Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

I would have sat him up and allowed him to remain alive
How would you have put him in the squad car? You get that was the task?

and that Floyd was resisting?
He was in the squad car until they took him out to murder him.
You're a lying little bitch with a punk attitude. Low IQ human scum like you get shot by cops and deserve it.

Floyd was in the back seat of the police car at one time.
Don't know why they took him back out.
Probably because they laid him down, and by not seeing out the windows, he got claustrophobic.
He was bucking, screaming, kicking, panicking, extremely paranoid, whining like a baby, and said he wanted to lay on the ground. Four guys could not get him locked in the car.

He was on the ground at his own request. He was in a multi-drug induced violent psychotic episode. He was already showing signs of an OD before he was on the ground.

They asked him what drug he was on but he was way too confused to answer, or just didn't want to answer. His so-called "friends" who were with him in the car wouldn't even help him by telling the police what drugs Floyd was on.

The police might have been able to save him if they knew what he was on because the police in many cities carry naloxone (Narcan) injectors in their cars, including Minneapolis.

No, he was not bucking, screaming, kicking, or anything else.
And they really had no reason to even arrest him, considering the bad money was only a minor misdemeanor.
If they had not put in in sideways laying down, then it would have been easy to just close the door and drive him to the hospital.

And how would the friends know what drugs he was trying to hide by swallowing?
Not true.
Legislation is not perfect, and is supposed to be interpreted with common sense by the police.
When the police act in such a way as to cause revulsion by the crowd, then yes that is appropriate for the jury to take into account.
That would include excesses like police tasing a 7 year old, tasing someone holding a small dog, kicking or punching someone, or hundreds of things we have seen police do in videos.

Haven't you ever heard of "jury nullification"?
The jury does and is supposed to used a wider range of values other than mere legislation.
That is not only because legislation is never exact, but also because legislation sometimes can just be completely wrong.

As for the $6 million pay out, I assume that was the shooting of Tamir Rice with a toy gun. And clearly the police were entirely at fault since they could have stopped the car 100' away, and used the loud speaker to ask him to put the toy gun on the ground before they approached. Instead they drove up on the grass 10' away from him and jumped out of their car. Well of course then it was dangerous, but it was all their own making. You can't claim self defense when you deliberately cause all the risk. In fact, if it were a real gun, Tamir Rice could have legally killed them under the excuse the police scared him by driving up on the grass like that.

Completely wrong.

Tamir was at a recreational center. People with guns generally run away from police. What the officer attempted to do is get him to run away from the recreational center instead of towards it where children were. He positioned himself there for that reason.

If you ever get any training in firearms, one of the first and most important factors they teach you is downrange. Downrange is the very conscious observation about what is behind your intended target. The reason it's important is because it's likely if you have to fire, some if not half of your shots will miss your target and could end up hitting an innocent behind it. Any shooter will tell you the more distance between you and your target with a handgun, the more of your rounds will miss it and end up downrange instead.

This park is in a residential area where houses are right next to each other. It's on a fairly busy street. The police pulled up where they did because they expected him to run. They pulled close to him so if they did have to shoot, much less chance of hurting an innocent downrange.

Rice seen the police coming. He knew they were heading towards him. He pulled the gun right when the officer started to exit his vehicle. When the officer seen the gun, he fired, perfectly legal under the definition of self-defense.

As for the "toy" part, here is a picture of the "toy" and the real gun it was replicated from:

View attachment 475445

So which one is the toy?

Totally wrong.
The park was practially deserted, and there was no one near the pavillion that Rice was near.
And what you say makes no sense about not wanting others to get hurt because it was the POLICE do did all the shooting and it was the POLICE who could then easily have murdered more innocent by standers.

Rice did not see them coming at first.
He was facing the other way.
And he did not see them until they were almost on top of him.
And no, it is not at all legal to fire at someone just because you see they have a gun.
There has to be more indication that the person is intending to take aim and shoot.
It just having a gun was sufficient to make the person a deadly threat, then we would all have to shoot all police on sight.
Read Thomas Jefferson or anyone else, and they will tell you that legislators are NOT the source of any legal authority.
In a democratic republic, then legally you must be able to do whatever you want, and the only constraints come from when you start to infringe upon the rights of others.
And only then does the inherent rights of others allow for constraints on your actions to become legal.

