
How about you all mind your own business instead of trying to take away fundamental rights from us. Hell, gun owners have more rights than we do under your laws.
You have an appendage of a fully formed human. Thus why nobody has ever been to a funeral for an 8 week miscarriage.

I never said anyone should. I was strictly noting that we have life at conception. That's just a fact and has nothing to do with attending a funeral.
it means your autonomous system is somewhat functioning.
Stop dodging the obvious of course it means life. Just embrace it and it will be much easier for you. The truth is you don't care if it means life it's not the type of life that you respect. Sounds ugly doesn't it? However some honesty would probably relieve you of your burden.
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So the judge gives Planned Parenthood the temporary restraining order.

They will have to go back to court to get it extended past the temporary time.

That court date is September 13th.

This is the reason why Planned Parenthood asked for that restraining order. Texas right to life has put out a video telling people to turn in women and doctors and how to do it:

This temporary restraining order is VAGUE. Even legal experts aren't sure of the intended details.
No it doesnt. You can be dead and your heart can still beat for awhile.
There's a difference between being dead and cold and dead and warm. In fact there is no real definition of death. We simply use the term as a convenient turning point for something that is beyond human ability to reverse.

With the exception of the fetus that is conceived with fatal biological flaws all normal fetuses represent life from the moment the sperm penetrates the ovum. Since there's no other way to produce a human there is absolutely no escaping the fact that conception and life are exactly the same thing.
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With the exception of the fetus that is born with fatal biological flaws all normal fetuses represent life the moment the sperm penetrates the ovum.
Its not a fetus then dummy. Didnt you take basic science in school?
Dont be all salty just because you're barren. This is a good thing for women that dont have the means or desire to have a parasite in them for 9 months.

A parasite?

Wow, that's like "punished with a baby"

A parasite? Is that how you were greeted into the world?
Yes it is.

I'm happily surprised they got the restraining order.
It it will not stand and the governor can choose to ignore it because it's a case of the federal court impinging on states rights. It's no different than a mask mandate in that regard.
It it will not stand and the governor can choose to ignore it because it's a case of the federal court impinging on states rights. It's no different than a mask mandate in that regard.

It was a state court ruling.

A Travis County Judge granted three Texas Planned Parenthood affiliates a temporary restraining order against Texas Right To Life Friday evening..........................

The order does stand until another court rules otherwise.
Wonderful news! Finally there is a judge who actually has graduated from law school and knows how to evaluate a claim of irreparable harm. Why didn't the U.S. Supreme Court apply even rudimentary analysis? The TRO should be made permanent until the lawyers submit their briefs, oral argument occurs, and a decision is handed down that hopefully is based on constitutional law. Maybe by then, Texastan can come up with a legal argument that isn't an absolute joke.

I can't agree more.

This organization will flood the Texas courts with civil suits no matter if there is evidence or not.

That isn't the point.

The point is to bankrupt Planned Parenthood and other women's clinics.

The way the law is written is if the anti choice person wins the court case, planned parenthood or the person being sued has to pay the court costs for the anti choice person. However. If planned parenthood or the person being sued wins, the anti choice person doesn't have to pay the court costs for planned parenthood or the person being sued.

It doesn't matter if they the anti choicer wins.

A few of these cases will bankrupt planned parenthood or a clinic forcing them to close their doors.

That one part of the law is unconstitutional. It violates the 14th Amendment of equal protection under the law.

That's on top of the rest of the law being unconstitutional.

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