Judge rules in favor of LGBT and against Parents

You people are sad, sick, pathetic individuals whose goal is to destroy American Democracy.
I hope you are just being bombastic and dont actually believe that

The question between us here is about school security

Your policy means children are at the mercy of every crazy person that comes along
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Another brain dead political Judge pushing the Far Left Brain Washing Program on kids. Needs to be appealed all the way to SCOTUS

Parents need to get into the school board and get these fcks out of a job.

The left will go postal if you mention God in school
Bit day a boy with a Wanker is really a girl and you better agree with me OR ELSE

Let me be Very Clear on my thoughts on this.

Awesome. I wish that I had someone to protect me from the religious stupidity my parents inflicted on me.
Yes we should definitely put the state in charge of raising children. What could possibly go wrong………..
When the "state" is run by people you don't agree with you'll still be ok with them making these decisions right? You're only ok with this because it's the decision you would make with your children.

I don't have kids, so I don't care one way or the other.

However, having a generation who won't grow up to be a bunch of homophobic douche-noodles would probably be a good thing. One can only watch the average homophobic poster on this site and realize you people are damaged.
I don't have kids, so I don't care one way or the other.

Thank God for small miracles. Oh and nice job avoiding the question.
However, having a generation who won't grow up to be a bunch of homophobic douche-noodles would probably be a good thing. One can only watch the average homophobic poster on this site and realize you people are damaged.

Not the Government's responsibility. BTW using your way of thinking it would be just as valid for the Government to teach people to BE "homophobic douche noodles" as it would be for them to teach them not to be.

Let me get this straight. Thinking the school shouldn't be teaching children about sex against their parents' wishes makes a person a homophobe? Interesting....
However, having a generation who won't grow up to be a bunch of homophobic douche-noodles would probably be a good thing. One can only watch the average homophobic poster on this site and realize you people are damaged.

All that “homophobic” means is that one recognizes a disgusting, disordered, and immoral sexual perversion for what it clearly is.

It is truly bizarre that creature such as yourself that defend and support this sick degeneracy somehow delusionally believe that this gives you any moral high ground from which to look down on sane, decent people.
Let me get this straight. Thinking the school shouldn't be teaching children about sex against their parents' wishes makes a person a homophobe? Interesting....

The point has been reached where the alphabet perverts truly make that claim; that wanting to protect children from being sexually abused amounts to “homophobia”. This tells us something very disturbing about that whole bunch, albeit not anything that wasn't obvious to many of us for a very long time.

Do not forget that NAMBLA was a big player in the early faggot-rights movement. They only got thrown under the bus when the faggots realized that the public was not going to accept them, if it meant accepting childfuckers too. But the pedophilic aspect of the movement has always been there, and lately, they're not trying to hide it as they once did.

A Maryland district court denied parents’ appeal to reinstate an opt-out policy in Montgomery County Public Schools on Thursday.

The case, Tamer Mahmoud v. Monica B. McKnight, hinged on whether the district’s May decision to rescind its opt-out policy for LGBT curricula violated parents’ right to direct the religious instruction of their children.

The court concluded that, “the plaintiffs’ asserted due process right to direct their children’s upbringing by opting out of a public-school curriculum that conflicts with their religious views is not a fundamental right.”

Parents sought a preliminary injunction that would authorize opt-out options once school begins on August 28, which judge Deborah Boardman (Biden appointee) also denied:

“Because the plaintiffs have not established any of their claims is likely to succeed on the merits, the Court need not address the remaining preliminary injunction factors. Nonetheless, because a constitutional violation is not likely or imminent, it follows that the plaintiffs are not likely to suffer imminent irreparable harm, and the balance of the equities and the public interest favor denying an injunction to avoid undermining the School Board’s legitimate interests in the no-opt-out policy . . . The plaintiffs seek the same relief pending appeal as in their preliminary injunction motion: an injunction that requires the Board to provide advance notice and opt-outs from instruction involving the storybooks and family life and human sexuality. For the reasons stated in this opinion, the Court cannot conclude the plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of an appeal. The plaintiffs’ request for a preliminary injunction pending appeal is denied.”

