Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

Driving up on the grass was incredibly dangerous and provocative, but Rice probably thought they were just playing.
The 911 call told the police they thought is was just a toy of some sort, so the police should already have suspected it was NOT a real gun.

First off, dispatch never relayed that information to the officers. The dispatcher was fired for it. Secondly, the caller was in a car driving by, and had no professional training to make the determination that it was a toy. Third, he told dispatch it "might" be a kid with a fake gun.

And again, here is the real gun and the replica. You tell me if you could determine which one is the toy.

Tamir Rice.jpeg

He got the gun by trading his cell phone for it with another kid. The kid that he made the trade with told authorities it had the red fluorescent tip on it to indicate it was not a real firearm. Apparently Rice wanted to make that gun look as real as possible and removed that tip. As you can see in the picture above, there was no possible way for the officer to know it wasn't a real gun.
It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.
So police are supposed to obey angry mobs? They weren’t dealing with the drugged up criminal several minutes beforehand.

They were angry because the guy was dying and the cop would do nothing.
Drugs are NOT a poison when taken in reasonable doses.
The quantities need to cause harm are never intentional.
The fact the person passes out and dies proves it was a vastly higher dosage than they needed to get high.
When all drugs were legal, about 100 years ago, over doses and deaths were extremely rare.

And NO, all the rights we have in this country are NOT listed in the constitution at all, in any way!
Every founder was very clear on that, that rights are infinite and NOT at all enumerated in the constitution.
All that is in the Bill of Rights are limits on the federal government, mostly to make states happier about joining.

I do not know what you meant by, "Nowhere in the Constitution does it limit government from making laws unless it violates a clause in the document."
But it is fundamental in a democratic republic, that the ONLY source of any legal authority is the defense of inherent individual rights, and government only is running on the fact we delegate some authority to government, in order that they can protect those rights for us.
And yes you ARE supposed to be able to do what ever you want, UNTIL it infringes upon the rights of others.
Only then is government supposed to act to compromise between your rights and the rights of others you are infringing upon.
Obviously if you rape or kill, you are infringing upon others, so laws against rape and murder can be legally passed and enforced.
But there is no victim with drugs, so then there is fundamental justification for government acting at all.
Then it is arbitrary, just like any dictatorship, and that is illegal in the US.

There is no victim of drugs? Tell that to my cousin who lost her son to drugs two years ago. He was only 27 years old when he died and addicted since he was 15. Tell that to the families of people who lost children in gang shootings. And no, making drugs legal would not stop that, no more than illegal pot sales didn't stop in states that have legalized marijuana, or illegal gambling that never stopped after states got the lottery and erected casinos. In fact, tell me that I was not a victim of drugs when somebody snuck into my basement and lit the place on fire, causing $85,000 of damage and leaving me without a place to live for five months because my then tenant didn't pay whoever for his dope.

Drugs are a poison. I'm not debating the definition, I'm telling you how the human body sees a foreign substance. When you put anything into your body, your body defends itself from it. It's not just illegal drugs, it's all medication, alcohol, tobacco products, even vaping. The only thing our bodies were designed for was food.

Yes, the Constitution limits what government can do, and nowhere is there a limitation of creating laws. We had laws since the founding of this country while our founders were still alive, and we have laws today. The only limitation to what laws they can make are those that don't violate our constitutional rights. Our founders created a democrat Republic. As such, we can remove leaders who write laws against our will like what's going on in California today.
It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.
So police are supposed to obey angry mobs? They weren’t dealing with the drugged up criminal several minutes beforehand.

They were angry because the guy was dying and the cop would do nothing.
What did Charles testify to? White foam around the mouth and Floyd complaining about his stomach! What did Floyd’s girlfriend testify to? Floyd OD’d in March, his symptoms? Foam around his mouth and his stomach hurt! Floyd complained about not being able to breathe long before he was on the ground. Multiple times, too many to count. That’s reasonable doubt
It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.
So police are supposed to obey angry mobs? They weren’t dealing with the drugged up criminal several minutes beforehand.

