Judge orders text of Clinton emails on Benghazi to be released

Funny that the pussy grabber did the same as she did, is still doing it. Same with some others.

The pussy grabber asshole has a private server in trump tower and the Florida golf resort AND his other properties. He also has a wide open and ancient Android phone. And of course, he's dumb as a fucking cardboard box and thinks its just fine to discuss damn near anything with drinkers and hangers on crowded around. Best thing we could do is fit him with a ball gag.

Hopefully, what else will be made public AGAIN is that sleazy Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy both voted to slash embassy security and then denied both Obama's and Hillary's requests for reinstatement.

So? Do you think ... lol, do you believe HRC orchestrated the attack and had her friend killed intentionally? Or that she could have prevented the attack by sending in the Marines, hours away? You're one fucked up piece of bullshit, not only do you post it, your are it.
The Hack and his minion were too caught up in believing they had ended terrorism with the killing of OBL and promoted themselves for reelection on that phony accolade instead of fortifying US interests on the most significant date of the year. They failed to secure the place ahead of time.
Upon recognizing their failure they concocted a phony story as a cover-up.

What proof do you have - other than the testimony of Limbaugh, Hannity or one of the other right wing hacks who mentor fools like you? Tell me what you can't know, the Mens rea of the killers that day. That you actually believe the meme that HRC was somehow culpable of the events at Benghazi that day is foolish, hateful and absurd.

Posting that she is complicit is mendacious and as disgusting as you and the echoes of bullshit you choose to post.
I just gave you specifics and facts gleaned from basic observation. You can't rebut.

Empirical evidence is what you seem to be saying, it is sufficient to offer an opinion - a postulate - but insufficient for no evidence exists to prove the Sect. committed misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance. You have offered no such proof, and none has every been proffered to make the claim that HRC was complicit by commission or omission of wrong doing.

You lied. You offered no specific and no facts. And, yes I have rebutted your bullshit.
The only way you could rebut is if you have proof that the Benghazi attack didn't happen and the Obama admin didn't create a cover-up story.
View attachment 125010

The full contents of two Hillary Clinton emails about the Benghazi attack will soon be brought to light in the wake of a federal judge’s ruling Friday that the State Department has to share with the American people the contents of two emails sent two days after the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Libya.

The attack on the Benghazi compound resulted in the deaths of four Americans. Clinton and the Obama White House offered the American public a very different version of the cause than the one they expressed privately."

Breaking: Federal Judge Smacks Hillary With Big News - It's Happening...

There would be nothing better than to see this twit hung and sent to prison. But as we know she gets out of everything. She is up there with the high rollers where she's part of the " To big to fail" cult.

View attachment 125011

State Dept. Told To Release New Benghazi Emails From Hillary’s Server

So? Do you think ... lol, do you believe HRC orchestrated the attack and had her friend killed intentionally? Or that she could have prevented the attack by sending in the Marines, hours away? You're one fucked up piece of bullshit, not only do you post it, your are it.

believe the man who was there and ordered to STAND DOWN , how because I actually listened to him and not pass his videos up because it was on infowars. Keep laughing .............. HE was THERE YOU WEREN'T.

I guess if you KNEW WHAT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW that question on HRC wouldn't be asked so apparently you follow her sheep pack. You are her victim way to go hero. You do not know what you dot know and it's all in plain view.

One thing GEOLOGY can't and won't do for anybody is give them a degree in Logic, common sense, and learning how to follow the information and money.
Money talks bs walks apparently you can't figure that out yet.

All science uses logic, and one data point is one data point and in logic yours is the fallacy of an appeal to authority, to wit, "An Appeal to Authority is a fallacy with the following form: Person A is (claimed to be) an authority on subject S. Person A makes claim C about subject S. Therefore, C is true.
So? Do you think ... lol, do you believe HRC orchestrated the attack and had her friend killed intentionally? Or that she could have prevented the attack by sending in the Marines, hours away? You're one fucked up piece of bullshit, not only do you post it, your are it.
The Hack and his minion were too caught up in believing they had ended terrorism with the killing of OBL and promoted themselves for reelection on that phony accolade instead of fortifying US interests on the most significant date of the year. They failed to secure the place ahead of time.
Upon recognizing their failure they concocted a phony story as a cover-up.

What proof do you have - other than the testimony of Limbaugh, Hannity or one of the other right wing hacks who mentor fools like you? Tell me what you can't know, the Mens rea of the killers that day. That you actually believe the meme that HRC was somehow culpable of the events at Benghazi that day is foolish, hateful and absurd.

Posting that she is complicit is mendacious and as disgusting as you and the echoes of bullshit you choose to post.
I just gave you specifics and facts gleaned from basic observation. You can't rebut.

Empirical evidence is what you seem to be saying, it is sufficient to offer an opinion - a postulate - but insufficient for no evidence exists to prove the Sect. committed misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance. You have offered no such proof, and none has every been proffered to make the claim that HRC was complicit by commission or omission of wrong doing.

You lied. You offered no specific and no facts. And, yes I have rebutted your bullshit.

The only way you could rebut is if you have proof that the Benghazi attack didn't happen and the Obama admin didn't create a cover-up story.

That's, err... you're ridiculous ^^^! There is something called a burden of proof, you've made an allegation and offer an opinion as proof. That's really stupid, and not surprising given the source.

I make no allegation and have no duty to provide a burden of proof. I did offer a rebuttal, one which you either didn't understand or chose to ignore.

Look up Mal, Mis, and Non feasonce, which do you claim and what proof do you have that she was guilty of one of them. If you can't do that, you're a liar. It is really that simple.

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