Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

In United States law, depraved-heart murder, also known as depraved-indifference murder, is a type of murder where an individual acts with a "depraved indifference" to human life and where such act results in a death, despite that individual not explicitly intending to kill. In a depraved-heart murder, defendants commit an act even though they know their act runs an unusually high risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to a person.
How will OBiden and Kramalot Harris handle this. Shit Holes on Fire.

Ok. I give a long article and don't expect you to read it.

In my own words the judge is NOW ALLOWING evidence from Floyd's previous arrest. A carbon copy from the first except he didn't get up this time.

The judge reversed this decision sharply 90 degrees.

THERE: You don't have to read it now
The defense is attempting, I assume, to claim Floyd has a history of drug use / addiction and that the drug use was a contributing factor to his death caused by a heart problem....which the defense lawyer pushed hard in his opening remarks.

That being said.....

I listened to the prosecutor read aloud the oath the policeman took when he joined the force, the oath not to use excessive force....then I watched the video played of Floyd lying on the ground near motionless face down, the officer's knee on the back of his neck, and his repeated comments about how he could not breathe, calling for his mother....

Those 2 things were POWERFUL and will stick in the minds of the jury, IMO.

It may not matter that the defense proves Floyd was a drug addict, that he popped drugs into his mouth at the time of his arrest to avoid being caught with them, that his heart problems and the drugs he took were the direct cause of his death....but in his last few minutes, struggling to breathe due to his drug-fueled heart medical emergency/problem, exacerbated / made more difficult I am sure with a knee on the back of his neck,... In those last minutes he was alive, as he pleaded for his life, telling officers he could not breathe and the officers totally ignoring him as he was dying....

...again, THAT was POWERFUL.

I do not think the officer will be found guilty of 'Murder', which is intentional. 'Manslaughter' is the accidental death, someone dying of something someone does, something NOT intentional. I think that reading of the oath and then playing the video of Floyd dying is too powerful to rend a verdict of 'Innocent'. IMO, he will be found guilty of 'Manslaughter'. IMHO....we'll see.

Third-degree murder is a category of murder defined in the laws of three states in the United States: Florida, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. It was formerly defined in New Mexico (which once had five degrees of murder) and Wisconsin.

Depending on the state, third-degree murder may include felony murder regardless of the underlying felony, felony murder only where the underlying felony is non-violent, or depraved-heart murder, meaning that intent to kill is not an element of the offense of third-degree murder in any state which defines it.
Lesh. you voted for a murdering governor who hurt so many people. You are guilty of murder too.
If you think that means a guilty verdict is in, you need to think again.
I feel strongly about this case.

If this cop isn't guilty, then no cop was ever guilty of anything and it's a total free for all on taking black lives.

They're showing the video of Mr. Floyd's final minutes now in the trial.

It's clear what took place here.

I'm not gonna hang around here long, I lack the desire, to be perfectly honest, but I have a feeling that by the time this thread runs its course we'll be able to comfortably conclude by the terms of controversy relative to comparison that, oh, the Nazis were just following procedure when they sent fellow human beings to the gas chamber by the power vested upon them by protocol and a government gun, so surely it must have been perfectly acceptable that we render them innocent of their deeds.

Or something along those lines.


So you believe the police training manual in Minnesota ,approved by a bunch of leftists no doubt, includes instructions to murder its citizens? Try forming a thought based on reason and common sense. Leftism destroys those things.
After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

It was common (no so much any more). The issue is he remained on the neck of a dying man for 9 minutes.

DId Chauven even know the great African American was dying ?

It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

Yes there was. A lethal dose of fentanyl.

And you don't address that by kneeling on a persons neck until they die.
He was trained to do that. The technique has been used hundreds of times. It was in their handbook.

He isn't trained to continue to kneel on a man's neck while others are yelling at him that there is something wrong with that man.
How will OBiden and Kramalot Harris handle this. Shit Holes on Fire.

Ok. I give a long article and don't expect you to read it.

In my own words the judge is NOW ALLOWING evidence from Floyd's previous arrest. A carbon copy from the first except he didn't get up this time.

The judge reversed this decision sharply 90 degrees.

THERE: You don't have to read it now
The defense is attempting, I assume, to claim Floyd has a history of drug use / addiction and that the drug use was a contributing factor to his death caused by a heart problem....which the defense lawyer pushed hard in his opening remarks.

That being said.....

I listened to the prosecutor read aloud the oath the policeman took when he joined the force, the oath not to use excessive force....then I watched the video played of Floyd lying on the ground near motionless face down, the officer's knee on the back of his neck, and his repeated comments about how he could not breathe, calling for his mother....

Those 2 things were POWERFUL and will stick in the minds of the jury, IMO.

It may not matter that the defense proves Floyd was a drug addict, that he popped drugs into his mouth at the time of his arrest to avoid being caught with them, that his heart problems and the drugs he took were the direct cause of his death....but in his last few minutes, struggling to breathe due to his drug-fueled heart medical emergency/problem, exacerbated / made more difficult I am sure with a knee on the back of his neck,... In those last minutes he was alive, as he pleaded for his life, telling officers he could not breathe and the officers totally ignoring him as he was dying....

...again, THAT was POWERFUL.

I do not think the officer will be found guilty of 'Murder', which is intentional. 'Manslaughter' is the accidental death, someone dying of something someone does, something NOT intentional. I think that reading of the oath and then playing the video of Floyd dying is too powerful to rend a verdict of 'Innocent'. IMO, he will be found guilty of 'Manslaughter'. IMHO....we'll see.

Third-degree murder is a category of murder defined in the laws of three states in the United States: Florida, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. It was formerly defined in New Mexico (which once had five degrees of murder) and Wisconsin.

