Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

Floyd could just as likely had a condition like diabetes and have died from that after having his neck compressed.

The only way to die from diabetes is if your sugar goes too low and you go into a coma. Heart is an entirely different issue. I had a friend that died from it because he didn't take care of himself either. He decided to get pig drunk one night because he was on vacation, fought with his wife, and she left the house for a few days.
Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.

I suggest you find some episodes from the old show COPS. Suspects make that claim all the time during physical conflicts with a police officer.
@Ray From Cleveland is a notorious pro-cop radical rightwing racist.

Don't get too worked up over that palooka

Just watch the trial unfold and the result is a guilty verdict of the murderer, Derek Chauvin.

No, it's just as a real American unlike you leftists, I believe a person is innocent until proven guilty.
Floyd could just as likely had a condition like diabetes and have died from that after having his neck compressed.

The only way to die from diabetes is if your sugar goes too low and you go into a coma. Heart is an entirely different issue. I had a friend that died from it because he didn't take care of himself either. He decided to get pig drunk one night because he was on vacation, fought with his wife, and she left the house for a few days.

Physical stress when a diabetic's blood sugar is low brings on the coma. That's how my brother died.
Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.

I suggest you find some episodes from the old show COPS. Suspects make that claim all the time during physical conflicts with a police officer.

Then officers shouldn't kneel on people's necks.
Physical stress when a diabetic's blood sugar is low brings on the coma. That's how my brother died.

Only if your sugar is low in the first place. It doesn't have to be from stress. It could be your insulin shot is at it's peak and dropping your sugar low.
Then officers shouldn't kneel on people's necks.

Why is that, because it's your opinion? Police have been doing it for years to suspects who are out of control. Nobody dies from it.

Did you ever hear of George Floyd?

You have no idea how many people die in police custody or are murdered by police. If it weren't for passer-bys taking videos, we'd never have known about George Floyd.
Yes a violent negro with a rap sheet was trying to pass off a fake 20 dollar bill dies during an arrest in which he fought with the cops. And for this we burn down buildings and give him a ride in a golden casket.

This country is fucked.
Just one problem,... He was subdued. You can fight with the cops, but they cannot murder you after you are subdued. Or should not be able to, anyway. By the way, your racism is showing. Proudly.
They were fired because they didn't intervene. Were it me, I'd have bum rushed and tackled the bitch 4 minutes in when it was obvious Floyd wasn't moving whether it would have cost me my job or not.

Then I’m glad you’re not a cop. Our legal system fails to deal with these wastes of flesh and oxygen, so the officers need to do it themselves.

You probably believe Chauvin was a great cop huh? NOT.

I would suggest that ANY officer in an urban area who doesn’t have complaints against him probably isn’t do their job very well
Did you ever hear of George Floyd?

You have no idea how many people die in police custody or are murdered by police. If it weren't for passer-bys taking videos, we'd never have known about George Floyd.

Sure we would have because every death at the hands of a police officer is thoroughly investigated. If it's an intentional killing, it's investigated by several outside police agencies.

My point about Floyd is that he did die during a maneuver used by police all the time. To me that indicates it wasn't the maneuver that actually killed him.
Then officers shouldn't kneel on people's necks.

Why is that, because it's your opinion? Police have been doing it for years to suspects who are out of control. Nobody dies from it.

Did you ever hear of George Floyd?

You have no idea how many people die in police custody or are murdered by police. If it weren't for passer-bys taking videos, we'd never have known about George Floyd.

How about that Patriot unarmed veteran White woman that was murdered by a Black Capitol policeman while protesting the Democrats stealing the 2020 election. Is she one of them?
Cop murders another black man on the streets or black man dies of an overdose?
It doesn't matter, it's all good for America at this crucial time when decisions are about to be made on choosing democracy or fascism.
Exactly. Floyd died of a meth and Fentanyl overdose according to the autopsy
If I'm not mistaken, the paperwork says that Mr. Floyd died from a homicide.

Hence the current Derek Chauvin trial.

He's toast I said...TOAST!
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Only a racist far rightwing cop-luvin' nutter like Ray From Cleveland can observe a cop kneeling on a man's neck, his full body weight mind you, for almost 10 minutes straight and say "Oh yeah, it was some drugs that killed him, the cop did nuttin' wrongk!"
I know you are a dumbass Moon Bat that hangs with other idiot Moon Bats but only a moron would bet on a jury that has six Jungle Monkeys.

Us White Boys remember the Jungle Monkeys letting their soul brother OJ off for murdering a White chick and we know they sure are not going to let this police officer go, regardless of the evidence.
So now you're suggesting that Chauvin's toast?

Please confirm.

Negroes on the jury. The policeman has a snowball chance in hell of being judged fairly.

Just imagine the Negro on that jury that didn't vote him guilty. That Negro would be lynched by the other Negroes.

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