But you are also confused as to facts.
Prohibition and the War on Drugs have proven without a doubt that more people die when you try to make something illegal, than if you simply try to inform people of the dangers.
That is because it is actually a medical problem, and once you make it illegal, you prevent any medical intervention.
The main problem with drugs is that since they are illegal, there is no quality control and dose varies greatly.
People do not deliberately overdose.
They overdose because they are guessing dosage due to illegal drugs not having prescribed doses.
Every single illegal drug death is caused because the drug was illegal.

No, that's not why people overdose. When you take anything, a cigarette, a drink, a drug, your body immediately recognizes it as a poison, and God created our bodies to fight poison. As it does, it neutralizes the effects of the poison. If you got high on one snort of coke for a while, after a period of time, you can't get high off just one snort, so you double your intake to two snorts, then three, then four.

While you will never get the same satisfaction of getting high like your first time, addicts try to get as close to that as they can. Finally they take so much that the body cannot fight that amount of poison and shuts down like what happened to Floyd.

The rights we have in this country are listed in the US Constitution. Nowhere in the Constitution does it limit government from making laws unless it violates a clause in the document. If we could all do as we please, I'd be able to park my car on my neighbors front lawn, rape his very attractive daughter, kill hm if he paints his house a color I don't approve of. There is no civilized society without laws. Uncivilized societies only exists where there is no government or laws.

Drugs are NOT a poison when taken in reasonable doses.
The quantities need to cause harm are never intentional.
The fact the person passes out and dies proves it was a vastly higher dosage than they needed to get high.
When all drugs were legal, about 100 years ago, over doses and deaths were extremely rare.

And NO, all the rights we have in this country are NOT listed in the constitution at all, in any way!
Every founder was very clear on that, that rights are infinite and NOT at all enumerated in the constitution.
All that is in the Bill of Rights are limits on the federal government, mostly to make states happier about joining.

I do not know what you meant by, "Nowhere in the Constitution does it limit government from making laws unless it violates a clause in the document."
But it is fundamental in a democratic republic, that the ONLY source of any legal authority is the defense of inherent individual rights, and government only is running on the fact we delegate some authority to government, in order that they can protect those rights for us.
And yes you ARE supposed to be able to do what ever you want, UNTIL it infringes upon the rights of others.
Only then is government supposed to act to compromise between your rights and the rights of others you are infringing upon.
Obviously if you rape or kill, you are infringing upon others, so laws against rape and murder can be legally passed and enforced.
But there is no victim with drugs, so then there is fundamental justification for government acting at all.
Then it is arbitrary, just like any dictatorship, and that is illegal in the US.
Except the toy wasn't in his hand when he was shot, it was in his belt.

Also, Officer McShooty was fired from his last job for being mentally unfit to be a cop.

Sign him right up, said Cleveland

They may have to sign him up again because he's suing the city of Cleveland for his job back.

After the shooting, the gun was on the ground. You have ZERO evidence it was still in his pants, and forensics say it was pulled out along with the video tape.

I have no idea how you think your unfounded theories stack up against evidence. You leftists live in an entirely make believe world.

Driving up on the grass was incredibly dangerous and provocative, but Rice probably thought they were just playing.
The 911 call told the police they thought is was just a toy of some sort, so the police should already have suspected it was NOT a real gun.
Yes a violent negro with a rap sheet was trying to pass off a fake 20 dollar bill dies during an arrest in which he fought with the cops. And for this we burn down buildings and give him a ride in a golden casket.

