Judge rules transgender people are protected, keeps hold on troop ban

Name me one Christian church that burns witches or stones their children for sinning. You can't. You could find some muslims, though. Confused much?

Did you ever read the bible? It's right there in the Bible.

No, nobody does that TODAY. Just like most Muslims don't do some of the crazier shit in the Koran today.

But to go ahead and cite the bible as a rationalization of your homophobia and transphobia, then you have to buy into the rest of it, too.
Just thought I'd point out that there are no such thing as "transgender people". There are only regular males & females living in a delusional state. See military handbook on fitness to serve for details.

The military used to ban blacks from serving in non-segregated units, all the way up until 1947.

They used to restrict what roles women could serve in until the 1970's, and only opened some MOS' to them recently.

They used to tell gays that they couldn't serve, although a lot of them did, anyway.

Here's the thing about the military. Everyone wears the same ugly uniforms to work.
Name me one Christian church that burns witches or stones their children for sinning. You can't. You could find some muslims, though. Confused much?

Did you ever read the bible? It's right there in the Bible.

No, nobody does that TODAY. Just like most Muslims don't do some of the crazier shit in the Koran today.

But to go ahead and cite the bible as a rationalization of your homophobia and transphobia, then you have to buy into the rest of it, too.
You're confused. You don't know the difference between the old and new testaments. ALL Christians don't stone people or burn witches. You have no point other than ignorant ranting.
That's exceptionally ignorant, even for you. …

Among humans, it turns out to be rather harmful, to those involved, and to society as a whole, for a man to sire children, and then not stick around to help protect and provide for those children and their mother.

But that's only because of the patriarchal constructs we've come up with that put single mothers at a disadvantage, you know, like paying women only 70% of what a man makes for the same job.

I cannot wrap my head around the level of ignorance and delusion that it takes to believe that what you just wrote is correct. It should be obvious that a woman and her child are much better off, if the father of that child sticks around and helps to protect and provide for them. Single mothers are always going to be at a disadvantage, simply because, if nothing else, they are trying to bear a burden that is meant to be borne by a husband and wife together.

But we weren't talking about marriage, buddy. We were talking about how men who think they are women is "unnatural" because it makes you uncomfortable.

Nothing at all to do with whether it makes me or anyone else uncomfortable. A man is not a woman. A man will never be a woman. A man who thinks that he is a woman is one who believes an obvious, provable falsehood. This is prima facie proof that he is insane and delusional. Sane people ought to be uncomfortable with this, especially with putting such a person in a position which requires him to be of sound mind.
Just thought I'd point out that there are no such thing as "transgender people". There are only regular males & females living in a delusional state. See military handbook on fitness to serve for details.

The military used to ban blacks from serving in non-segregated units, all the way up until 1947.

They used to restrict what roles women could serve in until the 1970's, and only opened some MOS' to them recently.

They used to tell gays that they couldn't serve, although a lot of them did, anyway.

Here's the thing about the military. Everyone wears the same ugly uniforms to work.
Blacks & women are born that way. LGBT are regular men & women of all born races who DO weird shit with their bodies.

Learn the clear distinction between being and doing. The courts will visit this distinction soon.
You're confused. You don't know the difference between the old and new testaments. ALL Christians don't stone people or burn witches. You have no point other than ignorant ranting.

That would be a good argument if burning witches stopped after Jesus came along and specifically said, "Don't do that!"

Except, of course, he never did, and you Christians were still burning witches up until the 17th century.

I cannot wrap my head around the level of ignorance and delusion that it takes to believe that what you just wrote is correct. It should be obvious that a woman and her child are much better off, if the father of that child sticks around and helps to protect and provide for them. Single mothers are always going to be at a disadvantage, simply because, if nothing else, they are trying to bear a burden that is meant to be borne by a husband and wife together.

Except two same sex partners could provide the same thing. Next.

Nothing at all to do with whether it makes me or anyone else uncomfortable. A man is not a woman. A man will never be a woman. A man who thinks that he is a woman is one who believes an obvious, provable falsehood. This is prima facie proof that he is insane and delusional. Sane people ought to be uncomfortable with this, especially with putting such a person in a position which requires him to be of sound mind.

