Judge rules against Qualified Immunity for police officer who violated man's 4th Amendment rights.

Yeah, you don’t because it happened to a black guy.

Clear violation.

You race baiters can't win this argument because they entered the home without a description of who was in the house. All you have to do is watch the video to know that.
You race baiters can't win this argument because they entered the home without a description of who was in the house. All you have to do is watch the video to know that.
They entered home after viewing the color of the guy doing nothing in it copsucker.
Spoken like someone who has never been hassled by cops for no reason

I've had my run ins with them but that doesn't mean I don't respect the law or police authority. Like any other entity you have mostly good people and a few bad. If I thought these officers did anything out of the ordinary I would be speaking against them, but as I stated I've seen other police do the exact same thing in similar situations all the time including where I live.
They entered home after viewing the color of the guy doing nothing in it copsucker.

Watch the video. You race baiters make up all these stories in your head that are so easily proven to be lies. Dispatch didn't tell them what the guy looked like. The first time they seen him was after they entered the house with their guns drawn.
We had a 30% increase in crime because millions of people were locked in their houses and lost their jobs. Most violent crime is domestic, and people had more of each other than they could stand.

There is no police shortage, and there is no epidemic of cops being shot. The number of police killed in line of duty dropped from 48 in 2019 to 45 in 2020 despite the recession/riots/plague. It jumped up to 60 in 2021, but again, this is NOT a huge number, given how many fucking guns the NRA is flooding our streets with. (Compare the murder of regular people, which increased from 16,000 to 20,000. )

We had an increase of crime because of the uncivilized neanderthals that looted and destroyed their cities created an anti-cop movement. You leftists are nothing but disciples of Satan. That's why you always side with evil and against the good. Look at who your hero is that started all this; George Floyd. A drug addict with a long rap sheet. This is who you canonize. Then Communist led cities erected murals of this druggie loser, afterwards murals of Black Lowlifes Matter on the streets and leading the de-fund police movement.

When you tell evil you are on their side, they're going to listen.

Yes, the police have been abusing the rights of people of color for years! That's the problem, Ray, they are fed up with it. They are fed up with stop and frisk, they are fed up with Driving While Black stops and they are fed up with thug cops shooting them for no good reason.

If they are fed up with it let them leave for a country with no law and order. Stop and frisk ended years ago and murder shot up, especially black murders. Driving while black is a thing you made up in your head from watching too many old television movies. Cops have better things to do with their time.
Um, yeah, we just had a year of riots because the Police refused to change their tactics dealing with people of color. No thank you.

No, it's that lowlifes look for any opportunity to commit crimes. Then your now VP encouraged people to donate to a Go Fund Me account to bail them out so they could continue breaking the laws. The commies allowed it to continue as long as possible hoping it would aid them in electing a Communist President. Oh yeah, the summer of love don't you know.

The officer was immediately arrested after the incident. He was charged and found guilty. It had nothing to do with changing tactics.

Again, cops were fine up until the point they slapped cuffs on a man who was unarmed and not committing any crime, just happened to be black at the wrong place at the wrong time.

That's why the cops are being sued.

And because it's police policy it will be overturned by an American judge.
Actually, the neighbor reported a black man, and that was relayed to the police. They certainly knew he was black when they slapped the cuffs on him for absolutely no good reason.

Police do that all the time to everybody. Now why don't you get your ignorant ass to the OP and give me a time stamp where the dispatcher told the officers the guy was black on the video.

I don't read YOUR links, because they are a waste of my time. Fact was, all the caterwauling about how the public doesn't love them, very few cops quit during Trump Riots/Plague/Recession, because why quit a good paying job?

Why? Because your God was winning that war and still is. You don't read my links because showing a leftist the truth is like showing Dracula a cross. Nobody wants to be cop any longer thanks to the hostility against them created by leftists. And if you wanted to educate yourself by reading my links it would tell you that police early retirements are up in record numbers

Actually, when I lived in Cicero, that exactly is what happened to me when I was out on maneuvers with my Guard unit. And the cops couldn't have been more useless in that situation.

You are so full of shit. The cops were not at your house while it was being robbed. If they were they would have done the same thing that these police officers did and you would have never suffered any losses.

Again, guy, people like you are the problem, and we keep getting stories about how one ofyou loses your shit and starts shooting up a school or a mall or a theater.

And, no, I don't believe your story about your section 8 neighbors at all... I noticed you stopped bitching about them when I started mocking your racism, though.

Then look it up yourself. CCW holders are the most law abiding citizens. You can't even apply for a license if you've ever been in any trouble with the law in the past, and you have to renew your license every 5 years which they once again do a background check.

