Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

Did you ever hear of George Floyd?

You have no idea how many people die in police custody or are murdered by police. If it weren't for passer-bys taking videos, we'd never have known about George Floyd.

Sure we would have because every death at the hands of a police officer is thoroughly investigated. If it's an intentional killing, it's investigated by several outside police agencies.

My point about Floyd is that he did die during a maneuver used by police all the time. To me that indicates it wasn't the maneuver that actually killed him.

Thoroughly investigated by who? Other police?

You apparently don't know many police officers.

As one NYC detective once told me:

"Collectively the NYPD are the most honest guys in the world, individually their all crooks"
Negroes on the jury. The policeman has a snowball chance in hell of being judged fairly.

Just imagine the Negro on that jury that didn't vote him guilty. That Negro would be lynched by the other Negroes.
You're Honor, I present to you Exhibit A: classic case of projection.

Here we see the subject ascribing to their perceived enemies the traits him and his ancestors did or would do in a similar situation.

More evidence of how atrocious America was in the not-very-distant past.
Thoroughly investigated by who? Other police?

You apparently don't know many police officers.

I've not only known a few but worked with one. Yes, other agencies investigate police shootings that end up in the death of a suspect. Who else has the resources to investigate them, BLM?
Only a racist far rightwing cop-luvin' nutter like @Ray From Cleveland can observe a cop kneeling on a man's neck, his full body weight mind you, for almost 10 minutes straight and say "Oh yeah, it was some drugs that killed him, the cop did nuttin' wrongk!"

If I haven't seen it repeatedly I wouldn't be taking that stance.
How will OBiden and Kramalot Harris handle this. Shit Holes on Fire.

Ok. I give a long article and don't expect you to read it.

In my own words the judge is NOW ALLOWING evidence from Floyd's previous arrest. A carbon copy from the first except he didn't get up this time.

The judge reversed this decision sharply 90 degrees.

THERE: You don't have to read it now
Will they take back his gold coffin?
What a freakshow that all was. And all over a low life drug addict.
There won't be an acquittal. If you or the judge believes his previous record is relevant that's fine. Normal people do not. Murder is murder.

You need to look up the definition of murder under the law.
Go ahead and judge this case with your feelings. You'll be disappointed and angry.
Enjoy your new TV.
After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

It was common (no so much any more). The issue is he remained on the neck of a dying man for 9 minutes.

DId Chauven even know the great African American was dying ?

It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

Yes there was. A lethal dose of fentanyl.
It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

So police should conduct themselves according to a crowd? :eusa_shhh:

Police should not ignore the pleas of the citizens.

By that logic if someone is robbing your house and the citizens chant leave him alone he needs the money the police should not interfere.
See why making decisions based on feelings, leftism, is stupid.
After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

It was common (no so much any more). The issue is he remained on the neck of a dying man for 9 minutes.

DId Chauven even know the great African American was dying ?

It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

Yes there was. A lethal dose of fentanyl.

And you don't address that by kneeling on a persons neck until they die.
What happens if he is acquitted? My guess is all hell breaks loose again around the country. If this should occur, expect Joe to back the police just as Don did, further exacerbating the unrest.
Around the world.

Everyone is looking for justice in this case.

Every. One.
And there will be justice when Chauvin is acquited. Then you savages can try and riot some more. Only people won’t take your bullshit this time.
He was trained to use that tactic. If anyone should be prosecuted, is the guy that made the decision to use that tactic and the Sheriff that let it continue. The cop was doing exactly what he was trained to do.
After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

It was common (no so much any more). The issue is he remained on the neck of a dying man for 9 minutes.

DId Chauven even know the great African American was dying ?

It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

Yes there was. A lethal dose of fentanyl.

And you don't address that by kneeling on a persons neck until they die.
He was trained to do that. The technique has been used hundreds of times. It was in their handbook.
If you think that means a guilty verdict is in, you need to think again.
I feel strongly about this case.

If this cop isn't guilty, then no cop was ever guilty of anything and it's a total free for all on taking black lives.

They're showing the video of Mr. Floyd's final minutes now in the trial.

It's clear what took place here.

You should pick up a nice surround sound system while you're at it. I have one, they're great for movies.
How will OBiden and Kramalot Harris handle this. Shit Holes on Fire.

Ok. I give a long article and don't expect you to read it.

In my own words the judge is NOW ALLOWING evidence from Floyd's previous arrest. A carbon copy from the first except he didn't get up this time.

The judge reversed this decision sharply 90 degrees.

THERE: You don't have to read it now
The defense is attempting, I assume, to claim Floyd has a history of drug use / addiction and that the drug use was a contributing factor to his death caused by a heart problem....which the defense lawyer pushed hard in his opening remarks.

That being said.....

I listened to the prosecutor read aloud the oath the policeman took when he joined the force, the oath not to use excessive force....then I watched the video played of Floyd lying on the ground near motionless face down, the officer's knee on the back of his neck, and his repeated comments about how he could not breathe, calling for his mother....

Those 2 things were POWERFUL and will stick in the minds of the jury, IMO.

It may not matter that the defense proves Floyd was a drug addict, that he popped drugs into his mouth at the time of his arrest to avoid being caught with them, that his heart problems and the drugs he took were the direct cause of his death....but in his last few minutes, struggling to breathe due to his drug-fueled heart medical emergency/problem, exacerbated / made more difficult I am sure with a knee on the back of his neck,... In those last minutes he was alive, as he pleaded for his life, telling officers he could not breathe and the officers totally ignoring him as he was dying....

...again, THAT was POWERFUL.

I do not think the officer will be found guilty of 'Murder', which is intentional. 'Manslaughter' is the accidental death, someone dying of something someone does, something NOT intentional. I think that reading of the oath and then playing the video of Floyd dying is too powerful to rend a verdict of 'Innocent'. IMO, he will be found guilty of 'Manslaughter'. IMHO....we'll see.

Third-degree murder is a category of murder defined in the laws of three states in the United States: Florida, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. It was formerly defined in New Mexico (which once had five degrees of murder) and Wisconsin.

Depending on the state, third-degree murder may include felony murder regardless of the underlying felony, felony murder only where the underlying felony is non-violent, or depraved-heart murder, meaning that intent to kill is not an element of the offense of third-degree murder in any state which defines it.

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