Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

Watch the unedited video.

They play it at the beginning of this pod.

Floyd was screaming, “I CANT CHOKE, I CANT BREATHE!” when he was in the back of the cop car and no one was anywhere near his head or chest.


Nebraska has used Fentanyl to execute death row prisoners.

The video makes it quite obvious.

yep, exactly. no one touching him he was complaining about his breathing. it continues to amaze me the ignorance of demofk.

He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

When they are resisting arrest you restrain them whether they have trouble breating or not.

They did as they were trained and restrained him AND called for medical assistance.

When one is unconscious, one cannot possibly be "resisting arrest".
Watch the unedited video.

They play it at the beginning of this pod.

Floyd was screaming, “I CANT CHOKE, I CANT BREATHE!” when he was in the back of the cop car and no one was anywhere near his head or chest.


Nebraska has used Fentanyl to execute death row prisoners.

The video makes it quite obvious.

yep, exactly. no one touching him he was complaining about his breathing. it continues to amaze me the ignorance of demofk.

He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

When they are resisting arrest you restrain them whether they have trouble breating or not.

They did as they were trained and restrained him AND called for medical assistance.

When one is unconscious, one cannot possibly be "resisting arrest".

The video does not show them restraining him after he lost consciousness
Bullshit - At the 4 minute point when he wasn't moving or talking and had no pulse, it became VERY intentional.
@Ray From Cleveland is a notorious pro-cop radical rightwing racist.

Don't get too worked up over that palooka

Just watch the trial unfolds and the result is a guilty verdict of the murderer, Derek Chauvin.

Yep thanks - Ray also suggested that whites were civilized and blacks were not. I should have abandoned ship right about there. ;)
Watch the unedited video.

They play it at the beginning of this pod.

Floyd was screaming, “I CANT CHOKE, I CANT BREATHE!” when he was in the back of the cop car and no one was anywhere near his head or chest.


Nebraska has used Fentanyl to execute death row prisoners.

The video makes it quite obvious.

yep, exactly. no one touching him he was complaining about his breathing. it continues to amaze me the ignorance of demofk.

He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

When they are resisting arrest you restrain them whether they have trouble breating or not.

They did as they were trained and restrained him AND called for medical assistance.

When one is unconscious, one cannot possibly be "resisting arrest".

The video does not show them restraining him after he lost consciousness

Yes it does.
Watch the unedited video.

They play it at the beginning of this pod.

Floyd was screaming, “I CANT CHOKE, I CANT BREATHE!” when he was in the back of the cop car and no one was anywhere near his head or chest.


Nebraska has used Fentanyl to execute death row prisoners.

The video makes it quite obvious.

yep, exactly. no one touching him he was complaining about his breathing. it continues to amaze me the ignorance of demofk.

He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

When they are resisting arrest you restrain them whether they have trouble breating or not.

They did as they were trained and restrained him AND called for medical assistance.

When one is unconscious, one cannot possibly be "resisting arrest".

The video does not show them restraining him after he lost consciousness

You obviously are not watching the trial. He was lifeless and had no pulse less than 5 minutes into the 9.5. Catch up please.
Bullshit - At the 4 minute point when he wasn't moving or talking and had no pulse, it became VERY intentional.

Passing out is not that uncommon when people are tanked up on drugs or alcohol.

So he's passed out from drugs and it had NOTHING to do with a knee on his neck for 9.5 minutes. Got it! :rolleyes-41:

Lol, yeah enough fentanyl to kill an elephant, heart problems, methamphetamines, will cause you to die most of the time. Had nothing to do with the officer. All you're doing is regurgitating the liberal propaganda. I thought you were smarter than that and could discern, strangleove?
Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.
Nor is he saying it didn't kill him.
Lot's of things "didn't kill him".

You didn't kill him...

The medical examiner said fentanyl did NOT kill Floyd
Wrong! You are lying again, as usual. :rolleyes: The M.E. did not say that.

