Judge rules in favor of LGBT and against Parents

No, it's not. The bigots always lose.
Conflating LGBTQ with pedophilia is ridiculous, especially considering most kids who are molested are molested by family members or acquaintences of the family. Yet no one is seriously talking about abolishing families. Because that would be stupid.

Once again you're trying to hide behind moral equivalences. Since LG.....etc...has decided to attack the minds of children in schools with alien ideology based on sexual identity they are easily equal to or one with pedophilic populations. There is no bigotry here only the protection of Children. Children should not be exposed to grooming end of story.

What's this bullshit about Most?
That's a total fallacy. Did You mean to say most reported? This is a well practiced line of thought with you that you constantly use as a lever to create a false sense of bigotry. When society jails murderers is not due to bigotry. When parents collectively decide that sexual identity is not a school subject that is also not bigotry. When Woke deviants who disguise themselves as teachers and school administrators decide to hide their agenda from parents they become pedophiles.
Pedophiles need to stop breathing immediately.
Awesome. I wish that I had someone to protect me from the religious stupidity my parents inflicted on me.
How did they harm you? Did they stop you from transitioning?

Just kidding!

I wish more Democrats were as honest about what they want as you are. If parent cannot be outright banned from teaching their religion to their children, next best thing is to have the public schools try to indoctrinate that religion away. Not like those schools bother to teach reading and math anymore, so they have time on their hands.
Once again you're trying to hide behind moral equivalences. Since LG.....etc...has decided to attack the minds of children in schools with alien ideology based on sexual identity they are easily equal to or one with pedophilic populations. There is no bigotry here only the protection of Children. Children should not be exposed to grooming end of story.
Except no one is grooming anyone.

No one is rushing out to have their dicks chopped off because a drag queen read them a story once.

Statistically, 10% of kids are going to grow up to be LGBTQ. Teaching the other 90% to not be assholes about it is a good thing. Just like teaching kids not be racists is a good thing.

What's this bullshit about Most?
That's a total fallacy. Did You mean to say most reported? This is a well practiced line of thought with you that you constantly use as a lever to create a false sense of bigotry. When society jails murderers is not due to bigotry. When parents collectively decide that sexual identity is not a school subject that is also not bigotry. When Woke deviants who disguise themselves as teachers and school administrators decide to hide their agenda from parents they become pedophiles.
Pedophiles need to stop breathing immediately.

Uh, yeah, it is bigotry if you want to pretend gay people don't exist or teach your kids to hate them.
If we were talking about racists teaching their kids the kind of stuff Hector12 spews and refusing to let their kids learn about slavery or Jim Crow, we wouldn't be having this discussion, we'd be sending in DCFS to get those kids out of that environment.

Getting back to the point.. most pedophila is family members or friends of the family abusing kids... and it's probably UNDERREPORTED, if anything, because most people are reluctant to rat out family members. But no one would call for abolishing families, because that will be silly.
How did they harm you? Did they stop you from transitioning?

Just kidding!

Naw, what happened is that after making my childhood a pretty miserable experience, one of these old dykes in a habit showed up at my Mom's funeral and said "God Had a Good Reason". The bitch was lucky I didn't punch her out.

The hilarious thing was that all the nuns were frustrated lesbians who hated children and all the priests were queer. The best thing about the gay liberation movement is that it stopped the Church from forcing young gay Catholics into the Holy Orders.

I wish more Democrats were as honest about what they want as you are. If parent cannot be outright banned from teaching their religion to their children, next best thing is to have the public schools try to indoctrinate that religion away. Not like those schools bother to teach reading and math anymore, so they have time on their hands.

Actually, teaching them not to believe in a bunch of Bronze Age fairy tales is probably a good thing. Unfortunately, the Schools don't teach kids why Noah's Ark is an impossible story.

I always say that we should have Bible Study in the Public Schools, just not the sanitized Disney version of the Bible.
Not a Catholic however the following paragraph is nothing if not the exposition of extreme bigotry. By and large the orders of devotion you seem to have developed an ingrained hatred for have done far more collective good than damage. I give you bigotry:

The hilarious thing was that all the nuns were frustrated lesbians who hated children and all the priests were queer. The best thing about the gay liberation movement is that it stopped the Church from forcing young gay Catholics into the Holy Orders.
Except no one is grooming anyone.

No one is rushing out to have their dicks chopped off because a drag queen read them a story once.

