might have control over. There is a process for that sort of thing.
The court isn't seizing anything. It's a bond, for ensuring that the defendant has the assets to pay if he loses the appeal.

And the bond amount is set by state law, and can only be reduced upon a showing of such financial hardship, as to support relief.
And having the money, but not wanting to spend it isn't grounds for relief.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Deutsche bank will no longer loan money to Trump, because they now realize they got defrauded by Trump.
That is completely unrelated to the case and happened long after the transactions in the suit.

Totally irrelevant and the piece says nothing about them being defrauded so stop making shit up.
The court isn't seizing anything. It's a bond, for ensuring that the defendant has the assets to pay if he loses the appeal.

And the bond amount is set by state law, and can only be reduced upon a showing of such financial hardship, as to support relief.
And having the money, but not wanting to spend it isn't grounds for relief.
If the bond is to ensure the defendant has assets to pay, then why set it so God damn high? You know why, because they don't WANT him to be able to challenge them.
The fact they said they were not defrauded, means they didn't do their due diligence. Or they would have known they were being given false business records. Banks like most institutions rely on the criminal law to prevent from being taken. Such as it's a crime to write a bad check, or to forge a check.
So banks don't do signature verification on checks under a certain amount.
So I guess you better go to Wall Street and get a job from Jamie Dimon since you know so much about banking.


Jesus H Christ why do you keep making stupid comparisons?
The Democrat handpicked hack judge Engeron should absolutely face disbarment along with Letitia James. The arbitrary judgements made by this nut job are so far beyond reasonable punitive damages, his conduct demands his removal from the courts. If you disagree, state why.


That is completely unrelated to the case and happened long after the transactions in the suit.

Totally irrelevant and the piece says nothing about them being defrauded so stop making shit up.
These TDSers will do anything and tell any lie to 'get Trump' like this fat-backed, black, entitled black woman.
So? She expected him to run again, and wanted to make sure he didn’t. And the best she could come up with was a victimless civil action where nobody suffered damages?
Not at all. She was up against statute of limitation clock, and handicapped by the window of opportunity only opened on January 20th 2021, which was the soonest that the investigation could begin.
If anything, the timing of the case was set by all of Trumps appeals that delayed important steps in the investigation.

Otherwise the suit could have been brought soon enough to be over and done with, before Trump could announce another presidential run.

Trump delayed it.
So I guess you better go to Wall Street and get a job from Jamie Dimon since you know so much about banking.


Jesus H Christ why do you keep making stupid comparisons?
The other thing to bear in mind is that they have the country focused on this nothingburger of a case that has no victim - while testimony was given yesterday to Congress that Joe Biden absolutely was the Big Guy who collected 10% of the money given to his Family by the Communists, for no discernible reason.
Na. They knew Trump was a whale and they would make $100 million on the deal, and were eager to close it. They also figured he was a good credit risk, and they figured right. He paid in accordance with the contract.

There’s no victim.
Actually Deusche bank figured wrong. And corrected their mistake in 2021 by refusing to do future business with Trump and Trumps LLC's
You don't know do you? Answer: Loan paid in full, no harm to any party in the transaction, no crime. The judgement is flawed and you don't seem to be able to think for yourself.
Explain how there was not crime to Alan Weisselberg. Who served time for the crime.
Not at all. She was up against statute of limitation clock, and handicapped by the window of opportunity only opened on January 20th 2021, which was the soonest that the investigation could begin.
If anything, the timing of the case was set by all of Trumps appeals that delayed important steps in the investigation.

Otherwise the suit could have been brought soon enough to be over and done with, before Trump could announce another presidential run.

Trump delayed it.
The crime you SHOULD be worried about is the 10% payoffs to The Big Guy from the communists, after being laundered through shell companies. Instead you’re deflecting to this nothingburger, where there is no victim.

The victims of Biden secretly taking money from America‘s enemies are all Americans.
Actually Deusche bank figured wrong. And corrected their mistake in 2021 by refusing to do future business with Trump and Trumps LLC's
Fine. But that’s not the bank that made Trump the loan, for which they made $100 million. There’s no victim.

Worry more that the current president is compromised, and indebted to our enemies.
There are no PAC's listed on the Complaint.

The money in the Save America PAC does not belong to Trump, it belongs to the PAC, which is it's own legal entity.

It's a "Leadership PAC", same as what every member of Congress sets up for themselves. Since they are politician's PAC's, they have very loose spending rules and can be used for just about anything.
The complaint doesn't list assets. It's a complaint.
That is completely unrelated to the case and happened long after the transactions in the suit.

Totally irrelevant and the piece says nothing about them being defrauded so stop making shit up.
It's germane in that it shows they learned from their mistakes.
They thought they hooked a "whale", and instead they hooked a "shark".
If the bond is to ensure the defendant has assets to pay, then why set it so God damn high? You know why, because they don't WANT him to be able to challenge them.
It's set at the amount of the judgement, plus 20% to cover additional legal costs and interest.

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