Texas judge blocks state ban on gender-affirming care for minors


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
A good ruling..but, of course, Paxton has filed an immediate appeal the the Texas Supreme court..thus the law will remain in effect, for now.

A Texas judge on Friday blocked a Republican-backed state law banning so-called gender-affirming care including puberty blockers, hormones and surgery for transgender minors from taking effect next week while she hears a legal challenge to it.
However, the office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, said it filed an immediate appeal to the state Supreme Court, an action that would automatically put the judge's order on hold and let the law take effect at least until the appeal is decided.
Judge Maria Cantu Hexsel of the District Court of Travis County in Austin, who was elected as a Democrat, found that the families of transgender children and doctors suing the state to challenge the law, which was set to take effect on Sept. 1, were likely to succeed in proving that it violated their rights under the state constitution.
Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, signed the law in June, making Texas one of at least 20 states to ban gender-affirming care. Supporters of such laws have said the treatments are unproven and risky.
But the judge wrote, "The Act's prohibition on providing evidence-based treatment for adolescents with gender dysphoria stands directly at odds with parents' fundamental right to make decisions concerning the care of their children."

She also found that the law discriminates against transgender youth based on their transgender status, interfering with doctors' relationships with patients and their right to practice medicine.

gender-affirming care?​


You must admit it sounds like something the Nazis would make-up to legitimize their atrocities.
A good ruling..but, of course, Paxton has filed an immediate appeal the the Texas Supreme court..thus the law will remain in effect, for now.

A Texas judge on Friday blocked a Republican-backed state law banning so-called gender-affirming care including puberty blockers, hormones and surgery for transgender minors from taking effect next week while she hears a legal challenge to it.
However, the office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, said it filed an immediate appeal to the state Supreme Court, an action that would automatically put the judge's order on hold and let the law take effect at least until the appeal is decided.
Judge Maria Cantu Hexsel of the District Court of Travis County in Austin, who was elected as a Democrat, found that the families of transgender children and doctors suing the state to challenge the law, which was set to take effect on Sept. 1, were likely to succeed in proving that it violated their rights under the state constitution.
Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, signed the law in June, making Texas one of at least 20 states to ban gender-affirming care. Supporters of such laws have said the treatments are unproven and risky.
But the judge wrote, "The Act's prohibition on providing evidence-based treatment for adolescents with gender dysphoria stands directly at odds with parents' fundamental right to make decisions concerning the care of their children."

She also found that the law discriminates against transgender youth based on their transgender status, interfering with doctors' relationships with patients and their right to practice medicine.

One has to be pretty severely fucked in the head and in the soul to believe that it is in any way a good idea, or in any way acceptable, to subject children to these bizarre, destructive experimental treatments.

This is Josef-Mengele-level fucked-up.
A good ruling..but, of course, Paxton has filed an immediate appeal the the Texas Supreme court..thus the law will remain in effect, for now.

A Texas judge on Friday blocked a Republican-backed state law banning so-called gender-affirming care including puberty blockers, hormones and surgery for transgender minors from taking effect next week while she hears a legal challenge to it.
However, the office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, said it filed an immediate appeal to the state Supreme Court, an action that would automatically put the judge's order on hold and let the law take effect at least until the appeal is decided.
Judge Maria Cantu Hexsel of the District Court of Travis County in Austin, who was elected as a Democrat, found that the families of transgender children and doctors suing the state to challenge the law, which was set to take effect on Sept. 1, were likely to succeed in proving that it violated their rights under the state constitution.
Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, signed the law in June, making Texas one of at least 20 states to ban gender-affirming care. Supporters of such laws have said the treatments are unproven and risky.
But the judge wrote, "The Act's prohibition on providing evidence-based treatment for adolescents with gender dysphoria stands directly at odds with parents' fundamental right to make decisions concerning the care of their children."

She also found that the law discriminates against transgender youth based on their transgender status, interfering with doctors' relationships with patients and their right to practice medicine.
Ok, nice news story.

What's your take on it?
Ok, nice news story.

What's your take on it?
I agree with the Judge's decision and her reasoning behind it.

It is the right of the Parents, the adolescent, and medical professionals to make medical and life decisions of this magnitude. It's not as though just anyone can randomly, or on a whim, access these treatments. Much consultation, counseling and psychological evaluation must take place....before any serious medical intervention.

Aside from all that, The Gov. and Paxton are making their decision based on a political and cultural motive...and don't, IMO, give a shit about those most affected by this.
It's just knee-jerk BS designed to win them votes~
I agree with the Judge's decision and her reasoning behind it.

