Judge overseeing Trump classified documents case deals blows to special counsel Jack Smith

With all the evidence Jack Smith could die and do the trial Weekend at Bernie's style and still get Trump tossed in prison
/---/ Unbeknownst to you, the evidence must be factual and submitted correctly. Jack Smith is an epic fail.
Federal government property went "missing" on January 20th 2021. That's when an investigation to find it started. First by the National Archives, and then by the FBI.
Typically, espionage suspects are held without bail but this guy is out playing golf. Something isn`t quite right.

Why is Jack Smith, an inveterate leaker, so desirous of hiding other things? Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

When Smith asked for an early trial date and was denied, he almost immediately put forth a superseding indictment. Judges do not like such shenanigans.

The judge also asked for prosecutors to provide additional information about the continuing use of an out-of-state jury in the case.

A federal judge dealt several blows Monday to Special Counsel Jack Smith's prosecution of former President Donald Trump for his alleged mishandling of classified documents.
U.S. Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, denied the Justice Department's request to keep fillings sealed in the case and she removed two from the record.
She also asked for prosecutors to provide additional information about the continuing use of an out-of-state jury in the case.
You can read the court ruling here:
The special counsel asked for some materials in the case to be sealed from the public, but Cannon wrote in her brief that the agency's arguments "fail to satisfy the burden of establishing a sufficient legal or factual basis to warrant sealing."

Aileen Cannon never handled CIPA cases before. She scheduled a public CPIA hear, but there cant be a public hearing on classified info. Trump is trying to use Judge Cannon’s unfamiliarity with CIPA-4 rules about summarizing a document vs provided the actual document, claiming that documents havent been provided, but CIPA section 4 rules say that only a summary of classified docs is required for purpose of protecting that classified info. Trump blames Jack Smith for something Aileen Canon did wrong, lying about Jack Smith withholding documents Its just judicial incompetence & malpractice. Trump legal team is claiming they havnt gotten documents that they already have, just just delay delay delay. At some point it’ll be appealed to the 11 circut, which will correct this incompetence.
haha spoken like a true demafasict…requiring their political target to prove his innocence in Court!


So, while you continue professing the innocence of P01137809, you also do not want a speedy trial. Which does not make sense.

IF P01135809 is as innocent as he and YOU belive, a speedy trial would be to his benefit. IF he has nothing hide, why delay the trial?

He should demand (as is his right) a trial as soon as possible, instead he runs away, spewing lies that his dead from the neck supporters continue to believe.
So, while you continue professing the innocence of P01137809, you also do not want a speedy trial. Which does not make sense.

IF P01135809 is as innocent as he and YOU belive, a speedy trial would be to his benefit. IF he has nothing hide, why delay the trial?

He should demand (as is his right) a trial as soon as possible, instead he runs away, spewing lies that his dead from the neck supporters continue to believe.
Really? What doesn't make sense about it? I want his lawyers to have the time they need to review the years worth of evidence the Govt obtained...I have no idea how long that will take them, but leave it up to their knowledge of the case to make that determination and make the request to the Court.

Why don't you want Trump to have due process? If he is so guilty as you claim, you'd be fine with him being allowed to do that.....why are you so worried and want to rob him of his rigths?

oh nevermind, we know why

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