This country is fucked.
I didn't watch the circus. It wasn't fitting to give homage to a wild-eyed addict to not only illegal drugs but the addiction spread to the destruction of local businesses whose marginal status was brought on by a wave of losses due to theft by counterfeit. I was thoroughly aggravated they brought their lying, cheating and unrepentant thoughtless slobovian to a bed of fake roses.
This was a police muder, not all the shit you choose to believe.
This was a violent druggy dying from an overdose on drugs. Good Riddance!!! Turn the cop loose.
Yes a violent negro with a rap sheet was trying to pass off a fake 20 dollar bill dies during an arrest in which he fought with the cops. And for this we burn down buildings and give him a ride in a golden casket.

This country is fucked.
I didn't watch the circus. It wasn't fitting to give homage to a wild-eyed addict to not only illegal drugs but the addiction spread to the destruction of local businesses whose marginal status was brought on by a wave of losses due to theft by counterfeit. I was thoroughly aggravated they brought their lying, cheating and unrepentant thoughtless slobovian to a bed of fake roses.
This was a police muder, not all the shit you choose to believe.
This was a violent druggy dying from an overdose on drugs. Good Riddance!!! Turn the cop loose.

Wrong. None of the videos showed any violence at all from Floyd, and only by the cops.
I would have sat him up and allowed him to remain alive
How would you have put him in the squad car? You get that was the task?

and that Floyd was resisting?
He was in the squad car until they took him out to murder him.
You're a lying little bitch with a punk attitude. Low IQ human scum like you get shot by cops and deserve it.

Floyd was in the back seat of the police car at one time.
Don't know why they took him back out.
Probably because they laid him down, and by not seeing out the windows, he got claustrophobic.
He was bucking, screaming, kicking, panicking, extremely paranoid, whining like a baby, and said he wanted to lay on the ground. Four guys could not get him locked in the car.

He was on the ground at his own request. He was in a multi-drug induced violent psychotic episode. He was already showing signs of an OD before he was on the ground.

They asked him what drug he was on but he was way too confused to answer, or just didn't want to answer. His so-called "friends" who were with him in the car wouldn't even help him by telling the police what drugs Floyd was on.

The police might have been able to save him if they knew what he was on because the police in many cities carry naloxone (Narcan) injectors in their cars, including Minneapolis.
Mohammed, how do you get electricity in the cave that you post from?

Caves have more energy than pedojoe’s new green shit!
What kind of ducking cave are you fucking posting about?
Your worst nightmare, commie whore.
I don’t have nightmares about caves you authoritarian shitbag.
Fact=I do not support authoritarianism. You do, commie bitch.

Did they let you out of your cage because of COVID, or did you give some ass to your faggot socialist probation officer, or all of the above? :dunno:
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Except the toy wasn't in his hand when he was shot, it was in his belt.

Also, Officer McShooty was fired from his last job for being mentally unfit to be a cop.

Sign him right up, said Cleveland

They may have to sign him up again because he's suing the city of Cleveland for his job back.

He lost. He isn't getting his job back.

He lied to get hired to start with and here you are promoting the idea that he should get his job back.
Again, when we fix racism and poverty, then I'll start giving a fuck about some business that got looted.

Racism will NEVER be completely fixed. It isn’t completely fixed anywhere in the world and it exists in people of all colors to some extent. The idea is that those that harbor racism aren’t making running the show and govenrnemtn isn’t condoning it. In the US, we have mistakanely decided that every wrong and every misfortune is due to racism. It has become nothing more than a scape goat and an excuse and our government condones it in reverse. As for poverty, there will always be poverty in a society that allows for unlimited success. If you want us all to live in block apartments, minus the government folks of course, and no one to be in poverty, then be a Communist. That seems to be right down your ally.
He could have actually pushed for police reform through Congress. that would have done a lot to help.

No it wouldn’t. Democrats weren’t going to give Trump any victories period.

For instance, we could take all the capitalists out tomorrow, shoot them, toss them into a big ditch and have factories run by worker's committees, and they'd probably be just as productive.

Would a football team be just as good if they let the players call the plays and coach each other? The players and the coaches have an important role, just as workers and executives have important roles, but in the case of business, in many cases, the workers can be much more easily replaced with equally qualified people, depending on the job of course. Many union jobs that overpay for non-skilled labor is a perfect example.
They may have to sign him up again because he's suing the city of Cleveland for his job back.

