Judge Halts Wyoming Abortion Ban Days After It Took Effect

I thought the ending of a life by a human hand, is the taking of that life by a human hand, otherwise in this case however it's through abortion being used for such to take place by a human hand or intervention so to speak ? The woman may actually not feel guilty, because she thinks to herself that "hey I didn't do it, the doctor who thinks that it's ok did it". So if he or she (Doctor) thinks it's ok, and he or she is supposed to be the smart one, then it must be ok.
Is it ok with you to bring into this world a badly genetically flawed child who had very little chance of surviving in the first place ? I believe that should be a crime. Some women who actually wanted to have more children discover this fact on their 30 week checkup is that murder or mercy I believe that is being merciful. So not all abortions are equal and none are exactly the same but NOME are murder, and definitely all should be determined by a woman and her doctor, not the state or the courts.
To hell it don't with abortion on demand. What the hell do you think "on demand" means?
Abortion on demand, boy you really bought into the anti-abortion campaigns. I bet you know them all by heart. It's murder, it's a baby etc. Etc.
Doesn't matter.

And no women are not given "special" rights they have the same rights as a man to control their own body.

No one ever said life was "fair" this is the nature of the human reproductive cycle and it's the best we have until a fertilized ovum can be grown in a lab or until men can carry a pregnancy.

So really the best advice for men is to not demand the woman be responsible for birth control and take responsibility for themselves because once he deposits his sperm into a woman's body he doesn't own it anymore.
Right, she had control, and then got pregnant and is killing a separate life thanks for proving my point.
Both are responsible, or should be, but if she agrees to have sex she should not have the right to kill that wholly separate human being, that is equally part of the father, you are basing everything in emotion.
Attached to the woman and not viable outside the womb when most abortions occur. I'm facts when 50% of all abortions occur the creature is only about 1 " long and that's counting the tail which accounts for nearly half of the body length. It has a primitive heart, gills, no legs, bids for arms and weighs less than an ounce. Basically a deformed tadpole.
No matter how hard you try to diminish it, it is human life, you have bought into all of the leftist propaganda trying to make it not life.
Where in the Constitution is the government given this power over a woman to make her personal and medical decisions for her?
The federal government can ban murder in federal jurisdiction.

The states can ban murder in state jurisdictions.

I don’t know why you’re talking about something irrelevant like healthcare.
Abortion on demand, boy you really bought into the anti-abortion campaigns. I bet you know them all by heart. It's murder, it's a baby etc. Etc.
I'm certain he does know them all...

But, imo it is a baby in the making Stann, being formed.... it does not have "life" yet, but it could be a born human with life, in time.... That is simply the science of it.... And Biblically it sorta fits in to Genesis.... God formed Adam (man), and THEN He breathed "life" in him... There were 2 distinct situations, the being formed phase, and then the life, with first breath.

Without the first one, there never would be the second one, in both scientific and Biblical situations when discussing the physical human existence... Imo.

I don't want women to have abortions as birth control, but I feel and know and can easily say that,

BUT I also know that this is NOT my decision or government's decision to make for her or even know it is being made by the woman at all in early pregnancy... No one should be making this decision but her and whom she chooses to help her decide... doctor, lawyer, Indian chief, pastor, Rabbi, husband, boyfriend or just by herself for her own individual situation....

In early pregnancy, it is none of the govt's business to even know what is going on in that woman's life or body, nor in their power within the constitution to make these medical decisions for women, imho.
The government should NOT be the one to make that medical decision or personal decision for the individual woman. The govt has no power or right to even know the woman is pregnant, until she shows.

The woman in turn, has a right to privacy...for her own personal doings and for her own medical decisions....as she should and any he should....

Where in the Constitution is the government given this power over a woman to make her personal and medical decisions for her?

this time its from the state
But, imo it is a baby in the making Stann, being formed.... it does not have "life" yet
That is untrue, and it is not a matter of opinion, human life begins at fertilization; this is textbook Biology, but not even BIO 101 level. Should have been learned well before.

but it could be a born human with life, in time.... That is simply the science of it.... And Biblically it sorta fits in to Genesis.... God formed Adam (man), and THEN He breathed "life" in him... There were 2 distinct situations, the being formed phase, and then the life, with first breath.
Genesis Chapter 2, Yahweh sculpts a figure of a man in his own image out of the earth, then breathes life into it, magically making the clay figure into Adam. There is no indication that he does any such thing for Eve, by the way, she’s made from his rib with unspecified methods.

This is not how embryology works for everyone else. Earth is clearly not Eden. Adam would be divine magic abiogenesis if the story is true. I very much doubt it is true.

We humans today do not need abiogenesis, divine or otherwise, we are created through sexual reproduction, just like the progeny of the first Homo sapiens sapiens, be that Adam and Eve or advantageously mutated primates.
Right, she had control, and then got pregnant and is killing a separate life thanks for proving my point.
Both are responsible, or should be, but if she agrees to have sex she should not have the right to kill that wholly separate human being, that is equally part of the father, you are basing everything in emotion.
You are starting with a false assumption There is human tissue involved but there is no separate individual, only that potential outcome as well as many others. The organism is not even self aware. It would be like pulling the plug on a person who's been on life support with no brain function at all.
You are starting with a false assumption There is human tissue involved but there is no separate individual, only that potential outcome as well as many others. The organism is not even self aware. It would be like pulling the plug on a person who's been on life support with no brain function at all.
Noxiously stupid.

The brain dead are dead. They cannot regenerate that organ so the damage is permanent.

The living who are too young to have developed said organ yet are not dead. They don’t have to regenerate anything as they have yet to generate, and will. They are not damaged at all.
You are starting with a false assumption There is human tissue involved but there is no separate individual, only that potential outcome as well as many others. The organism is not even self aware. It would be like pulling the plug on a person who's been on life support with no brain function at all.
You are using every liberal talking point available, it is a separate sentient being
That is untrue, and it is not a matter of opinion, human life begins at fertilization; this is textbook Biology, but not even BIO 101 level. Should have been learned well before.

Genesis Chapter 2, Yahweh sculpts a figure of a man in his own image out of the earth, then breathes life into it, magically making the clay figure into Adam. There is no indication that he does any such thing for Eve, by the way, she’s made from his rib with unspecified methods.

This is not how embryology works for everyone else. Earth is clearly not Eden. Adam would be divine magic abiogenesis if the story is true. I very much doubt it is true.

We humans today do not need abiogenesis, divine or otherwise, we are created through sexual reproduction, just like the progeny of the first Homo sapiens sapiens, be that Adam and Eve or advantageously mutated primates.

There are cells that are alive early on of which are live human cells...

Fine, whatever, it is still none of gov't s bees wax.... early on. Point to where the Constitution says it is Congress's decision, or legislature's decision.... It's not!

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