Judge Orders Mueller To Turn Over Exculpatory Evidence, Federal Corruption

Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators

You are confusing Mueller with Donald Trump and his campaign.

It's ok, snowflake. We know you can't deny the obvious any more.

I don't have to deny the obvious- you are attacking Bob Mueller because you are terrified he is going to find something that will be bad for your Dear Leader Trump- so you- following your Dear Leader's lead- attack Mueller as being corrupt.

You snowflakes have your heads buried so far up Trump's ass- you will say anything to protect your Dear Leader.
Raise your hand if you spent more on gas in 2016 than the Russians spent on Facebook ads

I've caught you before copying and pasting a Jamie Lee Curtis Tweet . Now you're doing it to this guy, unless you're him. I'll notify him to let him know what you're doing!


Jack Posobiec
Raise your hand if you spent more on gas in 2016 than the Russians spent on Facebook ads
11:47 AM · Feb 19, 2018
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators

You are confusing Mueller with Donald Trump and his campaign.

It's ok, snowflake. We know you can't deny the obvious any more.

I don't have to deny the obvious- you are attacking Bob Mueller because you are terrified he is going to find something that will be bad for your Dear Leader Trump- so you- following your Dear Leader's lead- attack Mueller as being corrupt.

You snowflakes have your heads buried so far up Trump's ass- you will say anything to protect your Dear Leader.

Grassley and Graham are forcing Mueller to bring criminal charges against Steele for making false statement to the FBI which is the same crime Mueller charged Flynn with.

Democrats screwed their own pooch.

Gateway Pundit is covering this --- endlessly?

Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption
This order is issued in every case.
If anyone actually reads the source of the OP's article, they'll find out this is someones opinion on a minor ruling. To put it another way; much ado about nothing.
Ah yes The Federalist - one of THE most shared and retweeted loon sites used by Russian Trolls and Bots.

They've become a bit like RT - Sad

Hamilton 68: Tracking Putin's Propaganda Push... To America

Doesn't change the fact Hillaryous paid a foreign agent to influence our election against campaign finance laws and the same standard Mueller used to indict Flynn will be used against Steele. Then he'll squeal like a pig. We have an extradition treaty with England.

You can visit Hillaryous in prison. Give her my best.
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption
This order is issued in every case.

It wasn't issued by the Judge who was removed from the case when he accepted the plea deal. He was sent packing as he was one of the FISA court judges with an obvious conflict of interest.

WTF is wrong with you? The new judge is burning down Mueller's house and he can't do a damn thing about it now.
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators

You are confusing Mueller with Donald Trump and his campaign.

It's ok, snowflake. We know you can't deny the obvious any more.

I don't have to deny the obvious- you are attacking Bob Mueller because you are terrified he is going to find something that will be bad for your Dear Leader Trump- so you- following your Dear Leader's lead- attack Mueller as being corrupt.

You snowflakes have your heads buried so far up Trump's ass- you will say anything to protect your Dear Leader.
12 months and the best he has is 13 russians that took out ads in social media? what did they do exactly? what was their impact?

You know that Obummer did exactly the same thing during Isreal's election right? so why isn't he indicted for taking ads out against Isreal? how is that any different? please explain.
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Its amazing to see people like the OP living in a different world from the rest of us. Literally a world made up of an alternate reality with fake news and narratives.

No "fake news" involved here, just your willfully blind stupidity.
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption

It has been for a long time known that this is the most specious and questionable "Grand Jury" in the history of this country, that its "successes" after millions spent have been getting a couple of people to admit minor misdemeanors and parking tickets totally unrelated to the stated goal of the investigation, that the longer it goes on, what is mainly uncovered about Mueller's team is that it stinks to high heaven.
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators

You are confusing Mueller with Donald Trump and his campaign.

It's ok, snowflake. We know you can't deny the obvious any more.

I don't have to deny the obvious- you are attacking Bob Mueller because you are terrified he is going to find something that will be bad for your Dear Leader Trump- so you- following your Dear Leader's lead- attack Mueller as being corrupt.

You snowflakes have your heads buried so far up Trump's ass- you will say anything to protect your Dear Leader.
Wrong, shit for brains, that isn't the reason. If Mewler finds absolutely nothing, the Dims can use the investigation to bash Trump, just as they are doing right now. Turds like you are constantly making all manner of sinister inuendos even though there isn't a shred of evidence against Trump. Unfortunely, there is a large population of naive boobs who fall for this shit.

Furthermore, Mewler can financially ruin anyone who comes under his microscope, just as he has done to Flynn. Only fools believe there's nothing to be concerned about if you are innocent.
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators

You are confusing Mueller with Donald Trump and his campaign.

It's ok, snowflake. We know you can't deny the obvious any more.

I don't have to deny the obvious- you are attacking Bob Mueller because you are terrified he is going to find something that will be bad for your Dear Leader Trump- so you- following your Dear Leader's lead- attack Mueller as being corrupt.

You snowflakes have your heads buried so far up Trump's ass- you will say anything to protect your Dear Leader.
Wrong, shit for brains, that isn't the reason. If Mewler finds absolutely nothing, the Dims can use the investigation to bash Trump, just as they are doing right now. Turds like you are constantly making all manner of sinister inuendos even though there isn't a shred of evidence against Trump. Unfortunely, there is a large population of naive boobs who fall for this shit.

Furthermore, Mewler can financially ruin anyone who comes under his microscope, just as he has done to Flynn. Only fools believe there's nothing to be concerned about if you are innocent.

These morons keep denying the obvious and the longer these investigations go on the more they expose the corruption of Obama's DOJ and FBI. If Mueller doesn't start indicting the corrupt players Grassley is going to start going after Mueller and embarrass him.

Can't wait.
How many threads a day do we average on this forum talking about the end of Muller or the end of Clinton or the end Obama?

Do you people not ever get tired of being wrong.
This entire thing is so simple.


Everything else si details, but that's what's happened.

How many threads a day do we average on this forum talking about the end of Muller or the end of Clinton or the end Obama?

Do you people not ever get tired of being wrong.

How many threads a day do we average on this forum claiming Trump colluded with Russia and it's been over two years and not one shred of evidence has come to light?

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