That's not going to happen.

After the shooting, the gun was on the ground. You have ZERO evidence it was still in his pants, and forensics say it was pulled out along with the video tape.

That's what the guy who got voted out of office claimed... because he didn't want to do his job. Now he's doesn't have a job. See how that works.

They barely spoke in the case. It's mostly the prosecution right now. Facts are what Chauvin did was standard police procedure. Watch episodes of the former police series COPS and you'll see police officers use the same maneuver all over the country.

Not for nine minutes after the guy stops breathing.... The defense has looked like monkeys on this because they are trying to convince people they didn't see what they all saw.

"I WAS ONLY FOLLOWING ORDERS!!!!" Yeah, that shit didn't work for the Nazis. It didn't work for Rusty Calley, and it ain't gonna work for this asshole.

When the defense gets to call witnesses, I hope they call in the doctor that performed the autopsy to go into detail about what he found, including the toxicology report of the criminal having three times the fatal dose of fentanyl in his system, combined with meth, a bad heart, and a clogged artery at 70%. Furthermore if a person cannot breathe, they cannot speak either. Try it yourself. Hold your breath and try to pronounce words. It's impossible. I also hope they bring in instructors from police academies to testify they teach officers to do exactly what Chauvin did, and police do this thousands of times a year with no fatalities.

The problem with this "Three times the fatal dose" nonsense is that it is exactly that. SOME people have died with that small of a dose in their bodies. SOME people have survived with even higher doses. Kind of like some people can shoot up every day and some people will die the first time they try something. If anything, that works against them, because Floyd had been using for years. He probably had a fairly high tolerance.

The idea that he was able to scream also proves nothing. Seriously, you guys tried this bullshit with Eric Garner, and no one bought it then.

Racism will always be here, like the blacks who are attacking Asians these past few months. Poverty is not something society needs to fix, it's something the individuals need to fix. In most cases, poverty is a choice.

For those playing along at home, Ray lives in a slum and collects disability. But he'll tell you those were things the MEAN OLD GOVERNMENT did to him. Not because he's made bad life choices. But some black person who has faced GENERATIONS of discrimination and poverty, why that's their choice if they are poor. Sure, Ray. Sure.

It wouldn't have done anything except federalize local police. It's up to those cities to do their own reform, which apparently those Democrat cities haven't done for years. When did any of Trump's people shoot at rioters?

When he wanted to get that photo op in front of a church holding a bible upside down. He also tried to get the military to attack rioters and the military told him, "Um, no. Not in our job description."

But, yeah, Federal Reform is a great idea. In fact, Obama entered into consent decrees with a number of troubled police departments, but Trump and Sessions immediately scrapped those agreements.

Yes, that's what's called Socialism and Communism which I understand is your desire. However in a free country, the worker merely works. The worker has no resources to buy all the equipment needed to produce the product, the enclosure itself, the utilities to run the company, pay the taxes, the maintenance, the employee insurances. That's what the capitalist does. That's why it's his product and not the workers.

So essentially, the Capitalist exploits the hard work of others. YES, WE'VE ESTABLISHED THAT.

The only way for employees to run a business is if they do shoot the capitalist and steal everything he or she invested. After all, the employees could ban together anytime they want to build their own factory and compete against their employer. So why don't they? It's because they don't have the capital and knowledge to run a business.

Again, the day we shoot the capitalists is probably closer than you think. It'll be their own damned fault.

Go out to a field somewhere and dig a hole. Spend 8 hours a day digging holes, and after a week, you made 0 dollars. Now if some capitalist comes along and sees you digging those holes, gets a contract with somebody that needs holes dug, now he can pay you to dig those holes. You couldn't do that yourself.

Actually, most times I see someone digging a hole somewhere, it's because the GOVERNMENT is paying him to do it as part of a public works project. So you lose again.

The case would be thrown out of court by the complainant making a false statement that the officer was fired for mental instability. No professional ever made that evaluation, some other cop did. His opinion holds no more value than yours or mine.