The American Conservative

The Left: ‘All Your Kids Are Belong To Us’

Jan 20, 2022 · Terry McAuliffe said that parents have no business passing judgment on what their kids are taught at school. This is what so many on the Left believe: that it is

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PJ Media

Biden Doesn't Think Your Children Belong to You – PJ Media

Apr 24, 2023 · As Joe Biden said, the left believes there’s “no such thing as someone else’s child.” From their perspective, children are mere instruments of the state, and he just said …

The Left believes that the children belong to them, and not to their parents.
This is also how cults build their members.
This is how pedophiles groom children.
This is how the Left destroys mainstream society.
Matt gaetz wants your underage girls.

Lauren boobert wants to teach them to be boy toys.

Margorie green wants to show them how to be a man.

The republic party wants girls to marry at 12.

The republic party wants your children to work in meat processing plants at 14 rather than go to school.
Not the Government's responsibility. BTW using your way of thinking it would be just as valid for the Government to teach people to BE "homophobic douche noodles" as it would be for them to teach them not to be.

For a long time, that's exactly what the government did... just like it re-inforced racism for decades. Then people - sensible people - realized that was wrong.

Let me get this straight. Thinking the school shouldn't be teaching children about sex against their parents' wishes makes a person a homophobe? Interesting....

You are conflating two things.

The discussion about sex education is moot. Kids are already getting sex education in the schools and we are all better off for it. One only needs to look at the decline in teen pregnancy rates.


All that “homophobic” means is that one recognizes a disgusting, disordered, and immoral sexual perversion for what it clearly is.

Thanks, Bob. You are kind of proving my point. This is what happens when religious crazies teach people how to hate unreasonably.

Why do you CARE what kind of sex gay people are having? It should have no effect on your life at all.

It is truly bizarre that creature such as yourself that defend and support this sick degeneracy somehow delusionally believe that this gives you any moral high ground from which to look down on sane, decent people.
Sane decent people don't want to murder women for using forms of birth control they don't approve of. Or teachers for disagreeing with them on moral lessons. Bob, you are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

The point has been reached where the alphabet perverts truly make that claim; that wanting to protect children from being sexually abused amounts to “homophobia”. This tells us something very disturbing about that whole bunch, albeit not anything that wasn't obvious to many of us for a very long time.

Do not forget that NAMBLA was a big player in the early faggot-rights movement. They only got thrown under the bus when the faggots realized that the public was not going to accept them, if it meant accepting childfuckers too. But the pedophilic aspect of the movement has always been there, and lately, they're not trying to hide it as they once did.

For those playing along at home, Bob belongs to the Mormon Cult, where the leaders routinely married MULTIPLE girls as young as 14 because that was part of God's plan. Some sects of his cult still engage in this practice. But at least they weren't doing the gay stuff!
Thanks, Bob. You are kind of proving my point. This is what happens when religious crazies teach people how to hate unreasonably.

And you're proving mine, by taking the side of fucked-up sexual perverts against the aside of human beings; and trying to claim that somehow this makes you morally superior to me, when in fact, it proves you solidly and undeniably to be very much otherwise.

Be known by the company that you choose to keep.

Sane decent people don't want to murder women for using forms of birth control they don't approve of.

By “birth control they don't approve of, you mean savagely murdering innocent human beings in cold blood. It's not murder to put down a subhuman piece of shit that murders children.

Here, again, you're openly, unabashedly supporting outright evil, and trying to claim that this gives you any moral high ground.

or those playing along at home, Bob belongs to the Mormon Cult, where the leaders routinely married MULTIPLE girls as young as 14 because that was part of God's plan. Some sects of his cult still engage in this practice. But at least they weren't doing the gay stuff!
Fort those playing at home, JoeB131 is a lying piece of shit, who thinks that he can support his other lies and outright support of evil, perversion, and madness, by topping them off with more lies about my religion, which, even if they were true, would have nothing to do with the evil shit that he supports and defends.
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Fort those playing at home, @JoeB131 is a lying piece of shit, who thinks that he can support his other lies and outright support of evil, perversion, and madness, by topping them off with more lies about my religion, which, even if they were true, would have nothing to do with the evil shit that he supports and defends.