So let me get this straight. You believe there is a magic fairy in the sky who is going to make you a God on your own planet after you die (you are a Mormon, right?) and you think a guy who wears dresses is "delusional"? Or are only your delusions the good ones?

Psychologists have determined, that, yes, there are men who believe they are women, and women who believe they are men, despite their biology. But if they can do the job, no problem.
Blacks & women are born that way. LGBT are regular men & women of all born races who DO weird shit with their bodies.

Learn the clear distinction between being and doing. The courts will visit this distinction soon.

Guy, you've been saying that for a long time now. Ain't gonna happen.

Here's the thing, the people who REALLY RUN this country, the big corporations, have decided that homophobia and transphobia are just dumb religious hangups that have no economic value.
Has nothing to do with bigotry really, it's about the cost of their continued medication. The military doesn't want [the tax payers] to get stuck with the bill. They reject everyone who's on long-term medication.
Has nothing to do with bigotry really, it's about the cost of their continued medication. The military doesn't want [the tax payers] to get stuck with the bill. They reject everyone who's on long-term medication.

Um, no, they really don't. That might be an issue in the initial screening, but once they have you, they make a real effort to keep you.
You're confused. You don't know the difference between the old and new testaments. ALL Christians don't stone people or burn witches. You have no point other than ignorant ranting.

That would be a good argument if burning witches stopped after Jesus came along and specifically said, "Don't do that!"

Except, of course, he never did, and you Christians were still burning witches up until the 17th century.

I cannot wrap my head around the level of ignorance and delusion that it takes to believe that what you just wrote is correct. It should be obvious that a woman and her child are much better off, if the father of that child sticks around and helps to protect and provide for them. Single mothers are always going to be at a disadvantage, simply because, if nothing else, they are trying to bear a burden that is meant to be borne by a husband and wife together.

Except two same sex partners could provide the same thing. Next.

Nothing at all to do with whether it makes me or anyone else uncomfortable. A man is not a woman. A man will never be a woman. A man who thinks that he is a woman is one who believes an obvious, provable falsehood. This is prima facie proof that he is insane and delusional. Sane people ought to be uncomfortable with this, especially with putting such a person in a position which requires him to be of sound mind.

So let me get this straight. You believe there is a magic fairy in the sky who is going to make you a God on your own planet after you die (you are a Mormon, right?) and you think a guy who wears dresses is "delusional"? Or are only your delusions the good ones?

Psychologists have determined, that, yes, there are men who believe they are women, and women who believe they are men, despite their biology. But if they can do the job, no problem.
You're still confused, pal. Christians or God aren't responsible for what some misled idiot does. That's just your excuse to keep on living in ignorance. No skin off my nose.
Blacks & women are born that way. LGBT are regular men & women of all born races who DO weird shit with their bodies.

Learn the clear distinction between being and doing. The courts will visit this distinction soon.

Guy, you've been saying that for a long time now. Ain't gonna happen.

Here's the thing, the people who REALLY RUN this country, the big corporations, have decided that homophobia and transphobia are just dumb religious hangups that have no economic value.
The pitiful mentally deranged sexually confused creatures in this world need treatment and compassion, not encouragement that their lifestyles are something to be condoned and encourage.
Good news.

Judge rules transgender people are protected, keeps hold on troop ban

A federal judge in Washington ordered Friday that a halt to President Trump's transgender troop ban remain in place, saying that the government must prove its order "was sincerely motivated by compelling interests, rather than by prejudice or stereotype."

Why it matters: In addition to keeping its injunction in place, the judge overseeing the case said that transgender people represent a "protected class" and, as such, that President Trump's ban will have to meet the legal standard known as "strict scrutiny."
we have no "protected class" and it's a dangerous path when we start doing that. so unless the transgender is almost extinct, this "protected class" is bullshit.
I cannot wrap my head around the level of ignorance and delusion that it takes to believe that what you just wrote is correct. It should be obvious that a woman and her child are much better off, if the father of that child sticks around and helps to protect and provide for them. Single mothers are always going to be at a disadvantage, simply because, if nothing else, they are trying to bear a burden that is meant to be borne by a husband and wife together.