They were angry because the guy was dying and the cop would do nothing.
What did Charles testify to? White foam around the mouth and Floyd complaining about his stomach! What did Floyd’s girlfriend testify to? Floyd OD’d in March, his symptoms? Foam around his mouth and his stomach hurt! Floyd complained about not being able to breathe long before he was on the ground. Multiple times, too many to count. That’s reasonable doubt

He very well may have been having a difficult time breathing before hand. You don't address that by kneeling on that person's neck until they die.
It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.
So police are supposed to obey angry mobs? They weren’t dealing with the drugged up criminal several minutes beforehand.

They were angry because the guy was dying and the cop would do nothing.
What did Charles testify to? White foam around the mouth and Floyd complaining about his stomach! What did Floyd’s girlfriend testify to? Floyd OD’d in March, his symptoms? Foam around his mouth and his stomach hurt! Floyd complained about not being able to breathe long before he was on the ground. Multiple times, too many to count. That’s reasonable doubt

He very well may have been having a difficult time breathing before hand. You don't address that by kneeling on that person's neck until they die.
You have to prove that position obstructed his breathing. The coroner said it didn’t. That testimony is still to come
Floyd was a repeat criminal who died of a drug overdose. The proximate cause of his death was his own behavior. So, of course we had to destroy our society to atone for Reasons, Feelz and Just Shut Up Racist.
It's on the video. People were yelling at him to get off him because there was clearly something wrong with him.
So police are supposed to obey angry mobs? They weren’t dealing with the drugged up criminal several minutes beforehand.

They were angry because the guy was dying and the cop would do nothing.
What did Charles testify to? White foam around the mouth and Floyd complaining about his stomach! What did Floyd’s girlfriend testify to? Floyd OD’d in March, his symptoms? Foam around his mouth and his stomach hurt! Floyd complained about not being able to breathe long before he was on the ground. Multiple times, too many to count. That’s reasonable doubt

He very well may have been having a difficult time breathing before hand. You don't address that by kneeling on that person's neck until they die.
You have to prove that position obstructed his breathing. The coroner said it didn’t. That testimony is still to come

It clearly obstructed him from getting any help.
Floyd was a repeat criminal who died of a drug overdose. The proximate cause of his death was his own behavior. So, of course we had to destroy our society to atone for Reasons, Feelz and Just Shut Up Racist.
We’re still seeing the demofks saying 2+2=5 . Amazing
Floyd was a repeat criminal who died of a drug overdose. The proximate cause of his death was his own behavior. So, of course we had to destroy our society to atone for Reasons, Feelz and Just Shut Up Racist.
We’re still seeing the demofks saying 2+2=5 . Amazing

Wash Rinse Repeat:

George Floyd is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
What does that have to do with him getting no help
The cops radio’d for emts, that’s been testified to already. He was talking so he was breathing. You said he couldn’t, that fact says you’re wrong and the coroner’s report says you’re wrong
Floyd was a repeat criminal who died of a drug overdose. The proximate cause of his death was his own behavior. So, of course we had to destroy our society to atone for Reasons, Feelz and Just Shut Up Racist.
We’re still seeing the demofks saying 2+2=5 . Amazing

Wash Rinse Repeat:

George Floyd is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
And a drug attic who OD’d in March, handed a counterfeit 20 and stole a pack of cigarettes from someone else! Refused to return them when confronted by clerks.

that’s not what nice guys do in a society

2+2=5 still huh?
It doesn't matter what they seen, what matters is if what the officer did killed him, which it wasn't. If there was any risk of death using that move, it would not be police policy nor taught at police academies across the country.

Again, I don't know of any police academy that teaches guys to choke hold someone for nine minutes until they die.

Are you completely stupid or are you just putting on an act to try and make a point? If you can talk, it means you are inhaling and exhaling air. There is no possible way to do it otherwise.
He was crying he couldn't breathe in the back of the police car. He was sitting upright with nobody near his head or neck.

He could breathe just fine, but due to the narcotics, oxygen was not getting into his blood stream. That's why he was screaming he couldn't breathe. Oxygen not getting into his blood stream had nothing to do with with the maneuver officer Chauvin used. Oxygen was not getting into his blood stream long before the officer kneeled on his neck.

