Judge Halts Wyoming Abortion Ban Days After It Took Effect

Why should anyone have to travel to another state to buy a medication?

Would you force diabetics to travel to other states for insulin?

Make cancer patients drive to other states for their drugs?

I guess you never heard of mail order prescriptions?

The pharmacies are often across state lines.

BTW, I travel across the state line to buy gasoline on a regular basis.
It is life, and the woman should be responsible enough to deal with it without resorting to murder.
Yep responsible enough to know exactly what that sperm will do if she doesn't protect herself from it, but either the woman is attempting to trap the guy with a pregnancy that ends up in utter failure or she just doesn't give a shite because she can get the fix if need be. Making abortion illegal in many states, hopefully will curb the irresponsible bull shite that undoubtedly became a profit boom for those who are influential business people, otherwise who inturn lobbies the state's in hopes to keep it all going.
It is life, and the woman should be responsible enough to deal with it without resorting to murder.
LOL, abortion is a last resort. Do you really believe a woman who wants an abortion will wait until her 30 week checkup to do so The 30 week checkup is when most genetic abnormalities show up. These Women Wanted to bring a child into this world but then they discover it has serious problems and most likely wouldn't survive. What to do. A very serious decision has to be made. Enter the state of Texas they' be got a lawsuit of many women victims of their abortion law already. Abortion laws are egregious and impractical.
Rights are not given by the courts. Our entire governmental philosophy is based on the idea that rights are innate in every person.

The right to Gay Marriage isn't "innate" at all, but just an invention of libs

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, Homo Marriage and the pursuit of Happiness." ????
Something like 90% of abortions take place before week 16 and 60% of those take place before week 6.
Why use abortion for birth control ? Answer that one, and why is their powerful interest trying to protect abortion's ? Is it money interest, and at what stage is any of the parts of the fetus developed enough to use for the so called medical research being performed in a Wuhan lab, uhhhhh oh wait I meant in a medical lab here for profit or nefarious purposes ??
LOL, abortion is a last resort. Do you really believe a woman who wants an abortion will wait until her 30 week checkup to do so The 30 week checkup is when most genetic abnormalities show up. These Women Wanted to bring a child into this world but then they discover it has serious problems and most likely wouldn't survive. What to do. A very serious decision has to be made. Enter the state of Texas they' be got a lawsuit of many women victims of their abortion law already. Abortion laws are egregious and impractical.

Abortion mills have regular customers who come by all of the time. Hardly a "last resort" for a lot of broads.

Abortuaries wouldn't print calendars for them if they didn't want to drum up steady business.
See how they try to conflate the issue ? We are only taking abortion, but they want to sanitize it by adding women's healthcare into it, and it's all in order to somehow justify it. No one's buying their bull shite except for maybe a minority of woman who want or choose to use abortion as a means of birth control or contraception.
The government should NOT be the one to make that medical decision or personal decision for the individual woman. The govt has no power or right to even know the woman is pregnant, until she shows.

The woman in turn, has a right to privacy...for her own personal doings and for her own medical decisions....as she should and any he should....

Where in the Constitution is the government given this power over a woman to make her personal and medical decisions for her?
Neither should be making abortion laws.

Even if you call abortion "health care", there are plenty of laws regulating all forms of health care.

Do you think that anyone should be able to do dental work or brain surgery? Should Roto Rooter be allowed to open a colonoscopy clinic?
It's not murder.
I thought the ending of a life by a human hand, is the taking of that life by a human hand, otherwise in this case however it's through abortion being used for such to take place by a human hand or intervention so to speak ? The woman may actually not feel guilty, because she thinks to herself that "hey I didn't do it, the doctor who thinks that it's ok did it". So if he or she (Doctor) thinks it's ok, and he or she is supposed to be the smart one, then it must be ok.
The right to Gay Marriage isn't "innate" at all, but just an invention of libs

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, Homo Marriage and the pursuit of Happiness." ????
As far as the state is concerned marriage is nothing but a property contract so ALL people should be able to enter into that contract
And the preamble is not legally binding it's nothing but a descriptive statement of our governing philosophy

Even the Constitution sates that any rights enumerated in it are not the ONLY rights people have.
See how they try to conflate the issue ? We are only taking abortion, but they want to sanitize it by adding women's healthcare into it, and it's all in order to somehow justify it. No one's buying their bull shite except for maybe a minority of woman who want or choose to use abortion as a means of birth control or contraception.
Women do not have to justify their decisions to you or anyone else
It's none of your business and it's a HIPPA violation to do so.
As far as the state is concerned marriage is nothing but a property contract so ALL people should be able to enter into that contract
And the preamble is not legally binding it's nothing but a descriptive statement of our governing philosophy

Even the Constitution sates that any rights enumerated in it are not the ONLY rights people have.

All people could already enter into marriage. A homo could marry a broad , just like a normal fellow- provided of course she agrees.
I thought the ending of a life by a human hand, is the taking of that life by a human hand, otherwise in this case however it's through abortion being used for such to take place by a human hand or intervention so to speak ? The woman may actually not feel guilty, because she thinks to herself that "hey I didn't do it, the doctor who thinks that it's ok did it". So if he or she (Doctor) thinks it's ok, and he or she is supposed to be the smart one, then it must be ok.

Except an fetus is not legally defined as a person.

Murder is defined as the intentional unlawful killing of a person.

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