Except two same sex partners could provide the same thing. Next.

A child needs, and is entitled to, both a father and a mother. A same-sex couple cannot provide that.

Nothing at all to do with whether it makes me or anyone else uncomfortable. A man is not a woman. A man will never be a woman. A man who thinks that he is a woman is one who believes an obvious, provable falsehood. This is prima facie proof that he is insane and delusional. Sane people ought to be uncomfortable with this, especially with putting such a person in a position which requires him to be of sound mind.

So let me get this straight. You believe there is a magic fairy in the sky who is going to make you a God on your own planet after you die (you are a Mormon, right?) and you think a guy who wears dresses is "delusional"? Or are only your delusions the good ones?

Your extreme ignorance about my religious beliefs, your bigotry toward those with religious beliefs, and your foolish, self-destructive contempt for your creator, are irrelevant to this discussion. Soon enough, you'll be standing before God, to be judged, and you'll have the opportunity to explain to Him why those who believe in Him are “delusional”. I do not think that He will be impressed.

Psychologists have determined, that, yes, there are men who believe they are women, and women who believe they are men, despite their biology. But if they can do the job, no problem.

Yes, and there are men and women who believe themselves to be all manner of other things that they are very obviously, provably not. This middle-aged man thinks he's a 6-year-old girl…


Sane people recognize this for what it is—mental illness.
They really don't. The exact same behavior will be legal, or illegal, based on the expression of bias. That is what's being targeted. I don't think this would be hard for you to admit, if you weren't trying to defend the constitutionality of the laws, if you were simply describing their purpose.
Wrong. You might want to look at post 250. A business must justify the refusal of service regardless of whether or not they expressed bias.

LOL... I think it depends on the specific implementation of the law. But they can always offer a bogus reason. We don't yet have mind reading down.

In any case, you're still desperately running away from the point - the entire purpose of these laws is to suppress bigotry. They target certain unpopular biases for eradication from society. In most cases, I'm in agreement with eradicating the bigotry. I just think government is the wrong tool for the job, and granting it the power to dictate our personal values and decisions is even more dangerous than the bigotry in question.
Straw Man logical fallacy. I never argued that the purpose of the law was not to eradicate bigotry, yet you assign that viewpoint to me. Additionally, I'm not so sure that you really do want to eradicate bigotry. If not left to government, then who ? The bigots? Your either being dishonest, or, at best your judgment is clouded by your fear of government.
Not the imposition of force of unequal laws.
The head shrink at Johns Hopkins believes it's mental illness. Seems to be a difference of opinion among professionals. Sure are a lot of bigots in this world, huh.
I know Sparky...This guy:

Clinging to a dangerous past: Dr Paul McHugh’s selective reading of transgender medical literature – The TransAdvocate


In a June 12th opinion article in the Wall Street Journal, well-known anti-transgender psychiatrist Dr. Paul McHugh attempts to make a case against supporting hormonal and surgical transition for transgender individuals. McHugh, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University, has been actively working against the medical treatment of trans people since the 1970’s.

As the university’s chief psychiatrist, he was instrumental in closing the Johns Hopkins Gender Program in 1979, one of the first programs of its kind, citing the 1977 study by his Hopkins colleague Dr. Jon Meyer, which claimed that surgical intervention did not improve the psychological functioning of the individuals treated. McHugh himself admits to directing Meyer to conduct to further his anti-trans agenda in a 2004 article titled “Surgical Sex”. In the same article, McHugh also continues to preach the largely discredited “autogynephilia” theory of Ray Blanchard and J. Michael Bailey. McHugh is also known for filing an amicus curiae brief in Hollingsworth v. Perry, asserting that homosexuality is a choice, as well as for his participation of the campaign against Kansas abortion provider Dr. George Tiller– who was murdered in 2009 by an anti-abortion activist.