Depending on the state, third-degree murder may include felony murder regardless of the underlying felony, felony murder only where the underlying felony is non-violent, or depraved-heart murder, meaning that intent to kill is not an element of the offense of third-degree murder in any state which defines it.
Lesh. you voted for a murdering governor who hurt so many people. You are guilty of murder too.
WTF are you talking about asshole...
After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

It was common (no so much any more). The issue is he remained on the neck of a dying man for 9 minutes.

DId Chauven even know the great African American was dying ?

It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

Yes there was. A lethal dose of fentanyl.

And you don't address that by kneeling on a persons neck until they die.
He was trained to do that. The technique has been used hundreds of times. It was in their handbook.

He isn't trained to continue to kneel on a man's neck while others are yelling at him that there is something wrong with that man.

If the evidence shows he followed his training will you use common sense and reason or scream your feelings at the sky?
If there wasn't anything wrong with the guy you "might" have a point. But the truth of the matter is he had a deadly amount of fentanyl in is system at the time. This is a procedure used by police thousands of times a year. Why did this loser die from it? :eusa_shhh:
Mr. Floyd would have been alive and well today were it not for Chauvin putting his entire body weight concentrated on the victim's neck via his knee for 9 and a half minutes.

You have no idea how much of his body weight Chauvin applied. That is a fact.
See how dumb you sound when you speak with feelings?

LG or Sony?
After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

It was common (no so much any more). The issue is he remained on the neck of a dying man for 9 minutes.

DId Chauven even know the great African American was dying ?

It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

Yes there was. A lethal dose of fentanyl.

And you don't address that by kneeling on a persons neck until they die.
He was trained to do that. The technique has been used hundreds of times. It was in their handbook.

He isn't trained to continue to kneel on a man's neck while others are yelling at him that there is something wrong with that man.
They are trained to use the technique till the suspect passes out. Especially if they think the suspect is overdosing. All the defending attorney needs to ask, when you were kneeling on Floyd. Were you doing as you were trained to do. The person that should be arrested is the one who made the decision to use that technique.
After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

It was common (no so much any more). The issue is he remained on the neck of a dying man for 9 minutes.

DId Chauven even know the great African American was dying ?

It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

Yes there was. A lethal dose of fentanyl.

And you don't address that by kneeling on a persons neck until they die.
He was trained to do that. The technique has been used hundreds of times. It was in their handbook.

He isn't trained to continue to kneel on a man's neck while others are yelling at him that there is something wrong with that man.

If the evidence shows he followed his training will you use common sense and reason or scream your feelings at the sky?

Nobody is trained to kneel on a dying man's neck until he dies.
The cop has been violated...and the BLM has been based on lies promoting a violent criminal.
Yeah it’s not like the pos keep his knee on an unarmed man’s neck for over 9 minutes.

one would think you scum wouldn’t want to lynch people anymore. It must be horrible to feel so inferior that you need to supportiedwr to make yourself feel better
Lethal overdoses of at least 2 narcotics probably from ingesting the evidence
If I'm on the jury and informed of that evidence, I could not convict someone on that. I would hang the jury before I did that.

That's reasonable doubt in my book.

Reasonable doubt doesn't apply in this case because....pigmentation and stuff.
After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

It was common (no so much any more). The issue is he remained on the neck of a dying man for 9 minutes.

DId Chauven even know the great African American was dying ?

It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

Yes there was. A lethal dose of fentanyl.

And you don't address that by kneeling on a persons neck until they die.
He was trained to do that. The technique has been used hundreds of times. It was in their handbook.

He isn't trained to continue to kneel on a man's neck while others are yelling at him that there is something wrong with that man.
They are trained to use the technique till the suspect passes out. Especially if they think the suspect is overdosing. All the defending attorney needs to ask, when you were kneeling on Floyd. Were you doing as you were trained to do. The person that should be arrested is the one who made the decision to use that technique.
That’s false. But whatever. :cuckoo:
After what the FBI-DOJ-Hillary got away with, I don't have any faith in our justice system. So some facts are that Floyd was a lowlife with little or no redeeming value. Floyd was loaded with drugs and defective body parts that could have killed him. Chauvin looked like a smart ass who disregarded all the onlookers that were warning him that Floyd wasn't moving. Chauvin kept his knee on the neck long after Floyd was subdued. So what does that mean legally? So that all brings us back to a broken justice system that makes judgements based on race, public opinion, party, money, connections and many other things that aren't any part of our laws. In the end, nobody really knows what these legal outlaws will decide

The problem with what took place there is that kneeling on the neck is typical police procedure and taught in many academies. I used to be an avid viewer of the show COPS and seen police officers from all around the country use that technique to subdue violent or out of control criminals all the time.

Besides his terrible medical condition, Floyd had several illegal drugs in his system, and the fentanyl alone was beyond a deadly level.

It was common (no so much any more). The issue is he remained on the neck of a dying man for 9 minutes.

DId Chauven even know the great African American was dying ?

It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.

Yes there was. A lethal dose of fentanyl.

And you don't address that by kneeling on a persons neck until they die.
He was trained to do that. The technique has been used hundreds of times. It was in their handbook.

He isn't trained to continue to kneel on a man's neck while others are yelling at him that there is something wrong with that man.

If the evidence shows he followed his training will you use common sense and reason or scream your feelings at the sky?

Nobody is trained to kneel on a dying man's neck until he dies.
Have you seen the Minnesota police training manual? No ?
Now before your feelings make you post more stupid stuff, you assume there was enough pressure to cut off his air flow and ofcourse the manual doesn't say that.

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