Actually, I would take the word of a senior police officer over an expert. Add in the fact he had an emotional breakdown on a gun range and had to be disarmed. Or that several other police departments reviewed his records and refused to hire him. That has liability written all over it. Remember, that's all that would be at issue in a civil suit, did the hiring of Loehmann present a danger that resulted in the death of Rice.

The city of Cleveland has been run by Communists for the last couple of decades. They all had to worry about being thrown out given the fact blacks are the majority of the city. The case was heard by a grand jury. They had no reason to indict the officer because he broke no law, and as many times as I've asked you, you can't give me any law he broke either. He confronted a reported armed suspect, the suspect pulled a realistic gun on him, and he shot in self defense. No law broken.

Reckless endangerment. That's the law he broke. Manslaughter. That's the law he broke. The Grand Jury never voted on the indictment and the NOW UNEMPLOYED DA acted like a defense attorney.

The suspect was a child playing with a toy. He did not "pull a gun" on him. We have it on tape. These claims make not a lick of sense because Rice knew he had a toy, why would he pull it out on a cop? That would be nuts.

If I'm walking down the street armed, and somebody coming the other way pulls out a realistic gun and I shoot him dead, I won't even get a ticket yet alone be arrested. Our law reads that I am legally allowed to use deadly force if I believe that I was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. When somebody pulls out an exact copy of a real gun, I had every reason to believe what I believed, even if it turns out to be a fake.

Uh, buddy, if you shot a child playing with a toy, you'd be in a lot of fucking trouble. And when someone does some digging and finds all the racists shit you say here.... um, does Ohio still have a death penalty?
Racism will NEVER be completely fixed. It isn’t completely fixed anywhere in the world and it exists in people of all colors to some extent. The idea is that those that harbor racism aren’t making running the show and govenrnemtn isn’t condoning it.

Actually, as I've said, it's not just the outright Racist who blurts out the N-word, it's the white guy who has the power to hire and fire.

I've told this story before, about how our white manager couldn't be bothered to attend events for black or Asian members of his team who had been with the company for years, but the pretty white intern, he arranged his schedule to attend that one. This same person also fired a black contract worker to make a permanent job for one of his drinking buddies.

In the US, we have mistakanely decided that every wrong and every misfortune is due to racism.

No, in America, we are finally realizing that Racism is written into the DNA of the country and there are injustices to be corrected. We either fix them, or the country burns to the ground. I say we fix them. That would seem to be the smart thing to do.

It has become nothing more than a scape goat and an excuse and our government condones it in reverse.

Actually, the main beneficiary has been

As for poverty, there will always be poverty in a society that allows for unlimited success. If you want us all to live in block apartments, minus the government folks of course, and no one to be in poverty, then be a Communist. That seems to be right down your ally.

As opposed to people living in trailer parks thinking they have it better than people living in slums? Here's the thing, the "American Dream" only happened for working guys like my dad because they HAD unions. They HAD progressive taxes on the rich, they HAD middle class entitlements to protect people from poverty.

If you had your way, most people would be wiped out by every recession or an illness of an elderly relative.

No it wouldn’t. Democrats weren’t going to give Trump any victories period.

Democrats had already passed comprehensive police reform in the House. The REpublicans blocked it. All Trump had to do was threaten them and they'd have gotten enough votes to pass it.

Would a football team be just as good if they let the players call the plays and coach each other? The players and the coaches have an important role, just as workers and executives have important roles, but in the case of business, in many cases, the workers can be much more easily replaced with equally qualified people, depending on the job of course. Many union jobs that overpay for non-skilled labor is a perfect example.

Wow, talk about your bad analogies...

Do you really want to use football as an example.

Okay. Average salary of an NFL Player - $860,000
Average salary of an NFL Coach - 6 million for head coaches, but only $400,000 for assistant coaches.

I'd be all for that if the managers just made a little less than what I made and the CEO only made about 7 times what I made, that would actually, you know, be kind of fair.

