Judge rules against Johnson & Johnson in landmark opioid case in Oklahoma

How rare..big Pharma loses!

Judge rules against Johnson & Johnson in landmark opioid case in Oklahoma

"An Oklahoma judge on Monday ruled against Johnson & Johnson in the Oklahoma opioid trial, forcing the company to pay the state $572 million in the first trial in the U.S. seeking to hold a drugmaker accountable for helping fuel the epidemic."
Judge ruled in favor of the State. I imagine the results would have been different if the plaintiff were a person...
I don't know how I feel about this.
Not enough information.
Seems to me the state is just trying to sue who has the most money rather than who is most at fault.
This will of course be appealed, and I will not be surprised if overturned.
In my opinion, the Doctor is the first line of fault. Without a prescription, you can't get to the drug.
But you can't really sue 100's of doctors so looks to me like the state chose pharma because that is the only hope of getting money.
So they are blaming one company for the weakness of others?....Johnson and Johnson didn't make and hard sell opiates...they made pain killing medicine for people with unforgiving pain....I hope that ignorant judge never needs help in reliving pain....its just a gooberment money grab....with the aide of a gooberment judge....
How rare..big Pharma loses!

Judge rules against Johnson & Johnson in landmark opioid case in Oklahoma

"An Oklahoma judge on Monday ruled against Johnson & Johnson in the Oklahoma opioid trial, forcing the company to pay the state $572 million in the first trial in the U.S. seeking to hold a drugmaker accountable for helping fuel the epidemic."
Judge ruled in favor of the State. I imagine the results would have been different if the plaintiff were a person...

Maybe not but the pusher still took a hit.
Simple enough.

Stop manufacturing all pain killers.

But invest in earplugs to stifle the whining of those suffering the result.
So they are blaming one company for the weakness of others?....Johnson and Johnson didn't make and hard sell opiates...they made pain killing medicine for people with unforgiving pain....I hope that ignorant judge never needs help in reliving pain....its just a gooberment money grab....with the aide of a gooberment judge....
Well...i could see it that way..but..the Drug Company sales reps did tout the drug as, if you can believe it, non-addictive. A lot of the Dr.'s...felt it was a safe alternative to opiates. Then there was the usual kick-backs and 'incentive' programs.

I admit...seeing big pharma take a hit..even from the govt.--does my heart good.
Simple enough.

Stop manufacturing all pain killers.

But invest in earplugs to stifle the whining of those suffering the result.
You speak sarcastically..but...there is something to accepting that a certain amount of pain goes with life. Always looking for some palliative..is at the root of some of the problem.

But if you're dying of cancer..or in unremitting pain..then hard drugs are called for.
So they are blaming one company for the weakness of others?....Johnson and Johnson didn't make and hard sell opiates...they made pain killing medicine for people with unforgiving pain....I hope that ignorant judge never needs help in reliving pain....its just a gooberment money grab....with the aide of a gooberment judge....
Well...i could see it that way..but..the Drug Company sales reps did tout the drug as, if you can believe it, non-addictive. A lot of the Dr.'s...felt it was a safe alternative to opiates. Then there was the usual kick-backs and 'incentive' programs.

I admit...seeing big pharma take a hit..even from the govt.--does my heart good.
My experience has been that IF....used as directed it is non addictive...nasal spray is addictive if abused...I've watched my own friends take a pill....then another before giving the first one time to work....salesmen will always tout the benefits over the adverse affects but the directions for use are right on the bottle....I just smell a money grab...I sure hope we are not without opiates when and if the time comes that I need them...
How rare..big Pharma loses!

Judge rules against Johnson & Johnson in landmark opioid case in Oklahoma

"An Oklahoma judge on Monday ruled against Johnson & Johnson in the Oklahoma opioid trial, forcing the company to pay the state $572 million in the first trial in the U.S. seeking to hold a drugmaker accountable for helping fuel the epidemic."

A fine isn't good enough.

The heads of that company belong in prison for what they did.

When you're rich you just pay a fine. When you're not rich you go to prison.

That has to stop. If heads of companies know they will face prison for their crimes the just might not commit them.

The whole opioid problem was inflicted on this nation by the pharmaceutical companies. For the only reason to make more money. It's disgusting and those who are in charge should be facing prison for their crimes.
Simple enough.

Stop manufacturing all pain killers.

But invest in earplugs to stifle the whining of those suffering the result.
You speak sarcastically..but...there is something to accepting that a certain amount of pain goes with life. Always looking for some palliative..is at the root of some of the problem.

But if you're dying of cancer..or in unremitting pain..then hard drugs are called for.

Then you ought to move to some country where the drug manufacturers haven't been sued into submission. No, I really do mean that J&J - and every other maker of painkillers - needs to shut down in the America that, by actions of its judiciary, shows it doesn't want them.
How rare..big Pharma loses!

Judge rules against Johnson & Johnson in landmark opioid case in Oklahoma

"An Oklahoma judge on Monday ruled against Johnson & Johnson in the Oklahoma opioid trial, forcing the company to pay the state $572 million in the first trial in the U.S. seeking to hold a drugmaker accountable for helping fuel the epidemic."

A fine isn't good enough.

The heads of that company belong in prison for what they did.

When you're rich you just pay a fine. When you're not rich you go to prison.

That has to stop. If heads of companies know they will face prison for their crimes the just might not commit them.

The whole opioid problem was inflicted on this nation by the pharmaceutical companies. For the only reason to make more money. It's disgusting and those who are in charge should be facing prison for their crimes.

Aw, bullshit.

Every doctor knows that opioid pain pills can be habit forming. Hell, I knew it as a high school kid who learned this fact as a health education student in the early 1970's.

All the pharmaceutical companies do is make the stuff. Its the doctors who have to write the script. No "evil CEO" is forcing Dr. Vinnie Boombatz to give a patient 100 oxycontins for a toothache.

I suppose if there was a threat of prison for the CEO's , Eli Lilly and other pharm concerns might shut down their opioid lines and concentrate on ED treatments.
Simple enough.

Stop manufacturing all pain killers.

But invest in earplugs to stifle the whining of those suffering the result.
You speak sarcastically..but...there is something to accepting that a certain amount of pain goes with life. Always looking for some palliative..is at the root of some of the problem.

But if you're dying of cancer..or in unremitting pain..then hard drugs are called for.

Then you ought to move to some country where the drug manufacturers haven't been sued into submission. No, I really do mean that J&J - and every other maker of painkillers - needs to shut down in the America that, by actions of its judiciary, shows it doesn't want them.
From your mouth to God's ears.

But..there is too much money here for them to ever leave.
The end result will, of course, not be drug manufacturers stopping making painkillers.

They'll just raise the prices to pay the fines.

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