Why would I bitch about my section 8 neighbors? They left over a year ago and it's been quiet since, almost like it was a white neighborhood again. I don't talk with the asshole owner but my tenants have. From what I was told they did thousands of dollars in damages he hasn't repaired yet. Because we had to call the cops so many times, the city harasses him as well. They made him put two new roofs on those houses and there was nothing wrong with the roofs he had. They are trying to harass him into selling and getting the F out of here which would be great. Those roofs had to run him around 8 grand or so. But that's what you get for renting to section 8 people. He was jumping for joy getting all that government money, and now he's paying it all back. :auiqs.jpg:
And what crime is that? If you tell me entering that house I'm only going to respond with the post number where I put a link showing there is no truth to that.

It's too bad the taxpayers aren't going to be able to use that argument.
We had an increase of crime because of the uncivilized neanderthals that looted and destroyed their cities created an anti-cop movement. You leftists are nothing but disciples of Satan. That's why you always side with evil and against the good. Look at who your hero is that started all this; George Floyd. A drug addict with a long rap sheet. This is who you canonize. Then Communist led cities erected murals of this druggie loser, afterwards murals of Black Lowlifes Matter on the streets and leading the de-fund police movement.

Wow, it's always funny when you talk about Satan like that's a real thing.

George Floyd was a guy who was trying to get his life back together. That we criminalize addictions (for poor black people) was the problem, not his taking them.

No excuse for what the cops did.

If they are fed up with it let them leave for a country with no law and order. Stop and frisk ended years ago and murder shot up, especially black murders. Driving while black is a thing you made up in your head from watching too many old television movies. Cops have better things to do with their time.
Do they? Like what, hanging out at the donut shop?

No, it's that lowlifes look for any opportunity to commit crimes. Then your now VP encouraged people to donate to a Go Fund Me account to bail them out so they could continue breaking the laws. The commies allowed it to continue as long as possible hoping it would aid them in electing a Communist President. Oh yeah, the summer of love don't you know.
Uh, until they are convicted, they are entitled to bail. Most of them never will be.

The officer was immediately arrested after the incident. He was charged and found guilty. It had nothing to do with changing tactics.
You mean they actually bothered to charge a cop for a change.

Why? Because your God was winning that war and still is. You don't read my links because showing a leftist the truth is like showing Dracula a cross. Nobody wants to be cop any longer thanks to the hostility against them created by leftists. And if you wanted to educate yourself by reading my links it would tell you that police early retirements are up in record numbers

I don't read your links because they are right wing crap. If there were a shitload of cops quitting, I'd certainly see a lot more of them looking for resumes... and I really haven't. I did actually see a spike after Jason van Dyke was charged, but not so much after 2020.

In short, if cops want to get out because they can't abuse black folks anymore, we should all be glad when they leave.

You are so full of shit. The cops were not at your house while it was being robbed. If they were they would have done the same thing that these police officers did and you would have never suffered any losses.

Yeah, right. Cicero cops would have probably helped them load their car, they were so notoriously corrupt.
Watch the video. You race baiters make up all these stories in your head that are so easily proven to be lies. Dispatch didn't tell them what the guy looked like. The first time they seen him was after they entered the house with their guns drawn.
That was the second time hillbillie.

Bad day for you. The GA racist 3 just got convicted in GA of racist motivation.

Life on top of the previous sentences.
That was the second time hillbillie.

Yes, us hillbillies in Cleveland, Ohio. :wtf:Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of school so early so they could have taught you Cleveland isn't down south.

So when was the first time they seen him? It wasn't on the dispatch recording nor the video. The first time they seen him was when they were in the house.
I don't read your links because they are right wing crap. If there were a shitload of cops quitting, I'd certainly see a lot more of them looking for resumes... and I really haven't. I did actually see a spike after Jason van Dyke was charged, but not so much after 2020.

Yeah, you really can't trust those right-wing local news stations in an all Democrat city like ours and that that evil right-wing Associated Press.

Yeah, right. Cicero cops would have probably helped them load their car, they were so notoriously corrupt.

Yeah, so you lied like always. No cops around when they ripped you off.
Yeah, you really can't trust those right-wing local news stations in an all Democrat city like ours and that that evil right-wing Associated Press.
Actually, they just report the Cop-aganda. "Oh, wah, people don't love us, so we are going to give up on generous pensions in a job we aren't expected to work all that hard.

There are professions that are really suffering massive attrition, like education. Most teachers quit in the first five years. Cops tend to be a pretty cushy job, if you can get it.

Yeah, so you lied like always. No cops around when they ripped you off.

Again, Cicero Cops, they were probably in on it.
Yes, us hillbillies in Cleveland, Ohio. :wtf:Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of school so early so they could have taught you Cleveland isn't down south.

So when was the first time they seen him? It wasn't on the dispatch recording nor the video. The first time they seen him was when they were in the house.
How did they know what room he was in before entering the house without a warrant, announcement and with guns drawn?

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