Why do you base all of your political opinions on untruths when it is so much simpler, easier, and most importantly, wiser to base them on truth?

What the fuck is your major malfunction?
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Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.
An officer cannot be held responsible for an OD.
It should be a quick acquittal from all of the toxicology reports, chauvin following protocol, and what really happened on the video.
If that happens, expect riots throughout the nation and rightly so. Cop killing has to stop.

I suspect slow Joe will follow dumb Don’s game plan and side with the cops, making matters worse, but proving that nothing changes no matter who is in the WH.
OP, there's no "George Floyd case", there's only a Derek Chauvin trial. He's up on murder charges.
They were fired because they didn't intervene. Were it me, I'd have bum rushed and tackled the bitch 4 minutes in when it was obvious Floyd wasn't moving whether it would have cost me my job or not.
You probably believe Chauvin was a great cop huh? NOT

No you would not have because none of the officers realized the criminal was dying, including the officer on his neck.
they didn't know floyd had injected himself with a lethal dose of fentanyl.
DrLove so you think the cops knew he had injected a lethal dose of fentanyl? prove that son.

That is not the conclusion of the country coroner or two independent autopsies. Fentanyl didn't kill him. Chauvin did.
Nope, you can’t post a coroner saying murder after autopsy
Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.
An officer cannot be held responsible for an OD.

No, if it was a simple OD, but it wasn't. Constricting his breathing contributed to Floyd's death.

This 'OD' seems to have been brought on by the officer's kneeling on his neck.

That's why the officer was obligated to stop kneeling on his neck, to evaluate his condition and to treat it as a medical emergency.

No Officer has the right to assume that anyone they arrest is in good medical condition and can survive brutal treatment.

Floyd could just as likely had a condition like diabetes and have died from that after having his neck compressed.
Bullshit - At the 4 minute point when he wasn't moving or talking and had no pulse, it became VERY intentional.

Passing out is not that uncommon when people are tanked up on drugs or alcohol.

So he's passed out from drugs and it had NOTHING to do with a knee on his neck for 9.5 minutes. Got it! :rolleyes-41:

Lol, yeah enough fentanyl to kill an elephant, heart problems, methamphetamines, will cause you to die most of the time. Had nothing to do with the officer. All you're doing is regurgitating the liberal propaganda. I thought you were smarter than that and could discern, strangleove?

No, I'm "regurgitating" FACTS - Which you clearly hate ;-)
Watch the unedited video.

They play it at the beginning of this pod.

Floyd was screaming, “I CANT CHOKE, I CANT BREATHE!” when he was in the back of the cop car and no one was anywhere near his head or chest.


Nebraska has used Fentanyl to execute death row prisoners.

The video makes it quite obvious.

yep, exactly. no one touching him he was complaining about his breathing. it continues to amaze me the ignorance of demofk.

He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

When they are resisting arrest you restrain them whether they have trouble breating or not.

They did as they were trained and restrained him AND called for medical assistance.

When one is unconscious, one cannot possibly be "resisting arrest".

The video does not show them restraining him after he lost consciousness

Yes it does.

How can he say he can’t breathe then?
Once George Floyd said that he could not breathe, Chauvin was obligated to take his knee off of Floyd's neck, to evaluate Floyd's condition and treat the situation as a medical emergency.

When any officer takes a person into custody, that officer become responsible for that person's health and physical well-being. If they die, then the officer is responsible for their death.
An officer cannot be held responsible for an OD.

No, if it was a simple OD, but it wasn't. Constricting his breathing contributed to Floyd's death.

This 'OD' seems to have been brought on by the officer's kneeling on his neck.

That's why the officer was obligated to stop kneeling on his neck, to evaluate his condition and to treat it as a medical emergency.

No Officer has the right to assume that anyone they arrest is in good medical condition and can survive brutal treatment.

Floyd could just as likely had a condition like diabetes and have died from that after having his neck compressed.
Besides drug-addled, seems the only condition Floyd didn't have was diabetes. Your statement was factually wrong.

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