Statistically, 10% of kids are going to grow up to be LGBTQ. Teaching the other 90% to not be assholes about it is a good thing. Just like teaching kids not be racists is a good thing.

Uh, yeah, it is bigotry if you want to pretend gay people don't exist or teach your kids to hate them.
If we were talking about racists teaching their kids the kind of stuff Hector12 spews and refusing to let their kids learn about slavery or Jim Crow, we wouldn't be having this discussion, we'd be sending in DCFS to get those kids out of that environment.

Getting back to the point.. most pedophila is family members or friends of the family abusing kids... and it's probably UNDERREPORTED, if anything, because most people are reluctant to rat out family members. But no one would call for abolishing families, because that will be silly.
Parental input that says no to sexual identity tampering in public schools is not bigotry or hate. This kind of reverse equivocation/accusation is an intellectually bankrupt habit practiced mostly by over aggressive proselytizatizing ideologies that don't like it when people choose not to agree.

Parents will protect their children. The fact that some parents don't doesn't suddenly give the sex tamperers license to tamper nor does it make protecting and protective parents bigots.
Not a Catholic however the following paragraph is nothing if not the exposition of extreme bigotry. By and large the orders of devotion you seem to have developed an ingrained hatred for have done far more collective good than damage. I give you bigotry:

The hilarious thing was that all the nuns were frustrated lesbians who hated children and all the priests were queer. The best thing about the gay liberation movement is that it stopped the Church from forcing young gay Catholics into the Holy Orders.

Not bigotry at all. You see, this is what you want, to propagandize kiddies with homophobia. The problem with these people was that from the time they were little, the Church screamed at them that they were sinners for merely being attracted to the same sex. They lived unhappy lives hating themselves, and took it out on kids.

Then this wonderful thing happened. We had a gay rights movement and these folks stopped joining the Holy Orders. The schools had to hire people who demanded to be paid, and were happy to be there.

Everybody wins.

Parental input that says no to sexual identity tampering in public schools is not bigotry or hate. This kind of reverse equivocation/accusation is an intellectually bankrupt habit practiced mostly by over aggressive proselytizatizing ideologies that don't like it when people choose not to agree.

Parents will protect their children. The fact that some parents don't doesn't suddenly give the sex tamperers license to tamper nor does it make protecting and protective parents bigots.

Yeah, how many gay teens kill themselves because they have intolerant parents?
Not bigotry at all. You see, this is what you want, to propagandize kiddies with homophobia. The problem with these people was that from the time they were little, the Church screamed at them that they were sinners for merely being attracted to the same sex. They lived unhappy lives hating themselves, and took it out on kids.

Then this wonderful thing happened. We had a gay rights movement and these folks stopped joining the Holy Orders. The schools had to hire people who demanded to be paid, and were happy to be there.

Everybody wins.

Yeah, how many gay teens kill themselves because they have intolerant parents?
Wrong subject ... The issue is parental authority...school systems are subject to it. The idea that a closet case teen is rescued by his teacher/s is no viable bridge to the land of state owned children. Slippery slope Maximus.

Wrong subject ... The issue is parental authority...school systems are subject to it. The idea that a closet case teen is rescued by his teacher/s is no viable bridge to the land of state owned children. Slippery slope Maximus.

Not really. If the kid came in to school talking about how much he hates (n-words), i promise you the state will look into his home life.
If a kid comes into school with a broken arm and two shiners, the school is going to look into that, too.

So teaching kids not to be homophobic bigots.... just don't have a problem with that.
A Maryland district court denied parents’ appeal to reinstate an opt-out policy in Montgomery County Public Schools on Thursday.

The case, Tamer Mahmoud v. Monica B. McKnight, hinged on whether the district’s May decision to rescind its opt-out policy for LGBT curricula violated parents’ right to direct the religious instruction of their children.

The court concluded that, “the plaintiffs’ asserted due process right to direct their children’s upbringing by opting out of a public-school curriculum that conflicts with their religious views is not a fundamental right.”

Parents sought a preliminary injunction that would authorize opt-out options once school begins on August 28, which judge Deborah Boardman (Biden appointee) also denied:

“Because the plaintiffs have not established any of their claims is likely to succeed on the merits, the Court need not address the remaining preliminary injunction factors. Nonetheless, because a constitutional violation is not likely or imminent, it follows that the plaintiffs are not likely to suffer imminent irreparable harm, and the balance of the equities and the public interest favor denying an injunction to avoid undermining the School Board’s legitimate interests in the no-opt-out policy . . . The plaintiffs seek the same relief pending appeal as in their preliminary injunction motion: an injunction that requires the Board to provide advance notice and opt-outs from instruction involving the storybooks and family life and human sexuality. For the reasons stated in this opinion, the Court cannot conclude the plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of an appeal. The plaintiffs’ request for a preliminary injunction pending appeal is denied.”

