Latest Biden whopper: “I’m a lifetime member of the NAACP”.

His unique obsession to lie and pander to whomever he is in front of is amazing. How does he think such blatant lies won’t get called out?

The good thing is, thinking blacks are sick of his BS and are flocking to Trump.

1. To be fair, since being president, Mr. Biden has transformed himself into the best friend of African Americans.

2. He even expressed his fear they could still be in danger of lynching.

3. He (or his advisers) have appointed unprecedented numbers of them to cushy federal positions.

4. And one of his first acts as president was to go to the :Lincoln Memorial to stand there in reverence.

5. As Senator, he referred to integrated schools as "jungles." But today if Hunter were a little boy, President Biden would no doubt send him to D.C. public schools.
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Which is what?

What makes you think Biden is a lifetime member of the NAACP?
You got nothing….do you?

There is no proof that Biden is a member or not.

Why isn't the media investigating Sleepy Joe on this claim?

Biden has told lies before after all.
From an X account

Joe Biden... was worried in 1977 that certain de-segregation policies would cause his children to grow up "in a racial jungle."

weird, how you can hear / read something and you get it, but then you re-read and it really hits you!

This is just the textbook definition of RACISM

so ironic... the D party claims to be on the side of Blacks and minorities and yet, we have THIS... OMG!

I mean, it just now hit me how bizarre this statement is and how absymally racist...

Then there are all the lies.. like he is a lifelong member of NAACP

Just un-freaking believable what we are dealing with... can't make it up... :banghead::banghead:
Biden has told lies before after all.

yeh, maybe we should count them all, assuming we can count that high..

1) he's from Scranton
2) no, Puerto Rico
3) his uncle was cannibalized-- by someone in the racial jungle, no doubt
4) inflation was high when he took office (literally TOOK office :mad:)
5) it's corporate America's fault prices are so high

and here is LIE


6) I'm Catholic :oops:

The democrats in this forum believe whatever the democrat leadership tells them. They lack the intellect to ask whether or not it is true.

Remember, this is a group that think women have penises, so anything is possible.
It's a misleading claim.
He has a lifetime membership, but that doesn't mean he has been a member his entire life.

Reminds me, back in 2020, Biden publicly claimed the NAACP had endorsed him every time he's ran for public office.
This was total bullshit, sine the NAACP does not endorse candidates.


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