Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

Totally wrong.
The park was practially deserted, and there was no one near the pavillion that Rice was near.
And what you say makes no sense about not wanting others to get hurt because it was the POLICE do did all the shooting and it was the POLICE who could then easily have murdered more innocent by standers.

What I'm saying makes all the sense in the world. Police are trained to rush an armed suspect. Watch real police videos instead of Hollywood movies. That's what they do every time. If police needed to use their firearms, the safest way for the public was for them to be close to the suspect so their shots didn't miss.

Last summer I was awakened by a gunshot at 4:30am. I looked out the window to see what was going on. Then I seen police walking up the driveway of my HUD neighbors house. The man exited the house, and police ran at him and arrested him. He took a shot at his wife and she or somebody called the police. That's how they do things.

Rice did not see them coming at first.
He was facing the other way.
And he did not see them until they were almost on top of him.
And no, it is not at all legal to fire at someone just because you see they have a gun.
There has to be more indication that the person is intending to take aim and shoot.
It just having a gun was sufficient to make the person a deadly threat, then we would all have to shoot all police on sight.

You are so wrong. In our state the law reads: A CCW holder has the legal ability to use deadly force if they believe that they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. Our police officers live by the same law. When somebody starts pulling a gun on you, you don't wait until a fraction of a second before getting killed, you shoot them as soon as the threat is obvious. The officer had every reason to believe he was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death.

Rice was walking towards the police when they arrived. You can see that on the timestamp of 7:00 minutes on the video.

The toy was under the kid's coat. There was no way to tell what it was because it wasn't in plain sight. He shot and murdered the kid anyway.

Kid. Playing with Toy. Shot to death by a cop who had been rejected or fired from at least five other police departments

Great Joe, show me where the gun was in his coat and the officer didn't see it. Yeah, he shot the little punk without seeing the gun.
Wash Rinse Repeat:

George Floyd is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.

Nobody said that.

What we are saying is,

George Floyd did not deserve to be killed over a petty offense, which was escalated by a rogue officer into a fatal incident.

He wasn't killed by a police officer. George Floyd died of a self-inflicted Fentanyl overdose.
With due respect, I agree with most of what you have said in this thread. That should be evident in the number of likes I have made of your posts.

My "apples and oranges" assessment was based heavily on the difference between how the leftists view guns and drugs. They seem to want to:
  • decriminalize all drug possession
  • criminalize all gun possession (with exception of their own bodyguards)
I never said dope was a constitutional right.
This is true.

Recreational drugs are those people take for enjoyment and eventually become addicted to.
I stand corrected. I had not researched the accepted definition until just now. My bad.

...care for the topic title to see what one poster is writing about?
Not in this thread.

I never said dope was a constitutional right.
This is also true. I was merely reiterating the difference between the two; guns and drugs. As you said, the leftists assign blame to gun dealers and gun shows. I agree. And I say that they promote the business of drug dealers.

Dope and drugs are constitutional rights.
First of all, the constitution says rights are infinite, so then unenumerated, and are all valid until they infringe upon someone else. Only then can you make laws regulating anything.
And since dope/drugs harm no one else, it is unconstitutional to make laws against them.
Even more illegal is to make federal drug laws, since that would require explicit authorization for it in the Constitution.

Guns are also a constitutional right, but clearly guns can infringe upon others, so then some regulation could be legal.
Guns make much more sense to regulate than drugs/dope does.
given the crime states, car accidents, and birth defects----dopers and druggies clearly infringe on everyone else.
With due respect, I agree with most of what you have said in this thread. That should be evident in the number of likes I have made of your posts.

My "apples and oranges" assessment was based heavily on the difference between how the leftists view guns and drugs. They seem to want to:
  • decriminalize all drug possession
  • criminalize all gun possession (with exception of their own bodyguards)
I never said dope was a constitutional right.
This is true.

Recreational drugs are those people take for enjoyment and eventually become addicted to.
I stand corrected. I had not researched the accepted definition until just now. My bad.

...care for the topic title to see what one poster is writing about?
Not in this thread.

I never said dope was a constitutional right.
This is also true. I was merely reiterating the difference between the two; guns and drugs. As you said, the leftists assign blame to gun dealers and gun shows. I agree. And I say that they promote the business of drug dealers.

