
Sad. America is sad. The saddest part is that they think they will drag all the good and moral people left down into the pit of hell with them.
What good and moral people?
The ones that think an 11 yr old should carry a child?
The ones that think a rape victim should carry a child?
The ones who think a mother with a fetus with lethal birth defects should carry a child to term?
The ones who vote over and over to restrict access to affordable birth control and sex education?
The ones who effectively say it’s YOUR problem (slut) you should have kept your legs closed, don’t come looking for help?
The ones continuously seek to defund pre-k programs, vote against funding for paid maternity leave, affordable child care, WIC, CHIP, housing help, etc?
The ones in a state with one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy?
What good and moral people?
The ones that think an 11 yr old should carry a child?
The ones that think a rape victim should carry a child?
The ones who think a mother with a fetus with lethal birth defects should carry a child to term?
The ones who vote over and over to restrict access to affordable birth control and sex education?
The ones who effectively say it’s YOUR problem (slut) you should have kept your legs closed, don’t come looking for help?
The ones continuously seek to defund pre-k programs, vote against funding for paid maternity leave, affordable child care, WIC, CHIP, housing help, etc?
The ones in a state with one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy?
The ones who don't kill unborn children.

And BTW, yeah, slut-shaming is a good place to start.
Voting against societal safety nets do kill unborn children also.
It is amazing how these “good and moral” small government people want the government to interfere in our most intimate decisions…until the baby is born. Then it is “you’re on your own”. Is it any surprise that states full of “good and moral” people also tend to have the highest number of teen pregnancies, inadequate public sex education programs, high levels of uninsured?
Why do you give the sperm doner a free pass?
Why do your ilk ALWAYS assume, because I don't respect females acting like whores, that I don't hold the same prejudice towards males?

And that male is actually a sperm "donor". That squiggly red line that tells you you misspelled a word is your friend. Try not being too lazy to use it. You might look smarter.
It is amazing how these “good and moral” small government people want the government to interfere in our most intimate decisions…until the baby is born. Then it is “you’re on your own”. Is it any surprise that states full of “good and moral” people also tend to have the highest number of teen pregnancies, inadequate public sex education programs, high levels of uninsured?
You must have that screed framed on your wall, like the rest of the libtards. Y'all read it off, word for word, just like that, every chance you get. Almost like it's PROGRAMMED in.
Why do your ilk ALWAYS assume, because I don't respect females acting like whores, that I don't hold the same prejudice towards males?

And that male is actually a sperm "donor". That squiggly red line that tells you you misspelled a word is your friend. Try not being too lazy to use it. You might look smarter.
It’s an assumption based on your posting history, that is all people here have to go on and it is notably one sided.

You do realize that going full spelling-Nazi is a doomed strategy that says more about you than your ability to post a decent argument, right? :lol:
You must have that screed framed on your wall, like the rest of the libtards. Y'all read it off, word for word, just like that, every chance you get. Almost like it's PROGRAMMED in.
So….you can’t actually address the points can you?
It’s an assumption based on your posting history, that is all people here have to go on and it is notably one sided.

You do realize that going full spelling-Nazi is a doomed strategy that says more about you than your ability to post a decent argument, right? :lol:
You're so easy.
I can't agree more.

This organization will flood the Texas courts with civil suits no matter if there is evidence or not.

That isn't the point.

The point is to bankrupt Planned Parenthood and other women's clinics.

The way the law is written is if the anti choice person wins the court case, planned parenthood or the person being sued has to pay the court costs for the anti choice person. However. If planned parenthood or the person being sued wins, the anti choice person doesn't have to pay the court costs for planned parenthood or the person being sued.

It doesn't matter if they the anti choicer wins.

A few of these cases will bankrupt planned parenthood or a clinic forcing them to close their doors.

That one part of the law is unconstitutional. It violates the 14th Amendment of equal protection under the law.

That's on top of the rest of the law being unconstitutional.
I can't agree more.

This organization will flood the Texas courts with civil suits no matter if there is evidence or not.

That isn't the point.

The point is to bankrupt Planned Parenthood and other women's clinics.

The way the law is written is if the anti choice person wins the court case, planned parenthood or the person being sued has to pay the court costs for the anti choice person. However. If planned parenthood or the person being sued wins, the anti choice person doesn't have to pay the court costs for planned parenthood or the person being sued.

It doesn't matter if they the anti choicer wins.

A few of these cases will bankrupt planned parenthood or a clinic forcing them to close their doors.

That one part of the law is unconstitutional. It violates the 14th Amendment of equal protection under the law.

That's on top of the rest of the law being unconstitutional.
And yet it's done all the time. The left tried to bankrupt Sarah Palin by repeatedly bringing her to court. The left seeks to bankrupt Donald Trump by repeatedly bringing him to court.
It was a state court ruling.

A Travis County Judge granted three Texas Planned Parenthood affiliates a temporary restraining order against Texas Right To Life Friday evening..........................

The order does stand until another court rules otherwise.
Hmmm.....I didn't catch that thanks....
I expect in that case that is a politically defined battle between the lower bench and the appeals bench and will most likely end up overturned like the most recent case did.
And yet it's done all the time. The left tried to bankrupt Sarah Palin by repeatedly bringing her to court. The left seeks to bankrupt Donald Trump by repeatedly bringing him to court.

Hmmm.....I didn't catch that thanks....
I expect in that case that is a politically defined battle between the lower bench and the appeals bench and will most likely end up overturned like the most recent case did.

There will be a few rulings before making the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is not going to uphold the law for the reasons I've already noted. They may allow some small aspect to stand to hopefully keep the Trump supporters from calling them poopyheads or something equally as juvenile.
There will be a few rulings before making the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is not going to uphold the law for the reasons I've already noted. They may allow some small aspect to stand to hopefully keep the Trump supporters from calling them poopyheads or something equally as juvenile.
Anti-abortionists and Trump supporters are not necessarily a synonymous group. While many of the religious right have thrown in behind the conservatives and Republicans there is also a large and growing secularist segment of the Republican party .... Just as there are numerous liberals and Democrats who are pro-life. The line of demarcation is not so neatly drawn on this particular issue.
Anti-abortionists and Trump supporters are not necessarily a synonymous group. While many of the religious right have thrown in behind the conservatives and Republicans there is also a large and growing secularist segment of the Republican party .... Just as there are numerous liberals and Democrats who are pro-life. The line of demarcation is not so neatly drawn on this particular issue.

That is true but it will be the Trump supporters calling them poopyheads.

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