Judge rules transgender people are protected, keeps hold on troop ban

Our Second Amendment, literally applies, to limit Government dogma, for the Wisdom of our Founding Fathers, Ordained and Established as our supreme law of the land.
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The safety of the troops is everybody's business. Cult of LGBT needs to stop judicially-legislating dangerous exceptions for lunatics entering service. Behaviors the majority objects to have no special rights & privileges. There is no such thing as a "transgender person" anymore than there are "bank robber persons". There are only regular men & women suffering from delusions. And the military handbook says these signs of mental illness cannot serve for safety reasons.

And what branch did you serve in?

Hey you know what, I know of at least two gay soldiers and one trans officer when I was in. They all did their jobs perfectly fine. I wouldn't say I'd have trusted them with my life, but I wouldn't say that of about half hte guys I served with.
Name me one Christian church that burns witches or stones their children for sinning. You can't. You could find some muslims, though. Confused much?

Did you ever read the bible? It's right there in the Bible.

No, nobody does that TODAY. Just like most Muslims don't do some of the crazier shit in the Koran today.

But to go ahead and cite the bible as a rationalization of your homophobia and transphobia, then you have to buy into the rest of it, too.
You're confused. You don't know the difference between the old and new testaments. ALL Christians don't stone people or burn witches. You have no point other than ignorant ranting.
The Inquisition occurred long after the New Testament came to be .. 1252 - 1834.
They were wrong. They weren't following the Bible or Jesus.
Duh, you suggested that things changed after the New Testament.
Oh, but there were witches and there still are witches. That means you're wrong.

Really? So you think there are ladies flying around on brooms at night?


Yes, but, given a suspect - how do you know she's a witch?

sorry, couldn't help myself.

You're an idiot and so is the person that agreed with you.
What you need to know about wizards, witches and warlocks

UPDATE!! This is not over!!

Lambda Legal Challenge to Military Trans Ban on Course to Proceed to Trial

A federal court in Seattle rejected the Trump Administration’s claim that its “new” discriminatory plan to ban transgender people from serving openly in the U.S. Armed Services passes muster. Instead, the court found that the implementation plan the Administration issued in late March was not a new policy but rather threatens the very same constitutional violations and that the lawsuit brought by Lambda Legal and OutServe-SLDN can proceed to trial. Furthermore, the court also found that the effort to ban transgender people from military service must meet the most demanding level of scrutiny because it so clearly targets transgender people. Meanwhile, the preliminary injunction the court previously granted remains in place, preventing the implementation of the ban pending trial.

Just remember, your Mormon Prophets Smith and Young were fucking 14 year old girls because he scammed their parents into thinking they'd get an E-ticket to the Celestial Heaven
Polygamy is supposed to be about, enabling every woman, to marry a nice guy.
This threat is supposed to be about Trans people in the military
You're very confused, borderline mentally unstable. Probably demonic. God isn't responsible for people that burned witches or innocent people they thought were witches. Your [sic] just looking for excuses to condone your own sin and darkness instead of submitting your life to Jesus.

Just so you know, you're arguing with someone who thinks that it is OK for a middle-aged man to drug, rape, and sodomize a 13-year-old girl.
What I know is that your a lying, slanderous moron who is obsessed with children and sex and is probably a danger to yourself and others
Talk about changes in 25 Years.
Back in the day you could not be gay and in the military
Then It was "Don't ask, Don't Tell"
Then it was no problem to be gay and in the Military,
Now if you want to change your sex while in the Miliatary you are a protected class!
Who was it that said "Change is Good"? Whoever it was, lied.
Talk about changes in 25 Years.
Back in the day you could not be gay and in the military
Then It was "Don't ask, Don't Tell"
Then it was no problem to be gay and in the Military,
Now if you want to change your sex while in the Miliatary you are a protected class!
Who was it that said "Change is Good"? Whoever it was, lied.
What is the problem? Exactly?
Yep, we're all bigots in one way or another. You choose not to attend my church. You obviously are bigoted. You choose to eat at McDonald's instead of Burger King, you bigot. Why are you denying Burger King your business?
Thats not bigotry you idiot

It is discrimination however!

As we have always known, you have a piss pore command of English. Words have different meaning in different context.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's the left that is continually trying to change the definition of well defined words we have used for centuries. Marriage has always been defined as a male and female until now. Gender has always been defined as male and female until now. It's not conservatives that fail to understand the English language.
The evolution of language and concepts is not the same thing a deliberately, dishonestly, and stupidly misusing words. It takes a special kind of stupid to equate being discriminating about what one eats to discriminating as in bigotry.

Like "homophobic" and "xenophobic" have changed?
What I know is that your a lying, slanderous moron who is obsessed with children and sex and is probably a danger to yourself and others

A spectacular example of projection. Anyone can search both your posts and mine, and see which of us it is that has repeatedly, openly, staunchly defended and even advocated the sexual abuse of children.

Hint: It isn't me.

I suppose I could report your post to the mods, but unlike someone who I will not name, I am not some worthless, pathetic, pussified crybaby who has to go running crying to Mommy every time someone says something intended to hurt my feelings.
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What I know is that your a lying, slanderous moron who is obsessed with children and sex and is probably a danger to yourself and others

A spectacular example of projection. Anyone can search both your posts and mine, and see which of us it is that has repeatedly, staunchly defended and even advocated the sexual abuse of children.

Hint: It isn't me.

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