Judge rules against Qualified Immunity for police officer who violated man's 4th Amendment rights.

The police have no obligation to protect any individual. That's why I am prepared to protect myself and mine.

That we might lose some stuff because the police followed the Constitution is expected. It's the tradeoff we have for liberty and for constitutional protection of that liberty.

The police conducted themselves within the Constitution as far as the courts are concerned. They do this in every similar situation.
Just leave? What would happen if somebody was robbing the place and got away with it because the officer(s) didn't follow up when nobody responded to their calls?
That you and others on the authoritarian right are willing to sacrifice liberty for the illusion of ‘security’ comes as no surprise, given conservatives’ overall contempt for our rights and protected liberties.

As agents of the state LEOs are subject to the same Constitutional limits and restrictions as any other manifestation of government.

What LEOs might ‘think,’ ‘believe,’ or ‘assume’ is legally and constitutionally irrelevant.

All that matters is evidence – and if agents of the state have evidence of criminal wrongdoing, they must take that evidence to a judge and secure a warrant before entering the home of a private citizen.

Absent evidence, law enforcement has no authority to enter the home of a private citizen – their only recourse is to leave.

That these most fundamental tenets of American law and governance must be explained to a conservative likewise comes as no surprise.
That you and others on the authoritarian right are willing to sacrifice liberty for the illusion of ‘security’ comes as no surprise, given conservatives’ overall contempt for our rights and protected liberties.

As agents of the state LEOs are subject to the same Constitutional limits and restrictions as any other manifestation of government.

What LEOs might ‘think,’ ‘believe,’ or ‘assume’ is legally and constitutionally irrelevant.

All that matters is evidence – and if agents of the state have evidence of criminal wrongdoing, they must take that evidence to a judge and secure a warrant before entering the home of a private citizen.

Absent evidence, law enforcement has no authority to enter the home of a private citizen – their only recourse is to leave.

That these most fundamental tenets of American law and governance must be explained to a conservative likewise comes as no surprise.

There's no connection between the authoritarian right and conservatism; two completely different things. I'm not sure now where Ray fits in but, at least in this case, he's not being conservative; he's being authoritarian.
There's no connection between the authoritarian right and conservatism; two completely different things. I'm not sure now where Ray fits in but, at least in this case, he's not being conservative; he's being authoritarian.

Not at all, I'm pro-police but that doesn't make me an authoritarian. I just believe as we keep weakening our police departments we end up with more problems. A 30% increase in violent crime between 2020 and 2021 is a pretty good indicator. And as I mentioned already we have a growing problem of getting new police recruits. The problem is not just in my city but nationwide. It was not that long ago when a position for a police officer came up in any city, hundreds of mostly males took the test to see if they could get the job. It was a glory position to be a police officer. Now putting on a cops uniform automatically comes with a target on the back.
Clear cut, seems to be hard for you to grasp.

You think it's clear cut but I don't. Why? Because police have done the same all across the country for years. Reasonable suspicion gives a police officer the authority to exercise his decision on search and seizure.
That you and others on the authoritarian right are willing to sacrifice liberty for the illusion of ‘security’ comes as no surprise, given conservatives’ overall contempt for our rights and protected liberties.

As agents of the state LEOs are subject to the same Constitutional limits and restrictions as any other manifestation of government.

What LEOs might ‘think,’ ‘believe,’ or ‘assume’ is legally and constitutionally irrelevant.

All that matters is evidence – and if agents of the state have evidence of criminal wrongdoing, they must take that evidence to a judge and secure a warrant before entering the home of a private citizen.

Absent evidence, law enforcement has no authority to enter the home of a private citizen – their only recourse is to leave.

That these most fundamental tenets of American law and governance must be explained to a conservative likewise comes as no surprise.

No you are totally wrong on that and I posted my links as evidence. Search and seizure is not restricted to warrants only. The courts have ruled on this many years ago.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.

The key word in the fourth is unreasonable. If a police officer stops a motorist who is a convicted felon, but takes notice of a firearm in his car, it's not unreasonable to search that car and confiscate the weapon he or she is not supposed to be in possession of.

Taking the amendment to this situation, the officers got a call to check out a vacant house that was occupied by at least one person. They knocked at the door and got no response. It's reasonable to assume whoever is in that house is not supposed to be there because they didn't respond; in other words trying to hide.

The officers didn't search or confiscate anything. They simply wanted to make sure the person occupying the home was there legally so they entered.

I don't know what will happen with this case, but I'm sure it will be appealed. I can't imagine that an appeals judge would find the actions of these officers were unreasonable.
Not at all, I'm pro-police but that doesn't make me an authoritarian. I just believe as we keep weakening our police departments we end up with more problems. A 30% increase in violent crime between 2020 and 2021 is a pretty good indicator. And as I mentioned already we have a growing problem of getting new police recruits. The problem is not just in my city but nationwide. It was not that long ago when a position for a police officer came up in any city, hundreds of mostly males took the test to see if they could get the job. It was a glory position to be a police officer. Now putting on a cops uniform automatically comes with a target on the back.
No, it just makes you a copsucker. You will excuse ANY action by a cop, no matter how bad.
Don't know, but they are much less likely to be in danger with a white woman than they are a black man. Black men are responsible for over 50% of our murders in this country.