Also- Coaches get fired when they have shitty seasons and don't perform.

Of course NFL Players have a UNION!

So you kind of defeated your own argument there.
How will OBiden and Kramalot Harris handle this. Shit Holes on Fire.

Ok. I give a long article and don't expect you to read it.

In my own words the judge is NOW ALLOWING evidence from Floyd's previous arrest. A carbon copy from the first except he didn't get up this time.

The judge reversed this decision sharply 90 degrees.

THERE: You don't have to read it now

Whatever door the judge might have opened to an acquittal is being slammed shut by the police witnesses and the EMT staff.
No, he was not bucking, screaming, kicking, or anything else.
And they really had no reason to even arrest him, considering the bad money was only a minor misdemeanor.
If they had not put in in sideways laying down, then it would have been easy to just close the door and drive him to the hospital.

And how would the friends know what drugs he was trying to hide by swallowing
All Floyd had to do was return the stolen cigarettes to the two clerks who asked for them back.

that caused the owner of the store to call the cops.

why did Floyd do that? The store clerk claimed Floyd was under the influence. Floyd’s fault no one else’s how is it the cops were wrong? Floyd didn’t follow the instructions from the cops, why? Floyd’s fault again.
No, in America, we are finally realizing that Racism is written into the DNA of the country and there are injustices to be corrected. We either fix them, or the country burns to the ground. I say we fix them. That would seem to be the smart thing to do
Race has been an issue since before the US ever became a country. You should be bitching at the Africans. Is there still racism there? It’s where it began. Until you accept that you’re just ranting
That's what the guy who got voted out of office claimed... because he didn't want to do his job. Now he's doesn't have a job. See how that works.

Yeah Joe. A lawyer who has a lifetime of experience and also a prosecutor is living under a bridge because he no longer has a job with the city of Cleveland. :rolleyes:

Not for nine minutes after the guy stops breathing.... The defense has looked like monkeys on this because they are trying to convince people they didn't see what they all saw.

It doesn't matter what they seen, what matters is if what the officer did killed him, which it wasn't. If there was any risk of death using that move, it would not be police policy nor taught at police academies across the country.

The problem with this "Three times the fatal dose" nonsense is that it is exactly that. SOME people have died with that small of a dose in their bodies. SOME people have survived with even higher doses. Kind of like some people can shoot up every day and some people will die the first time they try something. If anything, that works against them, because Floyd had been using for years. He probably had a fairly high tolerance.

The idea that he was able to scream also proves nothing. Seriously, you guys tried this bullshit with Eric Garner, and no one bought it then.

Are you completely stupid or are you just putting on an act to try and make a point? If you can talk, it means you are inhaling and exhaling air. There is no possible way to do it otherwise.
He was crying he couldn't breathe in the back of the police car. He was sitting upright with nobody near his head or neck.

He could breathe just fine, but due to the narcotics, oxygen was not getting into his blood stream. That's why he was screaming he couldn't breathe. Oxygen not getting into his blood stream had nothing to do with with the maneuver officer Chauvin used. Oxygen was not getting into his blood stream long before the officer kneeled on his neck.

A human body can only build so much tolerance to a poison. That's why we have nearly 100,000 Americans die every year from illegal narcotics. Once the body builds a tolerance, the user needs to take more dope to get the same high. Finally they take more than the body can tolerate and the body shuts down.

For those playing along at home, Ray lives in a slum and collects disability. But he'll tell you those were things the MEAN OLD GOVERNMENT did to him. Not because he's made bad life choices. But some black person who has faced GENERATIONS of discrimination and poverty, why that's their choice if they are poor. Sure, Ray. Sure.

We don't live in your make believe world Joe. This is 2021, not 1941 where you mentally live. Blacks can easily get jobs just like whites. Blacks go to the same schools as whites. Blacks have the same job opportunities as whites. In fact what I seen the last couple of years of working were companies replacing their white crew with all blacks.