The American Conservative

The Left: ‘All Your Kids Are Belong To Us’

Jan 20, 2022 · Terry McAuliffe said that parents have no business passing judgment on what their kids are taught at school. This is what so many on the Left believe: that it is

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PJ Media

Biden Doesn't Think Your Children Belong to You – PJ Media

Apr 24, 2023 · As Joe Biden said, the left believes there’s “no such thing as someone else’s child.” From their perspective, children are mere instruments of the state, and he just said …

The Left believes that the children belong to them, and not to their parents.
This is also how cults build their members.
This is how pedophiles groom children.
This is how the Left destroys mainstream society.

It is up the parents, NOT the state to determine what is best for their child. For all MAGA bull hit weaponizing government and not wanting the government making decisions for private citizens, you people sure as shit love doing exactly that.

The Right believes they have the right to decide priate health care.

The Right would rather have children killed in the classroom rather than protect innocent children,

The Right thinks they have the right to tell people who they can and cannot marry.

The Right believes in banning books.

The Right believes in suppressing the vote

The Right believe in allowing Poll Workers to receive death threats.

The Right believes in forcing their version of their god on people regardless of whether not the people want their version of their god.

The Right believes in seperateing children from their parents of gun point.

The Right believes in forcing very young girls who victims of rape and/or incest to a baby to term, but don't give two shits about that same young girl after they have forced her to give birth,

The Right is bat shit crazy/
The Right would rather have children killed in the classroom rather than protect innocent children,
Thats a damn lie

The right wants good guys with guns in the schools

Its libs sho want to leave children undefended
My parents were very involved in overseeing what we learned in school. We were held out of certain activities and events. We were also told if certain topics came up in classes we were to get permission to go to the nurse and call home.
My parents were very involved in overseeing what we learned in school. We were held out of certain activities and events. We were also told if certain topics came up in classes we were to get permission to go to the nurse and call home.

My parents were the same way. I remember being sent home for what the thought was a rash and it turned out to be Measels (way before MMR Vaccine).

When told them about the old style "Duck and Cover" drills. Dad told me I did not have to participate in that, mainly because "That won't save your ass". He gave me a note to take the teacher telling her I was exempt.

She did not like and told the principal. Who called my Mom, who called my Dad. Dad talked to prinicpal and told him that his son was smart enough to know the drill would not work.

I was given a note to take to my Dad, I do not know what it said but I do know Dad tore it up without it up reading it.
My parents were the same way. I remember being sent home for what the thought was a rash and it turned out to be Measels (way before MMR Vaccine).

When told them about the old style "Duck and Cover" drills. Dad told me I did not have to participate in that, mainly because "That won't save your ass". He gave me a note to take the teacher telling her I was exempt.

She did not like and told the principal. Who called my Mom, who called my Dad. Dad talked to prinicpal and told him that his son was smart enough to know the drill would not work.

I was given a note to take to my Dad, I do not know what it said but I do know Dad tore it up without it up reading it.
I had a little different experience. Both my parents were teachers. My father had taught in the school system I attended. After elementary school, about 75% of my teachers had taught with my dad a decade earlier. He’d resigned because of issues he had with the curriculum and discipline. He felt those issues still existed when my brothers and I were there.

My parents had no problem showing up in the Principal’s office or the Guidance office and speaking their minds. I’m fairly certain the Administration had a party the day my youngest brother graduated.
I had a little different experience. Both my parents were teachers. My father had taught in the school system I attended. After elementary school, about 75% of my teachers had taught with my dad a decade earlier. He’d resigned because of issues he had with the curriculum and discipline. He felt those issues still existed when my brothers and I were there.

My parents had no problem showing up in the Principal’s office or the Guidance office and speaking their minds. I’m fairly certain the Administration had a party the day my youngest brother graduated.

My Dad was a Newspaper Report and Mom stayed at home. Typical 1950's couple except the fact Mom was a P.K. (Preachers Kid). A great cook and womnderful Mom. I learned to cook by watching her in kitchen.

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