Dope and drugs are constitutional rights.
First of all, the constitution says rights are infinite, so then unenumerated, and are all valid until they infringe upon someone else. Only then can you make laws regulating anything.
And since dope/drugs harm no one else, it is unconstitutional to make laws against them.
Even more illegal is to make federal drug laws, since that would require explicit authorization for it in the Constitution.

Guns are also a constitutional right, but clearly guns can infringe upon others, so then some regulation could be legal.
Guns make much more sense to regulate than drugs/dope does.
given the crime states, car accidents, and birth defects----dopers and druggies clearly infringe on everyone else.
Especially Floyd being behind the wheel in his car under the influence! Demofks now saying driving impaired is ok? Holy shit do their laws change to make a point
What does that have to do with him getting no help
The cops radio’d for emts, that’s been testified to already. He was talking so he was breathing. You said he couldn’t, that fact says you’re wrong and the coroner’s report says you’re wrong

Warning Signs of a Heart Attack: Shortness of Breath and Others
Drugs can cause that right?

Especially three times the legal limit! Foaming mouth and stomach problems! Just like the girl friend stated happened to him in March during an OD!
What does that have to do with him getting no help
The cops radio’d for emts, that’s been testified to already. He was talking so he was breathing. You said he couldn’t, that fact says you’re wrong and the coroner’s report says you’re wrong

Warning Signs of a Heart Attack: Shortness of Breath and Others
Drugs can cause that right?

Especially three times the legal limit! Foaming mouth and stomach problems! Just like the girl friend stated happened to him in March during an OD!

What does any of that have to do with anything I've said?
Great Joe, show me where the gun was in his coat and the officer didn't see it. Yeah, he shot the little punk without seeing the gun.

Yes, he did. He couldn't have possibly evaluated the situation in the six seconds it took to jump out of his car, take aim and put a hole in that kid's chest.
It’s quite simple, did the kid have a gun?
Again, I don't know of any police academy that teaches guys to choke hold someone for nine minutes until they die.

They teach kneeling on the head of an out of control suspect.

That might sound like a good reason to get him to a hospital, not to choke him for nine minutes. That falls into the category of "not helping".

Oh, so now it's a choke hold? I've studied martial arts up to black belt, and I've never seen a choke hold with a knee.

Except there's no real evidence that is what killed Floyd.

Of course not. Anybody can take three times the lethal amount of fentanyl and be just fine. :rolleyes:

Actually, no, discrimination is still common... it's why black unemployment is still higher than white unemployment.

Living in that made up world in your head Joe.

Yawn, they like illegals because they can exploit them... not because they aren't racist as shit.

If they're racist, why are they hiring these people of color from over the border?

Most of the serious incidents didn't happen until his last year of office. They were actually sensible agreements.. that the cities were fine with, but Trump put an end to.

Bullshit. I guess your memory is weak. It started in the early part of his first term, or don't you know what the Beer Summit was?

In a move that possibly placed his job in peril, Defense Secretary Mark Esper publicly disagreed Wednesday with President Trump's threatened use of the 1807 Insurrection Act to quell widespread unrest over the death of George Floyd, a black man who died after a white Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck.

"The option to use active-duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort, and only in the most urgent and dire of situations. We are not in one of those situations now," Esper told reporters at a Pentagon briefing. "I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act."

You either have comprehension challenges or didn't understand the question. So I'll type it again, only slower: When did Trump ever tell the military to ATTACK the rioters?

Nope, that's usually a banking institution...

Then it's the bank that starts the company? No, the capitalist borrows money from the bank to start the company.

Frankly, the fact he wanted to go out and look for trouble should have been a red flag right there. Nobody wants a cop who secretly wishes he was Batman. Of course, the fact he was weeping and crying on a gun range should have been a clear sign he had issues.

His girlfriend broke up with him. Quick! Take his gun and badge away. He's a normal emotional human!!!!

Or for a cop to pull it out and lay it on the ground.

Living in that make believe world in your head. Show me the police taking the gun out of his pants.



Here's what I saw. Looks like a pretty sweet kid. Not a scary monster you make him out to be.

Oh yeah. That was a recent picture of him. To me, that looks like a 5'9, 190lbs child. :rolleyes:

But I digress. I have a bridge for sale here Joe, are you interested in buying it? You can setup toll booths and make a ton of money. :laughing0301:
NO, man, I'm trying to help you out, because I keep seeing your wank fantasies about wanting to shoot black folks here, and you are probalby one bad day away from a hate crime
Then why aren’t you demanding guns out of black on black shootings?

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