Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

Bullshit - At the 4 minute point when he wasn't moving or talking and had no pulse, it became VERY intentional.

Passing out is not that uncommon when people are tanked up on drugs or alcohol.

So he's passed out from drugs and it had NOTHING to do with a knee on his neck for 9.5 minutes. Got it! :rolleyes-41:

Lol, yeah enough fentanyl to kill an elephant, heart problems, methamphetamines, will cause you to die most of the time. Had nothing to do with the officer. All you're doing is regurgitating the liberal propaganda. I thought you were smarter than that and could discern, strangleove?

No, I'm "regurgitating" FACTS - Which you clearly hate ;-)

No you're not. The toxicology reports and part of the video that wasn't shown to the public prove otherwise. Those are facts. You cant prosecute a case on feelings, emotions, hate ie brianna taylor, ferguson, duke lacrosse. All were proven innocent based on facts not emotions.
Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.
An officer cannot be held responsible for an OD.

No, if it was a simple OD, but it wasn't. Constricting his breathing contributed to Floyd's death.

This 'OD' seems to have been brought on by the officer's kneeling on his neck.

That's why the officer was obligated to stop kneeling on his neck, to evaluate his condition and to treat it as a medical emergency.

No Officer has the right to assume that anyone they arrest is in good medical condition and can survive brutal treatment.

Floyd could just as likely had a condition like diabetes and have died from that after having his neck compressed.
Fentanyl created the breathing issue, no others reason he was complaining before the cop touched him. Facts in evidence
Watch the unedited video.

They play it at the beginning of this pod.

Floyd was screaming, “I CANT CHOKE, I CANT BREATHE!” when he was in the back of the cop car and no one was anywhere near his head or chest.


Nebraska has used Fentanyl to execute death row prisoners.

The video makes it quite obvious.

yep, exactly. no one touching him he was complaining about his breathing. it continues to amaze me the ignorance of demofk.

He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

When they are resisting arrest you restrain them whether they have trouble breating or not.

They did as they were trained and restrained him AND called for medical assistance.

When one is unconscious, one cannot possibly be "resisting arrest".

The video does not show them restraining him after he lost consciousness

Yes it does.

How can he say he can’t breathe then?

They just want the cop convicted. They don’t GAF about the facts
Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.
An officer cannot be held responsible for an OD.

No, if it was a simple OD, but it wasn't. Constricting his breathing contributed to Floyd's death.

This 'OD' seems to have been brought on by the officer's kneeling on his neck.

That's why the officer was obligated to stop kneeling on his neck, to evaluate his condition and to treat it as a medical emergency.

No Officer has the right to assume that anyone they arrest is in good medical condition and can survive brutal treatment.

Floyd could just as likely had a condition like diabetes and have died from that after having his neck compressed.
Fentanyl created the breathing issue, no others reason he was complaining before the cop touched him. Facts in evidence
Fentynal, hell! The guy had the Kung Fu Flu. It was Chauvin's fault for not having a ventilator with him.
Watch the unedited video.

They play it at the beginning of this pod.

Floyd was screaming, “I CANT CHOKE, I CANT BREATHE!” when he was in the back of the cop car and no one was anywhere near his head or chest.


Nebraska has used Fentanyl to execute death row prisoners.

The video makes it quite obvious.

yep, exactly. no one touching him he was complaining about his breathing. it continues to amaze me the ignorance of demofk.

He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

When they are resisting arrest you restrain them whether they have trouble breating or not.

They did as they were trained and restrained him AND called for medical assistance.

When one is unconscious, one cannot possibly be "resisting arrest".

The video does not show them restraining him after he lost consciousness

Yes it does.

How can he say he can’t breathe then?

He wasn't.
Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.
An officer cannot be held responsible for an OD.

No, if it was a simple OD, but it wasn't. Constricting his breathing contributed to Floyd's death.

This 'OD' seems to have been brought on by the officer's kneeling on his neck.

That's why the officer was obligated to stop kneeling on his neck, to evaluate his condition and to treat it as a medical emergency.

No Officer has the right to assume that anyone they arrest is in good medical condition and can survive brutal treatment.

Floyd could just as likely had a condition like diabetes and have died from that after having his neck compressed.
Besides drug-addled, seems the only condition Floyd didn't have was diabetes. Your statement was factually wrong.

I meant 'diabetes' as a hypothetical example, dumbass.
Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.
An officer cannot be held responsible for an OD.

No, if it was a simple OD, but it wasn't. Constricting his breathing contributed to Floyd's death.

This 'OD' seems to have been brought on by the officer's kneeling on his neck.

