Judge lifted assault weapons ban days before mass shooting

Well...that is a shocker...huh? Duh!
Yeah...... shocking.

View attachment 471803

You are an idiot. Like many of the mass shooters, the man had a severe mental issue, not unlike the mental issue that many in the GOPQ have.
In other words, you don't want anyone to talk about the obviously suspicious circumstances, or investigate it in any way.

Where have we seen that sort of thing before? (sarcasm)


Well...that is a shocker...huh? Duh!
1) don't create illegal laws
2) he could have purchased the gun outside the city
I've been curious about that; they keep referencing the Boulder law, and that he bought it a few days prior to the shooting, but no one mentions if he actually bought it in Boulder.

I suspect not, or they would be naming the gun shop he bought it from and trying to blame them for failing to use their powers of mental telepathy to determine he was going to do dirt with it.

Well...that is a shocker...huh? Duh!
1) don't create illegal laws
2) he could have purchased the gun outside the city
I've been curious about that; they keep referencing the Boulder law, and that he bought it a few days prior to the shooting, but no one mentions if he actually bought it in Boulder.

I suspect not, or they would be naming the gun shop he bought it from and trying to blame them for failing to use their powers of mental telepathy to determine he was going to do dirt with it.
The problem is not mental telepathy....it is mental competence. The GOPQ has none of the latter.

Well...that is a shocker...huh? Duh!
1) don't create illegal laws
2) he could have purchased the gun outside the city
I've been curious about that; they keep referencing the Boulder law, and that he bought it a few days prior to the shooting, but no one mentions if he actually bought it in Boulder.

I suspect not, or they would be naming the gun shop he bought it from and trying to blame them for failing to use their powers of mental telepathy to determine he was going to do dirt with it.
The problem is not mental telepathy....it is mental competence. The GOPQ has none of the latter.
So, you're a fucking drooling retard, is what you're saying?


Got it.

Well...that is a shocker...huh? Duh!
1) don't create illegal laws
2) he could have purchased the gun outside the city
I've been curious about that; they keep referencing the Boulder law, and that he bought it a few days prior to the shooting, but no one mentions if he actually bought it in Boulder.

I suspect not, or they would be naming the gun shop he bought it from and trying to blame them for failing to use their powers of mental telepathy to determine he was going to do dirt with it.
The problem is not mental telepathy....it is mental competence. The GOPQ has none of the latter.
So, you're a fucking drooling retard, is what you're saying?

View attachment 471874

Got it.
Your GOPQ Congressman?

Well...that is a shocker...huh? Duh!
1) don't create illegal laws
2) he could have purchased the gun outside the city
I've been curious about that; they keep referencing the Boulder law, and that he bought it a few days prior to the shooting, but no one mentions if he actually bought it in Boulder.

I suspect not, or they would be naming the gun shop he bought it from and trying to blame them for failing to use their powers of mental telepathy to determine he was going to do dirt with it.
The problem is not mental telepathy....it is mental competence. The GOPQ has none of the latter.
So, you're a fucking drooling retard, is what you're saying?

View attachment 471874

Got it.
Your GOPQ Congressman?
Your new avatar..... you're welcome.

The Boulder law, in addition to banning high-capacity magazines, outlawed certain types of firearms characterized as “assault weapons.” Although the weapon described by Boulder police in their arrest warrant affidavit was not a conventional assault rifle, it would have likely been illegal to purchase and possess in Boulder under the following provision of that local law:

“All semi-automatic center-fire pistols that have any of the following characteristics: Have the capacity to accept a magazine other than in the pistol grip.”

Clearly, from a photo of the weapon as described in the police affidavit, it has the look and functionality of an assault-style weapon, and it appears to violate the now defunct Boulder law. According to the affidavit, the suspect purchased and possessed his weapon on March 16 — just a few days after a state court judge allowed possession of such a weapon in Boulder.

Seems to me, the law would have prevented the massacre. The judge needs to be investigated and possibly recalled.

What makes you believe that a man that went on a shooting rampage would not of went outside the city limits and purchased the gun or bought the gun illegally?

If he was a law abiding citizen he probably would not of went on a shooting spree.

So the law was completely useless. This isn’t rocket science Jim.

Well...that is a shocker...huh? Duh!
1) don't create illegal laws
2) he could have purchased the gun outside the city
I've been curious about that; they keep referencing the Boulder law, and that he bought it a few days prior to the shooting, but no one mentions if he actually bought it in Boulder.