Tell us how you aren't racist, Ray, that shit never gets old.

If you weren't such an anti-semite self-hating white you'd already know the police had no idea if the guy was black, white, or pink with purple pokadots. The dispatcher said "somebody sitting on the steps" and that's the only information about the subject the police had. They didn't know he was black until he came out of the bedroom. And yes, they entered the house, guns were drawn, and they had no idea the guy wasn't white. Imagine that!!!!!! I'm sure that will keep you awake half the night tonight.

Actually, the neighbor reported a black man, and that was relayed to the police. They certainly knew he was black when they slapped the cuffs on him for absolutely no good reason.

And the police had no idea what was up until they checked out the complaint. That's what they do.

And then they needlessly treated a black man like a criminal, because that's what they do.

You know OCD, you wouldn't look as stupid if you read all the posts since you were last here, especially the one I made where I gave three links to the officer shortage problem here and across the country. I know you don't read links, that way it keeps you ignorant, but you might want to try it sometime before making a fool out of yourself like you always do here.

I don't read YOUR links, because they are a waste of my time. Fact was, all the caterwauling about how the public doesn't love them, very few cops quit during Trump Riots/Plague/Recession, because why quit a good paying job?

Good. I hope the same thing happens to your house. I hope you come home to find your house ransacked and when you call the police, they tell you they were there while the place was getting robbed, but they didn't want to violate anybody's constitutional rights so they just left when they got no response from the person inside. Then you'd be here bitching how police are not doing their jobs.

Actually, when I lived in Cicero, that exactly is what happened to me when I was out on maneuvers with my Guard unit. And the cops couldn't have been more useless in that situation.

You never fired a gun in your life. You made that evident when I told the story about my Section 8 neighbors when he shot at his wife. You need to think your lies out better before you post OCD. Don't worry about guys like me. CCW carriers are the most law abiding citizens in this country and I posted that link as well. We use our firearms over a million times a year for self-defense or the defense of sissies like you who are too scared of guns to carry one.

Again, guy, people like you are the problem, and we keep getting stories about how one ofyou loses your shit and starts shooting up a school or a mall or a theater.

And, no, I don't believe your story about your section 8 neighbors at all... I noticed you stopped bitching about them when I started mocking your racism, though.
Well when you get hired to make police policy, then that's what you do. But police policy is created by many years of past mistakes, some of which caused the loss of life. I know police officers. They do things one way, and that is the way they are trained. Everything they do is for a reason. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's not the best way.

Um, yeah, we just had a year of riots because the Police refused to change their tactics dealing with people of color. No thank you.

I am using facts. I watched that video twice; not the dispatch part but the body cam footage. What I seen was perfect police protocol. I've seen the same thing on police shows, I hear police do the exact same things in my city on my scanner app. Yes, I do defend the police when they are right. There is nothing wrong with that.

You defend the police when a mentally unstable cop shoots a black kid playing with a toy. Come to think of it, I don't think you've ever criticized the police unless they were hassling a white person.

Our courts give the police the right to search a home or automobile when they have reasonable suspicion, and when somebody doesn't answer the door of a vacant home (which was the information the officers got) with open doors, of course it's suspicious. They have the legal authority to enter and investigate and that's why this anti-cop judge is completely wrong.

Again, cops were fine up until the point they slapped cuffs on a man who was unarmed and not committing any crime, just happened to be black at the wrong place at the wrong time.

That's why the cops are being sued.
Not at all, I'm pro-police but that doesn't make me an authoritarian. I just believe as we keep weakening our police departments we end up with more problems. A 30% increase in violent crime between 2020 and 2021 is a pretty good indicator. And as I mentioned already we have a growing problem of getting new police recruits. The problem is not just in my city but nationwide. It was not that long ago when a position for a police officer came up in any city, hundreds of mostly males took the test to see if they could get the job. It was a glory position to be a police officer. Now putting on a cops uniform automatically comes with a target on the back.

We had a 30% increase in crime because millions of people were locked in their houses and lost their jobs. Most violent crime is domestic, and people had more of each other than they could stand.

There is no police shortage, and there is no epidemic of cops being shot. The number of police killed in line of duty dropped from 48 in 2019 to 45 in 2020 despite the recession/riots/plague. It jumped up to 60 in 2021, but again, this is NOT a huge number, given how many fucking guns the NRA is flooding our streets with. (Compare the murder of regular people, which increased from 16,000 to 20,000. )

You think it's clear cut but I don't. Why? Because police have done the same all across the country for years. Reasonable suspicion gives a police officer the authority to exercise his decision on search and seizure.

Yes, the police have been abusing the rights of people of color for years! That's the problem, Ray, they are fed up with it. They are fed up with stop and frisk, they are fed up with Driving While Black stops and they are fed up with thug cops shooting them for no good reason.
Well when you get hired to make police policy, then that's what you do. But police policy is created by many years of past mistakes, some of which caused the loss of life. I know police officers. They do things one way, and that is the way they are trained. Everything they do is for a reason. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's not the best way.
Spoken like someone who has never been hassled by cops for no reason
You think it's clear cut but I don't. Why? Because police have done the same all across the country for years. Reasonable suspicion gives a police officer the authority to exercise his decision on search and seizure.
Yeah, you don’t because it happened to a black guy.

Clear violation.

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