That's why the officer was obligated to stop kneeling on his neck, to evaluate his condition and to treat it as a medical emergency.

No Officer has the right to assume that anyone they arrest is in good medical condition and can survive brutal treatment.

Floyd could just as likely had a condition like diabetes and have died from that after having his neck compressed.
Besides drug-addled, seems the only condition Floyd didn't have was diabetes. Your statement was factually wrong.

I meant 'diabetes' as a hypothetical example, dumbass.
He didn't have enough health/drug issues without you bringing diabetes?

You've got anger issues boy.
Certainly what that cop was doing would not have killed Floyd had he been sober and rona free that day.
That is FAR from certain.
His heart stopped working
That happens when
Now you can blame the cop. But let's not pretend Floyd got murdered.
He was killed by another person's actions. That's murder

No it's not

For example if i'm trying to kill you and you kill me first, that's not murder

If i'm resisting arrest and then he puts me in a conventional hold then I die because i'm speed balling while having the rona. That's not on the guy giving me the hold.

If some cop kills me while serving a no knock warrant because I started firing on them. That's not murder. The state literally pays them to do that in plain english it's part of their job

When they're following the clear letter of policy they should have some sort of qualified immunity. And in this case they were. If the guy was white none of this would be a discussion this is all about racial strife in the rest of our society. Floyd was not murdered

And i was just using the colloquial term for what happened to his heart you fucking dipshit. You want to know the medical term look it up.

"they strangled him". No.
How will OBiden and Kramalot Harris handle this. Shit Holes on Fire.

Ok. I give a long article and don't expect you to read it.

In my own words the judge is NOW ALLOWING evidence from Floyd's previous arrest. A carbon copy from the first except he didn't get up this time.

The judge reversed this decision sharply 90 degrees.

THERE: You don't have to read it now
The defense is attempting, I assume, to claim Floyd has a history of drug use / addiction and that the drug use was a contributing factor to his death caused by a heart problem....which the defense lawyer pushed hard in his opening remarks.

That being said.....

I listened to the prosecutor read aloud the oath the policeman took when he joined the force, the oath not to use excessive force....then I watched the video played of Floyd lying on the ground near motionless face down, the officer's knee on the back of his neck, and his repeated comments about how he could not breathe, calling for his mother....

Those 2 things were POWERFUL and will stick in the minds of the jury, IMO.

It may not matter that the defense proves Floyd was a drug addict, that he popped drugs into his mouth at the time of his arrest to avoid being caught with them, that his heart problems and the drugs he took were the direct cause of his death....but in his last few minutes, struggling to breathe due to his drug-fueled heart medical emergency/problem, exacerbated / made more difficult I am sure with a knee on the back of his neck,... In those last minutes he was alive, as he pleaded for his life, telling officers he could not breathe and the officers totally ignoring him as he was dying....

...again, THAT was POWERFUL.

I do not think the officer will be found guilty of 'Murder', which is intentional. 'Manslaughter' is the accidental death, someone dying of something someone does, something NOT intentional. I think that reading of the oath and then playing the video of Floyd dying is too powerful to rend a verdict of 'Innocent'. IMO, he will be found guilty of 'Manslaughter'. IMHO....we'll see.
Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.
An officer cannot be held responsible for an OD.

No, if it was a simple OD, but it wasn't. Constricting his breathing contributed to Floyd's death.

This 'OD' seems to have been brought on by the officer's kneeling on his neck.

That's why the officer was obligated to stop kneeling on his neck, to evaluate his condition and to treat it as a medical emergency.

No Officer has the right to assume that anyone they arrest is in good medical condition and can survive brutal treatment.

Floyd could just as likely had a condition like diabetes and have died from that after having his neck compressed.
Besides drug-addled, seems the only condition Floyd didn't have was diabetes. Your statement was factually wrong.

I meant 'diabetes' as a hypothetical example, dumbass.
He didn't have enough health/drug issues without you bringing diabetes?

You've got anger issues boy.

Yes, stupidity angers me!

US /ˌhaɪ.pəˈθet̬.ɪ.kəl/ UK /ˌhaɪ.pəˈθet.ɪ.kəl/

imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true:
Watch the unedited video.

They play it at the beginning of this pod.

Floyd was screaming, “I CANT CHOKE, I CANT BREATHE!” when he was in the back of the cop car and no one was anywhere near his head or chest.


Nebraska has used Fentanyl to execute death row prisoners.

The video makes it quite obvious.

yep, exactly. no one touching him he was complaining about his breathing. it continues to amaze me the ignorance of demofk.

He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

When they are resisting arrest you restrain them whether they have trouble breating or not.

