Judge Quashes DOJ and Merrick Garland’s Subpoena Harassing Alabama Eagle Forum Over Trans Legislation


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Judge Quashes DOJ and Merrick Garland’s Subpoena Harassing Alabama Eagle Forum Over Trans Legislation

25 Oct 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft

On April 8, 2022, the Alabama legislature passed the bill based on the Eagle Forum’s draft.
The bill mimics Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Bill by forbidding teachers to withhold information from parents about their children’s feelings that their gender does not match their biological sex. This applies to both public and private schools.
Governor Kay Ivey signed House Bill SB184, and on May 8, 2022, the bill became law in Alabama.
On August 10, 2020, Joe Biden’s DOJ served the Eagle Forum with a subpoena demanding they turn over all of their records related to the bill they drafted. Incredibly, Eagle Forum of Alabama is also compelled by America’s most highly politicized and crooked DOJ to turn over all communication related to the drafting of the bill, including emails, social media posts, summaries, analysis, fact sheets, talking points, drafts of legislation including those from third parties, policies, goals, strategies, initiatives, polling, public opinion data, minutes, records, presentations, interviews, mass mailouts, emails, videos and all communications with government and non-government organizations or individuals including member legislators, employees, the Attorney General, lobbyists, consultants, etc., from 2017 which detail EFA’s legislative activities related to the VCAP.
In September, John Mark Graham of Phelps Dunbar, LLP, filed a motion to Quash the subpoena on behalf of Eagle Forum Alabama.
On October 14th, Judge Liles Burke held a hearing on the motion to quash. Late this afternoon we received the notice of the Judge’s order to grant our motion to quash. See an excerpt of the Judge’s order below.

Considering the relevance (or lack thereof) of the requested material, the burden of production, the nonparties’ resources, and the Government’s own conduct, the Court finds that the subpoenas exceed the scope of discovery.”
Read the entire order here.

Merrick Garland shot down once again, Great News! Toilet scrubbers have far more dignity.
U.S. government agencies are corrupted by the Deep State and are not under the control of the American voters. FAA, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NIH, to name just a few of the "alphabet" agencies that are Deep State. President Trump is the only one that even tried to rein in the Deep State and they conspired to get rid of him.
Here's another corrupt political DoJ action shot down by the judiciary.
Joe Biden and his corrupt merry Maoist Democrats are being caught out time and time again.
A purge of all Federal employees is in order.
They're either total political incompetents, taking money under the table or only care about investigating, arresting and harassing Trump supporters.
Either way, they need a thorough cleaning out.
And crickets from the Left. They have no honest answers.

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