Judge in Michael Brown case FORCED to release settlement figure - $1.5 million


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Judge is a super-lib white-hating racist clinton appointee and naturally thought he could defy the law..

Ferguson: Michael Brown's family gets $1.5m settlement - BBC News

june 23 2017 The parents of Michael Brown, who was shot dead nearly three years ago by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, have received a financial settlement.

A lawyer for the city said Ferguson's insurance company had paid $1.5m (£1.2m).
US District Judge E Richard Webber authorised the payment on Tuesday, but ordered the figure to be kept sealed.
"Disclosure of the terms of the settlement agreement could jeopardise the safety of individuals involved in this matter, whether as witnesses, parties, or investigator," the judge wrote.

However, state law requires that the figure be released, leading to city attorney Apollo Carey's disclosure on Friday morning.
2014 claimed that their son's death was due to a police culture of pervasive hostility towards African-Americans, the St Louis Post-Dispatch reports.
They should give the money back to pay for damages to the city their delinquent getting air holed caused
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Juries do anything they want and the city's insurance company knew the jury would be all or mostly black and hand out an even bigger settlement. I still think the city should have fought this in court though since they can drag it out for 5 years or more and the family would have eventually settled for far less than this.
Not that anything should have been paid but look at the bright side, its cheaper than alternatives if he would have been left in the world to be a life-long problem.
Judge is a super-lib white-hating racist clinton appointee and naturally thought he could defy the law..

Ferguson: Michael Brown's family gets $1.5m settlement - BBC News

june 23 2017 The parents of Michael Brown, who was shot dead nearly three years ago by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, have received a financial settlement.

A lawyer for the city said Ferguson's insurance company had paid $1.5m (£1.2m).
US District Judge E Richard Webber authorised the payment on Tuesday, but ordered the figure to be kept sealed.
"Disclosure of the terms of the settlement agreement could jeopardise the safety of individuals involved in this matter, whether as witnesses, parties, or investigator," the judge wrote.

However, state law requires that the figure be released, leading to city attorney Apollo Carey's disclosure on Friday morning.
2014 claimed that their son's death was due to a police culture of pervasive hostility towards African-Americans, the St Louis Post-Dispatch reports.
Michael Brown was a thug who reached in to grab the officer's gun and would have shot him dead if he was successful. Therefore his family doesn't even deserve to be paid burial expenses let alone receive monetary retribution. All this action will do is cause other lowlifes to expect the same. And knowing how these types think, they'll probably riot and burn down towns if they don't get it too. REWARDING BAD BEHAVIOR DOESN'T WORK!
Judge in Michael Brown case FORCED to release settlement figure

What is the value in knowing the sum the Browns received in settlement? That they received a settlement, not how much, is the relevant piece of information.
Judge in Michael Brown case FORCED to release settlement figure

What is the value in knowing the sum the Browns received in settlement? That they received a settlement, not how much, is the relevant piece of information.
It gives people a monetary amount to see and compare in their own minds how f'd up the system is when criminal activities can prevail in such a manner.
Do they say why they are giving them money? The parents raised a terrible kid, he goes out and attacks a cop, tries to take his gun and gets killed in the process. I get all that, but why are we giving his parents money?
Do they say why they are giving them money? The parents raised a terrible kid, he goes out and attacks a cop, tries to take his gun and gets killed in the process. I get all that, but why are we giving his parents money?

I'ts because MB was black. It's that simple.

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