They did as they were trained and restrained him AND called for medical assistance.

When one is unconscious, one cannot possibly be "resisting arrest".

The video does not show them restraining him after he lost consciousness

Wow...Allen Dulles’ grandson is here and the thread isn’t even about the CIA’s killing of JFK. WOW again!

Of course he sides with the state on the Floyd murder...as always, just like his granddaddy.
Fentanyl contributed to the death. The killer on his neck contributed too. Killer is GUILTY of third degree murder
Killer implies intent, the technique used is a trained move! So what was illegal?
Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.
An officer cannot be held responsible for an OD.

No, if it was a simple OD, but it wasn't. Constricting his breathing contributed to Floyd's death.

This 'OD' seems to have been brought on by the officer's kneeling on his neck.

That's why the officer was obligated to stop kneeling on his neck, to evaluate his condition and to treat it as a medical emergency.

No Officer has the right to assume that anyone they arrest is in good medical condition and can survive brutal treatment.

Floyd could just as likely had a condition like diabetes and have died from that after having his neck compressed.
Besides drug-addled, seems the only condition Floyd didn't have was diabetes. Your statement was factually wrong.

I meant 'diabetes' as a hypothetical example, dumbass.
He didn't have enough health/drug issues without you bringing diabetes?

You've got anger issues boy.

Yes, stupidity angers me!

US /ˌhaɪ.pəˈθet̬.ɪ.kəl/ UK /ˌhaɪ.pəˈθet.ɪ.kəl/

imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true:
Wow! It must be rough living with yourself. My sympathies.
Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.
An officer cannot be held responsible for an OD.

No, if it was a simple OD, but it wasn't. Constricting his breathing contributed to Floyd's death.

This 'OD' seems to have been brought on by the officer's kneeling on his neck.

That's why the officer was obligated to stop kneeling on his neck, to evaluate his condition and to treat it as a medical emergency.

No Officer has the right to assume that anyone they arrest is in good medical condition and can survive brutal treatment.

Floyd could just as likely had a condition like diabetes and have died from that after having his neck compressed.
Besides drug-addled, seems the only condition Floyd didn't have was diabetes. Your statement was factually wrong.

I meant 'diabetes' as a hypothetical example, dumbass.
He didn't have enough health/drug issues without you bringing diabetes?

You've got anger issues boy.

Yes, stupidity angers me!

US /ˌhaɪ.pəˈθet̬.ɪ.kəl/ UK /ˌhaɪ.pəˈθet.ɪ.kəl/

imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true:
Wow! It must be rough living with yourself. My sympathies.

It must be rough for you to not be able to understand English.
Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.
An officer cannot be held responsible for an OD.

No, if it was a simple OD, but it wasn't. Constricting his breathing contributed to Floyd's death.

This 'OD' seems to have been brought on by the officer's kneeling on his neck.

That's why the officer was obligated to stop kneeling on his neck, to evaluate his condition and to treat it as a medical emergency.

No Officer has the right to assume that anyone they arrest is in good medical condition and can survive brutal treatment.

Floyd could just as likely had a condition like diabetes and have died from that after having his neck compressed.
Besides drug-addled, seems the only condition Floyd didn't have was diabetes. Your statement was factually wrong.

I meant 'diabetes' as a hypothetical example, dumbass.
He didn't have enough health/drug issues without you bringing diabetes?

You've got anger issues boy.

Yes, stupidity angers me!

US /ˌhaɪ.pəˈθet̬.ɪ.kəl/ UK /ˌhaɪ.pəˈθet.ɪ.kəl/

imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true:
Wow! It must be rough living with yourself. My sympathies.

It must be rough for you to not be able to understand English.
Were you Trayvon Martin's girlfriend?
I do not think the officer will be found guilty of 'Murder', which is intentional. 'Manslaughter' is the accidental death, someone dying of something someone does, something NOT intentional. I think that reading of the oath and then playing the video of Floyd dying is too powerful to rend a verdict of 'Innocent'. IMO, he will be found guilty of 'Manslaughter'. IMHO....we'll see.

That remains to be seen. Lawyers are just lawyers and everybody knows what to expect of them. I think the defense will bring somebody in from the police academy to testify that kneeling on an irate suspects neck is taught and is procedure. I think they will drag in doctors to explain Floyd's condition to the jury, and what happens to a body with an OD of a fentanyl cocktail along with his serious medical problems. They may even drag in the doctors that performed the autopsy to explain their conclusion to the jury.

So I don't think opening statements will weigh heavily in the juries decision. I believe they will be looking to the experts for evidence of why Floyd actually died.

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