Judge rejects Manafort attempt to dismiss criminal case

You do realize, right, that Barak Obama himself said that it is NORMAL for campaigns to begin talking with representatives from other countries so they could 'hit the ground running' - Barry even said his election campaign team did the same exact thing.

Let's say Manafort and Trump's team did talk to Russian Reps, as Obama said he and his team did when prepping to be President in 2008, not Mueller, not Comey, Not McCabe, not YOU have any evidence of any illegal criminal collusion between them.

You don't even have any evidence of any activity that rises to the level of that between Hillary, Bill, and Mueller with the Russians.
- HILLARY, not Trump, took millions from the Russians / KGB Bank.
- Bill, not Trump, took $500k per speech from the Russians ' KGB Bank and met directly with Putin
- Hillary, not Trump, paid foreign spies and Russians for bogus reports she and the FBI used illegally

So you still have NOTHING.

As Comey the Honest would say: "LORDY!"

I can't help ya dog - on your own and DO Bunker uP ;)
This begs the question, if there no statute of limitations on "financial crimes"? Most of this stuff supposedly happened 13 years ago.

Our judicial system is dead. It is now subject to capricious whim.

From what I've read the average statute of limitations is 5-7 years, there are exceptions that run as long a 20 years, this doesn't appear to fall within any of those exceptions.


This begs the question, if there no statute of limitations on "financial crimes"? Most of this stuff supposedly happened 13 years ago.

Our judicial system is dead. It is now subject to capricious whim.

From what I've read the average statute of limitations is 5-7 years, there are exceptions that run as long a 20 years, this doesn't appear to fall within any of those exceptions.


Prosecutors and judges disagree with you
This begs the question, if there no statute of limitations on "financial crimes"? Most of this stuff supposedly happened 13 years ago.

Our judicial system is dead. It is now subject to capricious whim.

From what I've read the average statute of limitations is 5-7 years, there are exceptions that run as long a 20 years, this doesn't appear to fall within any of those exceptions.


Prosecutors and judges disagree with you
No. They all agree with me. Mueller found a compliant judge that suspended the statute of limitations. Just more tinkering and ignoring the laws.

Mueller: Secret Court Order Suspended Statute Of Limitations On Manafort Charge • r/politics

Our legal system is dead. We have now gone back to a medieval type who you know and who you blow.
This begs the question, if there no statute of limitations on "financial crimes"? Most of this stuff supposedly happened 13 years ago.

Our judicial system is dead. It is now subject to capricious whim.

From what I've read the average statute of limitations is 5-7 years, there are exceptions that run as long a 20 years, this doesn't appear to fall within any of those exceptions.


Prosecutors and judges disagree with you

On what basis?

This begs the question, if there no statute of limitations on "financial crimes"? Most of this stuff supposedly happened 13 years ago.

Our judicial system is dead. It is now subject to capricious whim.

From what I've read the average statute of limitations is 5-7 years, there are exceptions that run as long a 20 years, this doesn't appear to fall within any of those exceptions.


Prosecutors and judges disagree with you
No. They all agree with me. Mueller found a compliant judge that suspended the statute of limitations. Just more tinkering and ignoring the laws.

Mueller: Secret Court Order Suspended Statute Of Limitations On Manafort Charge • r/politics

Our legal system is dead. We have now gone back to a medieval type who you know and who you blow.

I don't get that judge. From what I understand Mueller had his team look up any previous DOJ investigations into anyone associated with Trump. This one was a yeas old investigation that hadn't gone anywhere, so why wasn't the evidence requested from Cypress when the investigation was initiated. Instead they wait till 22 days before the statue of limitations was to run and make the request. Then they go to a judge crying they need more time, give me a freaking break.

We told you alt righties that the judge would rule against you.

You need to accept that the Muellerites are going to be right almost 99% of the time.

Your trump boat is sinking.
Your trump boat is sinking.

Judge rejects Manafort attempt to dismiss criminal case

Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson on Tuesday rejected former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's attempt to invalidate the criminal case against him in Washington.

Manafort had claimed special counsel Robert Mueller's appointment order was too broad, and thus his investigation had overstepped its legal authority.

But Berman Jackson concluded for several reasons that Mueller's investigation and prosecution of Manafort is legal -- and that the special counsel still can maintain some independence while working within the Department of Justice.

Weren't the right wing crazy people saying last week that the case will be thrown out? That the judge said Mueller went too far?

I guess the right wingers here were wrong.

The indictment, which the Judge lambasted Mueller for, is for a potential crime that occurred before Obama was ever elected President (PRE-2008), so nothing has changed regarding the fact that the indictment has NOTHING to do with non-existent illegal collusion with Russians and has nothing to do with the President.
It’s within the special counsel mandate to investigate any crimes that they come across whether or not they’re associated with the question of Russian collusion.

And apparently, this judge agrees.

Tissue? :(

So basically what you're admitting is there has been no crimes found associated with the question of Russian collusion? So what "crime" was it that Mueller was given authority to investigate? So far all I've seen Jed, is an investigation that has come up dry on collusion so it's now trying to indict Trump associates for tax issues dating back a dozen years ago...long before Trump was even running for President!

So now that we've established that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia...are we ready to investigate the REAL collusion that took place in that election? You know...the collusion between Clinton...Comey...Lynch...Brennan...& Obama to smear a political opponent and "fix" an ongoing criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton?
The indictment, which the Judge lambasted Mueller for, is for a potential crime that occurred before Obama was ever elected President (PRE-2008), so nothing has changed regarding the fact that the indictment has NOTHING to do with non-existent illegal collusion with Russians and has nothing to do with the President.
It’s within the special counsel mandate to investigate any crimes that they come across whether or not they’re associated with the question of Russian collusion.

And apparently, this judge agrees.

Tissue? :(

So basically what you're admitting is there has been no crimes found associated with the question of Russian collusion? So what "crime" was it that Mueller was given authority to investigate? So far all I've seen Jed, is an investigation that has come up dry on collusion so it's now trying to indict Trump associates for tax issues dating back a dozen years ago...long before Trump was even running for President!

So now that we've established that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia...are we ready to investigate the REAL collusion that took place in that election? You know...the collusion between Clinton...Comey...Lynch...Brennan...& Obama to smear a political opponent and "fix" an ongoing criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton?
Mueller was given the 'authority' to go 'Dumpster Diving' to either FIND or MANUFACTURE any crime he could to take down Trump, and the 'super secret squirrel' 'sealed envelope authority' to go back a decade - before Obama was elected President - to find potential crimes having nothing to do with Russians or Trump or the 2016 election to try to work his way back to anything on Trump....

...and with all that authority he still hasn't got anything!

A whole year wasted by sour grapes butt-hurt Democrats who refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election, Democrats who did not Trump to win so badly that they committed themselves to doing whatever it took - legal or not - to make sure it didn't happen and that if it did they would still take him down.

Remember THIS:


Ironic how Hillary was referring to Trump; yet, it was the Democrats who have gone out of their way to prove Hillary's quote to be true....

Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Holder, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Hillary, and even Barak Obama have all been exposed for Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, Sedition, and / or even Treason, and the only evidence uncovered / that exists has been / is the evidence that the DEMOCRATS uncovered / exposed that proves all of this while failing to try to 'get' the President.


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