Judge Halts Wyoming Abortion Ban Days After It Took Effect

There are cells that are alive early on of which are live human cells...

Fine, whatever, it is still none of gov't s bees wax.... early on. Point to where the Constitution says it is Congress's decision, or legislature's decision.... It's not!
Already answered this, the federal government sets criminal code for federal territory and the states set criminal code for the states.

The Constitution doesn’t dictate that robbery has to be a crime, or rape, or assault, or any particular type of homicide / murder (like abortion).

It should demand abortion, like slavery, be banned in every state, and that’s what constitutional amendments are for.
And when a man can carry a pregnancy to term then he can decide whether or not to get an abortion.

Why should a woman have to carry a child just because a man wants her to?
Because she entered the contract with him at copulation. Should a woman be allowed spike a baby to the cement like a football in spite of its father?
Yes, people were forced, because there were penalties and restrictions aplenty if you didn't get the jab.

Saying a person wasn't forced but was then fired, denied access to places, or made a pariah is semantics, and fascist ones at that.
I believe some people just need things to complain about 24/7.
Abortion will again be legal in Wyoming — at least for now — after a judge on Wednesday temporarily blocked a ban that took effect a few days earlier.

Teton County District Court Judge Melissa Owens’ decision halts the ban amid a challenge in her court to a law that took effect Sunday. The Republican-controlled Legislature approved the law despite earlier rulings by Owens that had blocked a previous ban since shortly after it took effect last summer.

An amendment in the Wyoming Constitution says adults have a right to make their own health care decisions, so Republicans enacted a ban that states abortion is not health care. However, Owens said it's up to the courts, not lawmakers, to decide whether that's the case.

Get ready for it. It's coming.
Dobbs made the abortion issue one of state law. A state judge interpreting a state abortion law fits within that SCOTUS holding.
Right, she had control, and then got pregnant and is killing a separate life thanks for proving my point.
Both are responsible, or should be, but if she agrees to have sex she should not have the right to kill that wholly separate human being, that is equally part of the father, you are basing everything in emotion.
Once again it is not "wholly separate" if the fetus is attached to the woman

And I am not using emotion you are I am stating facts. Females are more important than males when it comes to reproduction so it only makes sense they have more control
A fetus is a human in God's eyes no matter how much you want to nitpick it.
So some states can choose to carry out these killings while others have a perfect right not to.
Your god has nothing to do with it.

FYI not everyone believes in the god you believe in so you have no right to force your religious beliefs on anyone else.
What I don't understand is why liberals are so hot to trot for Abortion-on-demand or Gay "Marriage" and are so anxious to force those who don't think these ideas are that tremendous to do them.

Nothing stops knocked-up broads in Wyoming from crossing the border into Far Left Colorado after all.

Or chicks in trouble in Texas from crossing on over into Juarez to get their babies aborted.
Individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state - whether to have a child or not or whom to marry.
Once again it is not "wholly separate" if the fetus is attached to the woman

And I am not using emotion you are I am stating facts. Females are more important than males when it comes to reproduction so it only makes sense they have more control
Wholly misandrist.
Your god has nothing to do with it.

FYI not everyone believes in the god you believe in so you have no right to force your religious beliefs on anyone else.
Fine...and you have no right to force your atheistic beliefs on anyone else either.
Thats why its a state issue now. If your state doesn't allow you to kill, drive to the one next door. If I don't like my state killing babies, I can move if I feel like it.
But I really don't care....because its a state by state issue to decide.
Fine...and you have no right to force your atheistic beliefs on anyone else either.
Thats why its a state issue now. If your state doesn't allow you to kill, drive to the one next door. If I don't like my state killing babies, I can move if I feel like it.
But I really don't care....because its a state by state issue to decide.
Or, if you don’t want a baby, don’t get pregnant! Amazing.

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