I suspect not, or they would be naming the gun shop he bought it from and trying to blame them for failing to use their powers of mental telepathy to determine he was going to do dirt with it.
The problem is not mental telepathy....it is mental competence. The GOPQ has none of the latter.
what does the GOP have to do with Boulder creating a law that was illegal? or the idiots that thought you couldn't buy a gun outside of the city limits?
Says the person who voted for the idiot that caused the January 6th Capitol attack which precipitated the barbed wire and armed soldiers. You are a Typical GOPQ Idiot!
Keep on spazzing out bitch..... gun control is over.

And it is never, ever, ever coming back.
The founding fathers never imagined the militarization of weapons that we see today. And the GOPQ uses fear of a complete outlaw of guns to build terror among gun owners. I have many guns, and I am not stupid enough to believe the state would take away any of my guns.

Other countries in the world cannot believe that the US allows weapons such as the assault weapons on the street. Unfortunately, the GOPQ...aka Taliban of the United States would rather see massacres of innocent civilians than a law that would actually curtail the weapons of war.

The Taliban of the US says...."THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE ALL YOUR GUNS AWAY!" Just another GOPQ lie.

Long before there were the so-called "assault rifles" there were semi-automatic rifles which work exactly the same way. This isn't a gun issue, it's a culture and societal issue.
We hate each other, and that's the problem. Once this country stopped being a monoculture, it's days of greatness have been numbered.


These are both semi automatic rifles under a so called assault weapons ban which one would likely be banned and which wouldn't.
Dude, now you're just being goofy. Mandatory fully auto guns for every kook and criminal in the country? That's idiotic.
More Guns = More Death No two ways around it but perhaps that is what you long for?

Mexico has a lot fewer guns owners and and a lot more gun murders than the U.S. Your "more guns = more death" doesn't hold water.

Yes it does actually -

You ain’t stoppin crime either loon
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Why would anyone want a weapon with a 50 or 100 shot clip? You think that weapon is for hunting? The NRA is nearly bankrupt and teetering on extinction. They, like so many far right nut job organizations, were lead by corrupt people who only had their profit and their power in mind.

There's no such thing as a 50 or 100 round clip.

Hmm ok.

The cartels, MS13 and other gangs are going to bring automatic weapons across the border by the truck load and they don't give a flying shit what laws the Democrats pass.

BTW, Dr. Love and Jim352 are ok with cartels and gangs having guns. That's fine by them. In fact their mainman Obama GAVE them weapons and they celebrated when those weapons were used to kill border patrol agents.
As long as they use them against whites and Patriots. (well, actually they love it when blacks kill blacks too)

so the solution is to push for mandatory ownership of fully automatic REAL Assault weapons for EVERY citizen.
Yep. No exceptions. Every man, woman and child MUST possess at least one fully automatic high capacity magazine weapon.

The crime rate would plummet instantly.
this is THE ONLY true path to Utopia.

Dude, now you're just being goofy. Mandatory fully auto guns for every kook and criminal in the country? That's idiotic.
More Guns = More Death No two ways around it but perhaps that is what you long for?

Dear Dr. I Love When Blacks Kill Blacks.......

So loud and so wrong

Nope...VERIFIED statistics show that the more good guys with guns, the less crime and murder there is.

But PLEASE by all means, put a big sign in your yard proclaiming "Gun Free Zone"

Why would I do that when I own a (one) gun & know how to use it. Not everyone is obsessive about it like you is all. Chill dude, nobody is out to grab me precious ;)
Dude, now you're just being goofy. Mandatory fully auto guns for every kook and criminal in the country? That's idiotic.
More Guns = More Death No two ways around it but perhaps that is what you long for?

Mexico has a lot fewer guns owners and and a lot more gun murders than the U.S. Your "more guns = more death" doesn't hold water.

Yes it does actually -

You ain’t stoppin crime either loon

Mexico's murder rate is 6x higher (4.96 vs. 29.07) than the U.S. Their gun ownership rate is 10x (12.9 vs 120.5) lower. Your information doesn't match reality.
Dude, now you're just being goofy. Mandatory fully auto guns for every kook and criminal in the country? That's idiotic.
More Guns = More Death No two ways around it but perhaps that is what you long for?

Mexico has a lot fewer guns owners and and a lot more gun murders than the U.S. Your "more guns = more death" doesn't hold water.

Yes it does actually -

You ain’t stoppin crime either loon

Mexico's murder rate is 6x higher (4.96 vs. 29.07) than the U.S. Their gun ownership rate is 10x (12.9 vs 120.5) lower. Your information doesn't match reality.

Stats can only be based on first world developed countries. Otherwise apples & pears.
Please actually READ my links .. THEN comment.

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