Judge Orders Mueller To Turn Over Exculpatory Evidence, Federal Corruption

How many threads a day do we average on this forum talking about the end of Muller or the end of Clinton or the end Obama?

Do you people not ever get tired of being wrong.

How many threads a day do we average on this forum claiming Trump colluded with Russia and it's been over two years and not one shred of evidence has come to light?

just a few less threads than this type of thread as there are a hell of a lot more Trump zealots on here than there are idiots that think Trump colluded with Russia
This thread sounds like more Trump pixie dust. Just another attempted diversion from reality.

Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption

thanks for the heads up
Finally. That Mother Fucker, Comey too Refused to Investigste Fusion GPS.

I hope they get what they deserve!

Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption
He was willing to let them off the hook but the corrupt bastards kept asking for it.

The funny thing is that Trump wasn't really interested in going after Clinton. If the Democrats had just accepted the results of the election and moved on, we probably would not be hearing about any of this. They should have left well enough alone. Now their corruption is being exposed and THEY'RE the ones causing it. LMAO
Probably less than the ones on the end of Trump, all combined.
How many threads a day do we average on this forum talking about the end of Muller or the end of Clinton or the end Obama?

Do you people not ever get tired of being wrong.
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption

There is no plea reversal.

He plead guilty and is cooperating. Done and done.

You FAIL, again...

You've got a tiny handful of extremist websites, armchair attorneys pulling legal analysis from their ass.

Well played...

every single one of the shittard websites running the "plea withdrawn" story is just putting up a copy of the same story. It's like you asswipes get your dumbshittery from the same retardation clearing house.

You go girl.
Hilary Clinton and the Evidence is all there, unless you have a corrupt DOJ, State Delartment and FBI, is a Political Criminal and Political Assassin, and Traitor to this country, and her not being prosecuted is the worst miscarriage of Justice in US History.

She’s been behind or a part of every major scandal in the last 40 years
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption

There is no plea reversal.

He plead guilty and is cooperating. Done and done.

You FAIL, again...

You've got a tiny handful of extremist websites, armchair attorneys pulling legal analysis from their ass.

Well played...

every single one of the shittard websites running the "plea withdrawn" story is just putting up a copy of the same story. It's like you asswipes get your dumbshittery from the same retardation clearing house.

You go girl.

Here you go, dipshit. If you could read you'd know what's going on but you're a typical lazy libtardo.

Can be appealed to the Supreme court. And why not, Mueller withheld exculpatory evidence?

"The Supreme Court has never addressed the question of whether a defendant may withdraw a guilty plea if the prosecution withholds exculpatory evidence during plea negotiations. The lower federal courts are split on this question. In his revised standing order issued on Friday, Sullivan dropped a lengthy footnote, detailing the case law and setting forth his position that, if material exculpatory evidence is withheld during plea negotiations, a defendant is entitled to withdraw his guilty plea."
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption

There is no plea reversal.

He plead guilty and is cooperating. Done and done.

You FAIL, again...

You've got a tiny handful of extremist websites, armchair attorneys pulling legal analysis from their ass.

Well played...

every single one of the shittard websites running the "plea withdrawn" story is just putting up a copy of the same story. It's like you asswipes get your dumbshittery from the same retardation clearing house.

You go girl.

Here you go, dipshit. If you could read you'd know what's going on but you're a typical lazy libtardo.

Can be appealed to the Supreme court. And why not, Mueller withheld exculpatory evidence?

"The Supreme Court has never addressed the question of whether a defendant may withdraw a guilty plea if the prosecution withholds exculpatory evidence during plea negotiations. The lower federal courts are split on this question. In his revised standing order issued on Friday, Sullivan dropped a lengthy footnote, detailing the case law and setting forth his position that, if material exculpatory evidence is withheld during plea negotiations, a defendant is entitled to withdraw his guilty plea."

That and prosecutorial misconduct.

There won’t even be a record of the phoney jay walking offense Mueller tried to slap them with when this is all over.

Some people are going to also get disbarred.
That judge is probably going to die in his sleep like Scalia mysteriously did.

He’ll be joining Seth Rich in the “Happy Ever After.”

Vince Foster, Ron Brown & The CEO of Uranium One are spending eternity elsewhere waiting for Clinton and Obama to join them and Saul Alinski for Tea and Crumpets with Lucifer Morningstar.

Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption
Last edited:
How many threads a day do we average on this forum talking about the end of Muller or the end of Clinton or the end Obama?

Do you people not ever get tired of being wrong.
How about the end of Trump?

There are a shit ton of those, though a few less as the Trump zealots out number everyone else on the board by a pretty good margin.
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption

Mike Flynn Moving To Withdraw Guilty Plea Here's Why.
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption

You lying shit stain.

The only order issued was to turn over evidence to THE JUDGE to be used in sentencing.
Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption

You lying shit stain.

The only order issued was to turn over evidence to THE JUDGE to be used in sentencing.

Here you go, moron. Stupid libtardos are for our entertainment.

"Just a week ago, and thus before Sullivan quietly directed Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team to provide Flynn’s attorneys “any exculpatory evidence,”"
I said from the beginning this wasn’t going to stick.

At the time I didn’t know The depth of the corruption involved.

But one thing I did know was this:

There has never been in the history of The United States a sitting President Spying on a rival Presidential Campaign and Candidate.

Think on this:

The GOP, and 17 Rival Candidates all researched the shit out of President Trump. Not many damning things they could find on such a highly public figure.

Clinton and The DNC turned over every rock on this guy too.

The second I heard about The Dossier, I knew it was bogus.

When I found out that The DNC and Clinton went to The KGB for this shit, I knew it was Criminal.

This could bring down the entire Country an usher in Perilous Times, Ugly Times if they do not uncover everyone involved and Punish Them Severely!

One Last thing to think on:

No Man; No President in the history of The US has had to eat his words Like Obama Bin Asshole when he publicly insulted Donald Trump at a White House Dinner.

Cock Sucker will deserve everything he gets from here on out & the same with Clinton too.

The Onion Continues to unravel...
Stay Tuned!

Here we go, folks. Mueller and his band of corrupt conspirators are now being exposed by a Federal judge and they can't do shit about it other than comply. They overplayed their hand. Arrogance is bringing them down now.

Come to find out the judge in Flynn's case, Rudolph Contreras, is one of three FISA court judges and most likely he signed one of the orders to spy on Trump's team. Mysteriously the case was reassigned less than a week later. No conflict of interest there, right lieberals?

The new judge ordered Mueller to turn over all evidence including exculpatory evidence withheld from Flynn and his lawyers.

We know the DOJ and FBI withheld information to obtain FISA warrants.

"There is cause to believe the FISA court was connected to the criminal charge filed against Flynn because Contreras, who recused less than a week after accepting Flynn’s guilty plea, “is one of just three FISA court judges who sits in the District of Columbia, where it is likely the Trump-Russia FISA warrants were sought.”

We know Peter Strzok interviewed Flynn and Sally Yates pushed the charges against Flynn.

"Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn under the Logan Act."

"Another member of Mueller’s team, Andrew Weissmann, is likewise suspect given his praise for Yates’ refusal to defend Trump’s travel ban. Weissmann remains a part of the special counsel’s team, notwithstanding calls for his ouster."

The longer this witch hunt goes on the more witches we find in the DOJ and FBI.

How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption

Mike Flynn Moving To Withdraw Guilty Plea Here's Why.
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