Do blacks face problems in the workforce? Yes they do, but not from the employer. Their problem is they are politically ignorant, and vote for a party that's rushing in immigrants who are taking those jobs blacks could be working. Why is that a problem? Because employers do have a favorite color, and that color is green. The employees that make the most of that color for the employer are that employers favorite workers.

When he wanted to get that photo op in front of a church holding a bible upside down. He also tried to get the military to attack rioters and the military told him, "Um, no. Not in our job description."

But, yeah, Federal Reform is a great idea. In fact, Obama entered into consent decrees with a number of troubled police departments, but Trump and Sessions immediately scrapped those agreements.

Oh is that it? Then why did DumBama wait seven years to do that and only implemented it in his last year in office? Most police departments told him to shove his decree up his ass. Stick to community organizing and let them handle the police work--something the big eared fairy knew nothing about.

President Trump never told the military to attack anybody. You know when you lie like this I'm going to demand evidence of it.

So essentially, the Capitalist exploits the hard work of others. YES, WE'VE ESTABLISHED THAT.

The capitalist comes up with an idea to create a product or service. The capitalist invests the money to create the business. The capitalist takes all the risks associated with opening a new business. The capitalist creates job opportunities for people that wish to work for the capitalist.

If I'm selling a car, you agree to buy it, and we both agree on the price, I'm not exploiting you and you are not exploiting me when I sell you that car. Employers don't build a trap and use money as the bait, and then when somebody comes to take that money, a huge cage drops down and traps them. The employer offers a job. You find the offer and apply. The employer explains the work, wages and benefits, and you either accept the offer or decline it. That's not exploitation, that's a verbal contract.

Actually, most times I see someone digging a hole somewhere, it's because the GOVERNMENT is paying him to do it as part of a public works project. So you lose again.

Is that so? As I explained to you many times, I'm from a construction family. My father was a bricklayer, his brother was a carpenter, his other brother had a remodeling business, I grew up mixing cement, carrying bricks and blocks, and erecting scaffolding. And yes, I dug holes called footers which are needed to pour the foundation of a porch, addition, and fireplace chimneys. Not one time did any money I made come from government.

Actually, I would take the word of a senior police officer over an expert. Add in the fact he had an emotional breakdown on a gun range and had to be disarmed. Or that several other police departments reviewed his records and refused to hire him. That has liability written all over it. Remember, that's all that would be at issue in a civil suit, did the hiring of Loehmann present a danger that resulted in the death of Rice.

You are FOS. Loehmann expressed his disappointment where he worked and that's documented. He thought it was too boring and wanted the action a Cleveland police officer faces every day. The only time you see Independence police is when you're on the highway and they are taking laser because they don't have much else to do. Either that or they are at the doughnut shop if you go through their suburb. Independence is a white upper-middle-class suburb with virtually no crime. Trust me, Independence is only ten minutes from my home

Reckless endangerment. That's the law he broke. Manslaughter. That's the law he broke. The Grand Jury never voted on the indictment and the NOW UNEMPLOYED DA acted like a defense attorney.

The suspect was a child playing with a toy. He did not "pull a gun" on him. We have it on tape. These claims make not a lick of sense because Rice knew he had a toy, why would he pull it out on a cop? That would be nuts.

You make up your own stories in your head. You really need a shrink. The grand jury watched the video frame by frame. It showed Rice pulling up his arm with the gun. When other officers and FBI agent arrived the gun was on the ground. The only way for that gun to get on the ground is if he pulled it out.

Using deadly force when confronted with a serious threat is not manslaughter, it's self-defense.

Yeah,all he was doing was playing with a toy. What those of us living in reality seen.


What JoeB131 saw.


Uh, buddy, if you shot a child playing with a toy, you'd be in a lot of fucking trouble. And when someone does some digging and finds all the racists shit you say here.... um, does Ohio still have a death penalty?

There you go folks, do I need to say anymore?
He lost. He isn't getting his job back.

He lied to get hired to start with and here you are promoting the idea that he should get his job back.

If the court decides he shouldn't have been fired and they don't give him his job back, their only option is a monetary settlement. Who knows, maybe he'll get enough so he doesn't have to work again.

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