
I thought it stopped all providers and healthcare workers involved from getting sued.

But a guy can still rape a woman, and then turn her in for getting a 7 week abortion and make $10,000.

Maybe I read it wrong but Planned Parenthood of Texas, they have a few clinics in Texas, asked for the restraining order.

I thought that restraining order covered only the Planned Parenthood clinics of Texas.

If it covers all the clinics that's great.
Maybe I read it wrong but Planned Parenthood of Texas, they have a few clinics in Texas, asked for the restraining order.

I thought that restraining order covered only the Planned Parenthood clinics of Texas.

If it covers all the clinics that's great.
I think it does. Will check again.
And in all of those cases you have a life.

In the case of ectopic pregnancy there is no life.

You have a fertilized egg that's gone through your "conception."

That ectopic egg isn't life. It's a fertilized egg clump of cells.

It will never become life.

The only thing it will do if left alone is KILL the woman.

The ONLY way to prevent that fertilized egg that went through "conception" from killing the woman is for a doctor to perform an abortion.

If the abortion isn't performed the fertilized egg that went through "conception" will continue to grow and start to grow bacteria. If left alone it will rupture, that is explode, inside the woman. All that poison in the bacteria is released into the woman. She bleeds profusely and can bleed to death if she doesn't get to a hospital fast.

If she doesn't bleed to death she will die from the infection if she doesn't get to a doctor fast.

If she can get to a doctor in time to perform an abortion and if she's lucky, she will end up infertile. If she's not lucky she will die.

Please learn about ectopic pregnancy.

Susan lied. Again!
The usual SUSPECTS ....

We know who you Eugenisist MotherFuckers are ...

We support you !!!
How? I read.

In her ruling, Judge Guerra Gamble said the order was given to maintain the status quo while the courts determine if the law is valid.

Texas Planned Parenthoods Granted Restraining Order Against Anti-Abortion Group Over New Law | Houston Public Media


SO I don't really understand why all the pro-choice folks are celebrating. This gives you what, two weeks. . . a month?

. . . and even then, folks on the left are always about the "will of the people." If the will of the Texas electorate is to make abortion against the law. . .what the hell is your problem?


So, you would celebrate the courts telling the electorate to go pound sand, the courts are going to make the law for them?

This injunction only lasts till Sept. 13. Eight pages of arguing over something that will last for a couple weeks. :rolleyes:

Texas county judge temporarily blocks anti-abortion group from enforcing ban against Planned Parenthood​

"This new desperate effort by abortionists comes after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to intervene in a similar lawsuit on Wednesday, which permitted the Texas Heartbeat Act to take effect," Texas Right to Life said in a release after the ruling.

  • "Planned Parenthood can keep suing us, but Texas Right to Life will never back down from protecting pregnant women and preborn children from abortion," Vice President Elizabeth Graham noted.
What’s next: A preliminary injunction hearing will take place on Sept. 13."

SO I don't really understand why all the pro-choice folks are celebrating. This gives you what, two weeks. . . a month?

. . . and even then, folks on the left are always about the "will of the people." If the will of the Texas electorate is to make abortion against the law. . .what the hell is your problem?


So, you would celebrate the courts telling the electorate to go pound sand, the courts are going to make the law for them?

This injunction only lasts till Sept. 13. Eight pages of arguing over something that will last for a couple weeks. :rolleyes:

Texas county judge temporarily blocks anti-abortion group from enforcing ban against Planned Parenthood​

"This new desperate effort by abortionists comes after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to intervene in a similar lawsuit on Wednesday, which permitted the Texas Heartbeat Act to take effect," Texas Right to Life said in a release after the ruling.

  • "Planned Parenthood can keep suing us, but Texas Right to Life will never back down from protecting pregnant women and preborn children from abortion," Vice President Elizabeth Graham noted.
What’s next: A preliminary injunction hearing will take place on Sept. 13."
They are SICK .....

They want this for some other reason ...

The law isn't going to stand as is. I am not a betting person but I am willing to bet on this. I'm simply discussing the matter, not what I believe or think. There are zero chances this law stands as is.
A potential life.

