judge rules delegates cannot be forced to vote for trump

It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks

Avatar. You've changed drastically. Very.

I wouldn't peg you for someone who would want a party to deny its members the nominee they voted for. It only suits Trump's message that the system is rigged. That nobody wants to play by the rules everyone else plays by. Everything they're doing is playing into Trump's hands. Why is it in your seething hatred of Trump are willing to disenfranchise millions of voters?
More than half of the party don't want Trump: period.

Knowing that Trump is a dangerous candidate is not hatred, it is common sense.
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks
If the delegates don't vote in Trump as the nominee, that will be the end of the Republican party. Why would anyone continue to be a member of a party that is determined to obstruct the will of its members? These establishment fucks behave as if they are entitled to decide who the nominee is.

And the fallout will eventually be violent...........very, very violent.
LEO, assuredly, knows who you are. No, it will be only violent for those act out.

:lmao:..............I see that you are fantasizing again........layoff da' crazy pills..........
Like it or lump it, Trump should be the nominee for the GOP. If not, you're primary votes matter for jack and shit.
It doesn't surprise me, but it does piss the hell out of me, that a Virginia judge has ruled that delegates will not have to vote for Trump. Clinton pretty much has VA tied up - after all, the hot-headed vulgar mouthed buddy of hers Terry McAuliffe is the governor. He needs to go back to wherever the hell he came from. Also, she has Tim Kaine there as well. I know Tim personally and I wouldn't vote for his lying ass for dog catcher let alone for a high political office.
At a time when minorities and protesters are heralded for wanting to have their voices heard, the average American who works through the system to effect peaceful change is told their votes and the rules they played by don't count and the people in power will override them. The country is upside down in every way conceivable and the people are sick of it. There is only one outcome to the stop trump movement, a Hilary landslide in November. What part of stupid don't they understand? Or do they just care more about their job than their country. There is something rotten in Denmark.
kidd wrote, "And the fallout will eventually be violent...........very, very violent." You, kidd, are the one fantasizing about violence.
kidd wrote, "And the fallout will eventually be violent...........very, very violent." You, kidd, are the one fantasizing about violence.
Just a logical conclusion.
Not at all, except for those on the far right who think they can accomplish anything with violence. Well, their own demise, yes, but other than that, no.

What are you babbling about? I don't think that you even know.........
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks
If the delegates don't vote in Trump as the nominee, that will be the end of the Republican party. Why would anyone continue to be a member of a party that is determined to obstruct the will of its members? These establishment fucks behave as if they are entitled to decide who the nominee is.

And the fallout will eventually be violent...........very, very violent.


I can picture a bunch of old Repug codgers sitting on their front porch 40-50 years from now; waiting for their welfare/SS checks to come in the mail...

"Grandpa, how'd you lose your finger?" Asks their little blond grand kid

"I was fighting for Donald Trump" comes the answer.

"What did he ever do to make you want to fight for him?" Asks little Timmy?

"He called a bunch of people a bunch of names" You sigh with a strange look on your face (stranger than normal"

"I don't get it." TImmy laments. Wasn't there another reason?

"Not a good one." You sigh as the mailman pulls up.
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks
If the delegates don't vote in Trump as the nominee, that will be the end of the Republican party. Why would anyone continue to be a member of a party that is determined to obstruct the will of its members? These establishment fucks behave as if they are entitled to decide who the nominee is.

And the fallout will eventually be violent...........very, very violent.


I can picture a bunch of old Repug codgers sitting on their front porch 40-50 years from now; waiting for their welfare/SS checks to come in the mail...

"Grandpa, how'd you lose your finger?" Asks their little blond grand kid

"I was fighting for Donald Trump" comes the answer.

"What did he ever do to make you want to fight for him?" Asks little Timmy?

"He called a bunch of people a bunch of names" You sigh with a strange look on your face (stranger than normal"

"I don't get it." TImmy laments. Wasn't there another reason?

"Not a good one." You sigh as the mailman pulls up.
A lot of LWNJ's and NeverTrump losers just ejaculated.

But they could have saved a tissue.....it ain't gonna happen.

If more than half the party didn't want Trump, someone else would have won.
Not when the race starts out with 16 (or was it 17) candidates. One reason that Trump won was because he was the most polarizing. The Republicans that loved him voted for him while the Republicans that hated him had their votes split between several other candidates. I suspect that a large number of people that did vote for him are experiencing voters remorse. Almost any of the other republican candidates would win easily over Hillary with her baggage and negative ratings.
It's beginning. Trump loses a law suit today unbinding the Virginia delegates. The state of Virginia cannot compel the delegates to vote against their conscience. An Arizona delegate has also stated she will not support trump.

It's going to be an interesting couple weeks
If the delegates don't vote in Trump as the nominee, that will be the end of the Republican party. Why would anyone continue to be a member of a party that is determined to obstruct the will of its members? These establishment fucks behave as if they are entitled to decide who the nominee is.

And the fallout will eventually be violent...........very, very violent.


I can picture a bunch of old Repug codgers sitting on their front porch 40-50 years from now; waiting for their welfare/SS checks to come in the mail...

"Grandpa, how'd you lose your finger?" Asks their little blond grand kid

"I was fighting for Donald Trump" comes the answer.

"What did he ever do to make you want to fight for him?" Asks little Timmy?

"He called a bunch of people a bunch of names" You sigh with a strange look on your face (stranger than normal"

"I don't get it." TImmy laments. Wasn't there another reason?

"Not a good one." You sigh as the mailman pulls up.
The same way that Hillary sighs....by saying "Sigh"!
Any delegate that goes rogue will have to answer to his or her people of their State that voted for Trump. And the buzz out there is it won't be pretty. People that voted for Trump will make payback very painful. For example if a delegate owns a business, it will be toast.

So all that talk about needing to support the nominee or you are voting for Hillary is just stuff you want if your guy is the nominee? Screw the majority of the party who voted for someone else.

This should be interesting to watch. Next time I recommend support someone who isn't evil. Then you wont have a revolt on your hands

Your line of " Screw the majority of the party who voted for someone else" is right out of the liberal playbook. Donald Trump won more votes than any other R primary candidate in 30 years.

I realize you are so upset because Cruz didn't win, but you Cruz supporters are a fairly whacked out bunch. Senator Lee the other day came out singing Liz Warren's praises to the high heavens. Lavishes her with praise.

While skewering Trump. THAT'S whacked out. That Cruz supporters would prefer Liz Warren to Donald Trump.

Wow. Just wow.
It would be something if enough delegates voted against trump to not nominate him! Have someone like Romney walk through the door for the next vote. hahah

If the Republican Party convention votes to not nominate Trump to represent their party, I'm sure you will find a lot of republican voters choosing to stay home this election cycle. The people obviously voted Trump in as the candidate to represent them, this will be a test to see if the party is going to listen to their constituents who chose to stand against the establishment.

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