A psychiatrist who believes that homosexuality is a choice has ZERO credibility
Oh yeah. He's just the head of Johns Hopkins Medical Center, one of the premier medical centers in the world. Your arrogance and closed mind are astounding.

You might want to read my post # 327 that I was doing while you went off half cocked with this. Johns Hopkins was a pioneer in Trans treatment until this guy arrived and now that he is gone are resuming the program. What say you now?
Hopefully, they'll find another shrink in the near future that won't bow to political correctness.
Hopefully, the cruel and despicable bigots who would deny care to these people will soon go the way of the dinosaur
It’s you and your ilk that denies them appropriate care and then pushes experiments on them with carcinogenic hormones. Sick.
I cannot wrap my head around the level of ignorance and delusion that it takes to believe that what you just wrote is correct. It should be obvious that a woman and her child are much better off, if the father of that child sticks around and helps to protect and provide for them. Single mothers are always going to be at a disadvantage, simply because, if nothing else, they are trying to bear a burden that is meant to be borne by a husband and wife together.

Except two same sex partners could provide the same thing. Next.

A child needs, and is entitled to, both a father and a mother. A same-sex couple cannot provide that.

Nothing at all to do with whether it makes me or anyone else uncomfortable. A man is not a woman. A man will never be a woman. A man who thinks that he is a woman is one who believes an obvious, provable falsehood. This is prima facie proof that he is insane and delusional. Sane people ought to be uncomfortable with this, especially with putting such a person in a position which requires him to be of sound mind.

So let me get this straight. You believe there is a magic fairy in the sky who is going to make you a God on your own planet after you die (you are a Mormon, right?) and you think a guy who wears dresses is "delusional"? Or are only your delusions the good ones?

Your extreme ignorance about my religious beliefs, your bigotry toward those with religious beliefs, and your foolish, self-destructive contempt for your creator, are irrelevant to this discussion. Soon enough, you'll be standing before God, to be judged, and you'll have the opportunity to explain to Him why those who believe in Him are “delusional”. I do not think that He will be impressed.

Psychologists have determined, that, yes, there are men who believe they are women, and women who believe they are men, despite their biology. But if they can do the job, no problem.

Yes, and there are men and women who believe themselves to be all manner of other things that they are very obviously, provably not. This middle-aged man thinks he's a 6-year-old girl…

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Sane people recognize this for what it is—mental illness.
Kids should be taken from single parents?
It’s you and your ilk that denies them appropriate care and then pushes experiments on them with carcinogenic hormones. Sick.

Again, a male presenting to the US military "as female" is the same exact mental health symptom as presenting to the US military "as a mallard duck". There is no difference when it comes to processing reality. The potential recruit fails the intake exam and will not enter service. We aren't talking about applying for a job at Starbucks. We're talking about units of men and women whose lives depend on each other to such an extent that the recruiters literally are the safety check valve to see that they don't die via letting a nutcase in the ranks.

Words from the judge who ruled. I found this here: Federal judge keeps hold on Trump transgender troop ban

The judge, an appointee of former President Clinton, wrote that the government would have to show the ban was “sincerely motivated by compelling interests, rather than by prejudice or stereotype.”

Compelling interests? Like the ones I just wrote about at the top of this post. Where is the US military getting their lawyers? The fundamental argument is one of delusional behavior. Has PC gotten this deep? Even lawyers are afraid of saying the stark and evident truth in argument? Jesus H. Christ.

So this whole life-threatening case of miscarried justice boils down to lawyers who are afraid of saying that transgenderism is an outward sign of mental illness? When did the gaystapo at the APA become this powerful? Oh, that would be when "CQR" became the ruling force of "science" at the APA (who writes and controls the DSM). CQR is a method of "research" where conclusions are reached based on feelings and close auditing of studies by top brass, in preference to numbers and facts. Don't believe me? Read here: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..

I would reverse the judge's words above and say that she is under an obligation to prove that people living in clear and evident delusion, should be allowed to put lives in danger.
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