That might sound like a good reason to get him to a hospital, not to choke him for nine minutes. That falls into the category of "not helping".

A human body can only build so much tolerance to a poison. That's why we have nearly 100,000 Americans die every year from illegal narcotics. Once the body builds a tolerance, the user needs to take more dope to get the same high. Finally they take more than the body can tolerate and the body shuts down.

Except there's no real evidence that is what killed Floyd.

We don't live in your make believe world Joe. This is 2021, not 1941 where you mentally live. Blacks can easily get jobs just like whites. Blacks go to the same schools as whites. Blacks have the same job opportunities as whites. In fact what I seen the last couple of years of working were companies replacing their white crew with all blacks.

Actually, no, discrimination is still common... it's why black unemployment is still higher than white unemployment.

Do blacks face problems in the workforce? Yes they do, but not from the employer. Their problem is they are politically ignorant, and vote for a party that's rushing in immigrants who are taking those jobs blacks could be working. Why is that a problem? Because employers do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the most of that color for the employer are that employers favorite workers.

Yawn, they like illegals because they can exploit them... not because they aren't racist as shit.

Oh is that it? Then why did DumBama wait seven years to do that and only implemented it in his last year in office? Most police departments told him to shove his decree up his ass. Stick to community organizing and let them handle the police work--something the big eared fairy knew nothing about.

Most of the serious incidents didn't happen until his last year of office. They were actually sensible agreements.. that the cities were fine with, but Trump put an end to.

President Trump never told the military to attack anybody. You know when you lie like this I'm going to demand evidence of it.

In a move that possibly placed his job in peril, Defense Secretary Mark Esper publicly disagreed Wednesday with President Trump's threatened use of the 1807 Insurrection Act to quell widespread unrest over the death of George Floyd, a black man who died after a white Minneapolis police officer kneeled on his neck.

"The option to use active-duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort, and only in the most urgent and dire of situations. We are not in one of those situations now," Esper told reporters at a Pentagon briefing. "I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act."

The capitalist comes up with an idea to create a product or service.

Actually, that's usually a guy in R&D and engineering.

The capitalist invests the money to create the business.

Nope, that's usually a banking institution...

You are FOS. Loehmann expressed his disappointment where he worked and that's documented. He thought it was too boring and wanted the action a Cleveland police officer faces every day. The only time you see Independence police is when you're on the highway and they are taking laser because they don't have much else to do. Either that or they are at the doughnut shop if you go through their suburb. Independence is a white upper-middle-class suburb with virtually no crime. Trust me, Independence is only ten minutes from my home

Frankly, the fact he wanted to go out and look for trouble should have been a red flag right there. Nobody wants a cop who secretly wishes he was Batman. Of course, the fact he was weeping and crying on a gun range should have been a clear sign he had issues.

You make up your own stories in your head. You really need a shrink. The grand jury watched the video frame by frame. It showed Rice pulling up his arm with the gun. When other officers and FBI agent arrived the gun was on the ground. The only way for that gun to get on the ground is if he pulled it out.

Or for a cop to pull it out and lay it on the ground.

sing deadly force when confronted with a serious threat is not manslaughter, it's self-defense.


What JoeB131 saw.
Here's what I saw. Looks like a pretty sweet kid. Not a scary monster you make him out to be.

There you go folks, do I need to say anymore?

NO, man, I'm trying to help you out, because I keep seeing your wank fantasies about wanting to shoot black folks here, and you are probalby one bad day away from a hate crime.
He got the gun by trading his cell phone for it with another kid. The kid that he made the trade with told authorities it had the red fluorescent tip on it to indicate it was not a real firearm. Apparently Rice wanted to make that gun look as real as possible and removed that tip. As you can see in the picture above, there was no possible way for the officer to know it wasn't a real gun.

The toy was under the kid's coat. There was no way to tell what it was because it wasn't in plain sight. He shot and murdered the kid anyway.

Kid. Playing with Toy. Shot to death by a cop who had been rejected or fired from at least five other police departments

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