It is the right of the Parents, the adolescent, and medical professionals to make medical and life decisions of this magnitude. It's not as though just anyone can randomly, or on a whim, access these treatments. Much consultation, counseling and psychological evaluation must take place....before any serious medical intervention.
We could believe that, if not for the whistle blowers who have come forward and described being referred to "gender specialists" after little or no counseling, who immediately prescribed puberty blockers and/or hormones after a conversation only.
Aside from all that, The Gov. and Paxton are making their decision based on a political and cultural motive...and don't, IMO, give a shit about those most affected by this.
It's just knee-jerk BS designed to win them votes~
Votes from people who do not want to see children's body autonomy violated when they are too young to consent.

Good GOD, Y'all!

If a fifteen year old cannot consent to an adult getting to second base with her, regardless of parental consent, or a doctor's opinion that she is mature enough to do that, how can she consent to an adult removing her healthy breasts?
Another left wing judge blocks the will of the people through their elected representatives in order to castrate kids without parental interference. How long are we going to endure this stuff?
...and don't, IMO, give a shit about those most affected by this.

So, now we have a fucked-up piece of shit who openly supports and defends the serious sexual/medical abuse of children, trying to claim that those of us who want to protect children from being fucked-up for life by this abuse “don't, IMO, give a shit about those most affected by this”

Yes, EvilEyeFleegle and its kind really are this seriously fucked up in their heads and (if they still have them ) in their souls.

How fucked up does one have to be to want this sort of shit to be done to children?
Another left wing judge blocks the will of the people through their elected representatives in order to castrate kids without parental interference. How long are we going to endure this stuff?
I dunno..how long are you going to lie about it?
There are no cases of surgical 'castration' of minor children. None.

No, puberty blockers are not chemical castration.
A good ruling..but, of course, Paxton has filed an immediate appeal the the Texas Supreme court..thus the law will remain in effect, for now.

A Texas judge on Friday blocked a Republican-backed state law banning so-called gender-affirming care including puberty blockers, hormones and surgery for transgender minors from taking effect next week while she hears a legal challenge to it.
However, the office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, said it filed an immediate appeal to the state Supreme Court, an action that would automatically put the judge's order on hold and let the law take effect at least until the appeal is decided.
Judge Maria Cantu Hexsel of the District Court of Travis County in Austin, who was elected as a Democrat, found that the families of transgender children and doctors suing the state to challenge the law, which was set to take effect on Sept. 1, were likely to succeed in proving that it violated their rights under the state constitution.
Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, signed the law in June, making Texas one of at least 20 states to ban gender-affirming care. Supporters of such laws have said the treatments are unproven and risky.
But the judge wrote, "The Act's prohibition on providing evidence-based treatment for adolescents with gender dysphoria stands directly at odds with parents' fundamental right to make decisions concerning the care of their children."

She also found that the law discriminates against transgender youth based on their transgender status, interfering with doctors' relationships with patients and their right to practice medicine.
In what way was that a “good” ruling?

This headline doesn’t make it clear that what the judge did was actually just to put it on hold. Pending hearing the appeal.
So, now we have a fucked-up piece of shit who openly supports and defends the serious sexual/medical abuse of children, trying to claim that those of us who want to protect children from being fucked-up for life by this abuse “don't, IMO, give a shit about those most affected by this”

Yes, EvilEyeFleegle and its kind really are this seriously fucked up in their heads and (if they still have them ) in their souls.

How fucked up does one have to be to want this sort of shit to be done to children?
Still stuck on stupid, I see~

Your congenital idiocy..and your religion, make you incompetent to have a cogent opinion here.

It amuses that you and your ilk constantly wrap yourselves in the pretense of caring for 'the children' when your policies now and over the years show that you couldn't care less about 'the children' except when it suits your political agenda~

The children, those adolescents who need this treatment, would prefer that your type, who hate their type, would just fuck off.
In what way was that a “good” ruling?

It allows for more children to be sexually fucked-up for life, that might have been protected otherwise.

Of course EvilEyeFleegle thinks this is a good thing. That's how mentally, morally, and spiritually fucked-up EvilEyeFleegle is. It wants this kind of fucked-up shit to be done to children. It wants children to be fucked up for life, the more the better, the more severely the better.
It amuses that you and your ilk constantly wrap yourselves in the pretense of caring for 'the children' when your policies now and over the years show that you couldn't care less about 'the children' except when it suits your political agenda~


And your position that calls for severely abusing children, in a way that will fucked them up for the rest of their lives, shows how much you care for them.

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