Joseph Smith married teenage girls. Brigham Young married Teenage girls. This is a historical fact that even your cult doesn't really deny. (Although they try to laughably claim these marriages were "spiritual" and not sexual.)

Seems to me that this is a LOT worse than telling a gay kid there's nothing wrong with him because he's gay.

By “birth control they don't approve of, you mean savagely murdering innocent human beings in cold blood. It's not murder to put down a subhuman piece of shit that murders children.

Here, again, you're openly, unabashedly supporting outright evil, and trying to claim that this gives you any moral high ground.

Fetuses aren't people.
Even when abortion was against the law, women weren't prosecuted for murder for having them.
No one is even proposing that now, with silly six-week bans that are unenforceable.

And you're proving mine, by taking the side of fucked-up sexual perverts against the aside of human beings; and trying to claim that somehow this makes you morally superior to me, when in fact, it proves you solidly and undeniably to be very much otherwise.

Be known by the company that you choose to keep.

Frankly, most of the gay people I've known are great people.
Most of the Mormons I've known are backstabbing pieces of shit.

How many?

You are making the claim, you provide the data.

The Trevor Project estimates that at least one LGBTQ youth between the ages of 13–24 attempts suicide every 45 seconds in the U.S.

Because many LGBTQ youth report attempting suicide multiple times in a given year, this estimate likely underrepresents the extent of how often LGBTQ youth attempt suicide in the U.S. Additionally, The Trevor Project’s past-year attempted suicide rates are based on non-probability data that trend slightly slower than rates among national probability datasets
Joseph Smith married teenage girls. Brigham Young married Teenage girls. This is a historical fact that even your cult doesn't really deny. (Although they try to laughably claim these marriages were "spiritual" and not sexual.)

Even if your lies about my religion were true, they are not relevant to any of the discussions that you keep trying to derail with them. All that you ever accomplish with them is to more solidly demonstrate what an evil, hateful, lying piece of shit you truly are. Not that everyone here doesn't already know this, but I suppose an occasional reminder doesn't hurt.

Fetuses aren't people.

OK, Göbels.

Frankly, most of the gay people I've known are great people.
Most of the Mormons I've known are backstabbing pieces of shit.

I do not think that anyone here considers you any kind of legitimate judge of human character. The fact that you think that fucked-up sexual perverts are “great people” pretty much proves otherwise.
Even if your lies about my religion were true, they are not relevant to any of the discussions that you keep trying to derail with them. All that you ever accomplish with them is to more solidly demonstrate what an evil, hateful, lying piece of shit you truly are. Not that everyone here doesn't already know this, but I suppose an occasional reminder doesn't hurt.

They aren't lies, they are documented history.
A church with a history of such child abuse really has no business lecturing the rest of us on child-rearing.
Your obsession with me is a bit weird..

I do not think that anyone here considers you any kind of legitimate judge of human character. The fact that you think that fucked-up sexual perverts are “great people” pretty much proves otherwise.

That you obsess about what kind of sex other people are having is kind of your hangup, Bob.
First, gay people don't do anything that straight people don't.
37% of straight people have tried anal.
Most straight people have done fellatio or cunnilingus.
For a long time, that's exactly what the government did... just like it re-inforced racism for decades. Then people - sensible people - realized that was wrong.
Yeah and there were people just like you who thought it was a great idea. They were wrong. So are you.
You are conflating two things.

The discussion about sex education is moot. Kids are already getting sex education in the schools and we are all better off for it. One only needs to look at the decline in teen pregnancy rates.

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No I'm really not. It being offered is different that it being required especially against the parents' wishes.

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