No. You have a life. The only question is when it becomes a separate individual life. If there is no life it never proceeds to the point of needing an abortion or becoming a baby.

The law isn't going to stand as is. I am not a betting person but I am willing to bet on this. I'm simply discussing the matter, not what I believe or think. There are zero chances this law stands as is.
I imagine you are probably right. There is too big an industry buying and selling the tissue of dead babies by big pharma.

If Big Pharma can buy the sovereignty of the rights over our own bodies by forcing us to take medicine that hasn't been tested first on animals, or had long term studies over several years for drug interactions. . .

I am sure they will get their dead fetal tissue as well.

Human life in this society is no longer valued beyond the profits the Wall Street investors.
I imagine you are probably right. There is too big an industry buy and selling the tissue of dead babies by big pharma.

If Big Pharma can buy the sovereignty of the rights over our own bodies by forcing us to take medicine that has been tested first on animals, or had long term studies over several years for drug interactions. . .

I am sure they will get their dead fetal tissue as well.

Human life in this society is no longer valued beyond the profits the Wall Street investors.

It's because it's a clear violation of people's rights. You have to expose their medical records to just anyone for this law to work as it is written. I'm pro-life but I understand how horrible this law is.

You have to expose a persons medical records to the nosy neighbor to pay them their "finders fee". This law is not about addressing the problems of abortion. It's about power, nothing else. People seeking power and willing to take a big crap right on the Constitution to gain it.

I should restate.........I do not believe anyone has the right to take the life of another outside of direct self defense. I am reluctant to call myself pro-life because I want no association with many who claim that title.
Everyone knew it was a lie. Everyone could see this unqualified shill had no place anywhere near the court. Kavanaugh was sold to the Evangelicals as the Abortion Ending Fairy. It was no secret. So the shill shilled. And keeps on shilling.

There has been no lie. Sadly I am unable to side with either side here.
A parasite?

Wow, that's like "punished with a baby"

A parasite? Is that how you were greeted into the world?
Indicative of a degree of self-loathing, I'd say. "I was a parasite. I was a mistake of biology and my parents must have hated me, at least a little, so now I must devote this time to the support of killing the parasite that was once me, to settle that bad karma." Feeble attempt at ritual suicide.

Sad. So much of America is sad.
Indicative of a degree of self-loathing, I'd say. "I was a parasite. I was a mistake of biology and my parents must have hated me, at least a little, so now I must devote this time to the support of killing the parasite that was once me, to settle that bad karma." Feeble attempt at ritual suicide.

Sad. So much of America is sad.

True, it's like those who want to drop bombs upon millions of people who never did a thing to us.
I imagine you are probably right. There is too big an industry buying and selling the tissue of dead babies by big pharma.

If Big Pharma can buy the sovereignty of the rights over our own bodies by forcing us to take medicine that hasn't been tested first on animals, or had long term studies over several years for drug interactions. . .

I am sure they will get their dead fetal tissue as well.

Human life in this society is no longer valued beyond the profits the Wall Street investors.
Sad. America is sad. The saddest part is that they think they will drag all the good and moral people left down into the pit of hell with them.
I can't agree more.

This organization will flood the Texas courts with civil suits no matter if there is evidence or not.

That isn't the point.

The point is to bankrupt Planned Parenthood and other women's clinics.

The way the law is written is if the anti choice person wins the court case, planned parenthood or the person being sued has to pay the court costs for the anti choice person. However. If planned parenthood or the person being sued wins, the anti choice person doesn't have to pay the court costs for planned parenthood or the person being sued.

It doesn't matter if they the anti choicer wins.

A few of these cases will bankrupt planned parenthood or a clinic forcing them to close their doors.

That one part of the law is unconstitutional. It violates the 14th Amendment of equal protection under the law.

That's on top of the rest of the law being unconstitutional.

The entire law violates every provision of the First Amendment. If someone would be sued under this monstrosity by another private citizen, I would be thinking of counterclaims.

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